Milo Claims to have Invented the Fashtag and the OK Hand Sign

Is he right?

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Milo and Sargon are fucking cancers, every meme they touch they slaughter mercilessly

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stop trying to be relevant again,milo.

Literally who?

I invented HOL UP

this certainly qualifies as gay ops

Shouldn’t he be concentrating to raise his nigger son.

Btw what happened to the fashtag thing? Is it dead?

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I sometimes wonder what Milo is going to do for money for the rest of his life, now that he is irrelevant. How is he going to support himself and meet his basic needs?

this desu

>Instance theory

is the idea that the controllers have broken us into INSTANCES or servers like WOW.
They are separating us into digital compartments

This goes into dimensions, tech control, Twitter servers, digital concentration camps , internet Gulags and MORE!!!

This is pretty Almond activating

Check it...

I'm not him lmao, don't particularily like him either

No matter your opinion on Milo, he does a great job at pissing off liberals. He got them to burn down UC Irvine.

Imagine being so ashamed of your greek heritage, that you feel the constant need to dye your hair blonde.

Just imagine.

I thought he was a brit

Who the fuck keeps up with this shit? Unironically kill yourself faggot. Fucking loser.

Because dank memery is inherently above a single person, and they try to play that center of the room faggotry. It’s the same pretentiousness you guys pull when you claim to start a “meme”

shills being mad as always

>>>/plebbbit/ is that way

Milo rides black cock like a horse, looking good faggot redpill me on PEMF tech for anti aging milo? Can I buy it at dollar tree?

I was the first person ever to say orange man bad

its whatever I made it up sipping while sipping makers on my deck swing, like get a life.

It was probably posted by Daily Dot themselves. They basically had a full report about the threads within 24 hours

I don't know why people hate Milo, he is just a faggot.

just another alt right psyop to make the far right look like a bunch of fags. Fuck this country and their shit mockingbird media. Its time to shut it all down.


lmfao, what do you do when you're completely desperate and BTFO'd

milo is israeli agent

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Don't care, it felt forced as fuck. The sudden, organized push for it was inorganic as hell.

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unless he has a screenshot from the first fashtag thread on here then no

All memes are forced at one point, so was the OK hand sign, and the whole rainbow flag acquisition movement

I heard a theory that any man, ESPECIALLY non-white and black men, that dye their hair blonde are showing signs of being part of a cult or government brainwashing.

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I like the one where it rotates and morphs into the nazi flag, props to the creator tho