If you faggots care about the white race so much, why not go to church...

if you faggots care about the white race so much, why not go to church? there are so many single white conservative women just waiting around with no boyfriends, and then you hyperfocus on the thots and apply it to all women.

if christianity is used correctly, it can be a baby making machine.

half the reason the white race is falling is because white men wont step up where it counts, and obsess over things where it doesnt matter.

prove me wrong.

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>no sex before marriage
Imagine being this much of a cuck.

>there are so many single white conservative women just waiting around with no boyfriends
Because they are all 30, broke the wall and want a provider man after years of partying on the road cause they ain't got no fucking goals?

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>go to race mixing central where there are only beaners and niggers, and the only Europeans are single mothers over the age of 40
I won't tolerate a religion advocating the ethnic cleansing of the European people through demographic replacement and miscegenation.

Imagine being this much of an animal

I want to but I don't want kids.

OP is right. Thor wont mind.

>having sex is animalistic
Get laid, incel.

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>curch girls
All the church girls I know are the biggest sluts. After years of being on their father's leash, when they're let go they go wild

Because I don't want to be stuck with an insane religious woman.

Taking a shit is just as animalistic as having sex. Are you holding your shits in before you marry? I hope you are.

I'm pretty sure Thor wants us to rape all of them before kikes and their pet niggers do

There is an enormous danger here for bluepilled men. Old, used up, trashy, and/or thotty women who are using church to find a bets provider that they can milk for money. If you are considering this you need to understand the WQ thoroughly.

>After years of being on their father's leash,
They are not suppose to be let of their fathers leach until they are married

everyone in this photo has fat knees

Church girls are the biggest sluts that I know. There's a reason that they're there praying for forgiveness user.

He truth of the matter is almost the entirety of pol wants a traditional wife, but is completely unwilling to be a traditional husband. There is no reason why Christian women would want them.

>t. American
Us Western Europeans don't have that option. Church is for niggers and boomers here.

I'd instantly wife any one of those qts.

Tfw my pastor integrates a wyt congragation to a new nigger side of town startup...and has three wyt girl childrens.

>Church girls are the biggest sluts that I know.
Girls that are serious about their faith don't hang around degenerate atheists

Why are they wearing men's clothes? Not very trad. Also, top right looks like Ted Cruz.

le cringe.

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this is so hilarious watching you white faggots scramble around to try and save your race LOL

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>why not go to church?

holy shit, imagine being a christ fag in 2019. absolutely degenerate.

Christianity is Judaism+

wtf am I looking at here?

Christianity has nothing to do with Judaism

Common white and conservative women are women who can become based, if you are the guy based, then try pretending to be of religion and conquer those white women and then redpilled.


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I really am a catholic though

Get married, whore.

Enjoy your divorce subhuman.
Woman who have more sexual partners value less their partner and are less likely to have long run relation.

Jesus hung around degenerates all day. Not very Christian of you.

why is 1st row so much better looking than 2nd?

your metric is all fucked and shit

>have to become a Christcuck

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> Going to church
> Going to marry gf
> Wants many kids
> Both pure White

Join us

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White guys (Protestants) don't go to church anymore, which is why you need to convert to Catholicism (True white race) to continue the white race.

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>doesn't understand metric

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Imagine still falling for 1960s sexual revolution promises.


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because i care about the white race not some jew on a stick

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Because I'm not a bluepilled fag. I understand that churches have the same social hierarchy that any gathering place has. Chad is still fucking 80 percent of the single girls and half the married women. Theres very few single girls. And there's no virgins. Just a bunch of people larping that they're good people while still getting dicked down by chad.

mgtow, dont orbit nigger lovers

To preach good news
He did no hang around them to be worldly

> Just shit your self whenever.
Are you not holding your shits before making it to your toilet?

>mfw I know at least three women who stayed virgin and single and are now past or very near the end of their child birthing age because they couldn't find a strong Christian man

If that is considered to be the goods, then no sale. Half of them look like they would be more comfortable starring in a the hills have eyes remake.

religion is dead. this is good because now we have two days off on the weekend rather than wasting sunday. the goldberg economy already enslaves us enough as it is, i'm not wasting time at retard church.

They don't? Well explain to me how it only took me 3 days to bang out a QT who goes to a Baptist college that didn't even allow girls and boys to be around each other unmonitored? She studied theology, had to wear long skirts, give updates on her weekend (sinful) activities, etc. Imagine their shock when she confessed (she didn't) that I banged her out in the parking lot.

>there are so many single white conservative women just waiting around with no boyfriends
Not here. Average age in church is about 65

>Chad is still fucking 80 percent of the single girls
Stop posting your cuck fantasies here

Stop shitting before marriage, you degenerate.

it's true. they go to worship local chads, not listen to the sermons or anything.

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Not a cuck, just not a coper like you.

>They don't? Well explain to me how
She was not serious abut her faith

>committing idolatry and burning in hellfire for eternity
no thanks

>muh conservative traditionalist women
>wearing pants/leggings
>hair uncovered
>unrefined posing, bent over at waist
>gross hair, no makeup

Find a better church

>le "conservative church-going woman" meme

Okay Rabbi.

yah i wasn't trolling. I grew up in church. It's just like any other social gathering you invest time in. The difference is people try to keep it a little more hidden.

Because Protestant Christianity is a heathens religion that promotes globalism and self decay

This is true as well. And yet, forgiveness may be possible. It will take hard work and hard choices.

>. I grew up in church.
Do you still go?

also, why can't women slav squat correctly? this would offend god.

hell no

I've seen that before. Literally every christcuck posts it.

Christianity literally came out of Judaism. That ain't gonna change no matter how bad you want it, kid.

same. got dragged to free methodist. typical soulless degeneracy. most donations went to the pastor's new cadillac. church is dying because the architecture is awful and t deserves it.

Stop being a faggot user and do your duty.

1. you must be 18 to post on 4channel
2. these types of girls are married with kids by 16, so

>Literally ever
You people even talk like feminists
>Christianity literally came out of Judaism.
The Talmud came after Christ
So you see just going to church does not make you a Christian
You need to find the girls that are actually serious about their faith

Hear, hear

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Why is it only nonbelievers who cant find a good women?

lol, damn I agree with you and even I can see how badly you got owned when you have to keep repeating the same thing nonsensically instead of actually replying to him

this board deserves a better class of shill

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>2. these types of girls are married with kids by 16, so
No they don't
Churches have a surplus of single women

>there are so many single white conservative women just waiting around with no boyfriends
The duration of time for which they're single at any given time is measured in femtoseconds and no one has ever observed it outside of a laboratory.

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I go to church. All the young women there listen to the sermon on Sunday morning and Sunday night are getting fucked in the ass by a guy they just met off tinder. Church girls are the same as all women, even worse because they supposedly believe in morality.

>What is the sexual market
You know, countries like Mali are in a civil war just because the warlords have a disproportionate amount of wives.

Are you that much of a nigger?

Your fucking 9 is way off base. Are you cross eyed?

>I go to church.
I am sure you do

>You need to find the girls that are actually serious about their faith

All of them are strong in their faith till Chad comes up and says "Hey babe, would you like some fuk?" Then it's over.

I find most people in church don't believe in God anyways. It's all a prick waving affair to try and pretend to be morally better then other people in the community. Religion is built on exclusion anyways.

But most of the men that are religious fanatics are always very insecure and copers. They think keeping their women in church will keep them scared from having an affair with Chad or leaving them. It doesn't work in the long term.

It's just about as believable as a Christian hanging out on one of the most degenerate forums on the internet talking about finding a girl. Your coping about being alone.

You can die from holding shits, you won't die from holding sex. The comparison is moronic. But I am not surprised coming from someone with said beliefs.

some of this might be true, and all churches arent created equal, but there is absolutely no denying that, if you are looking for conservative women who holds the values you guys like so much, your best bet by far is in a church. full stop. nothing else compares. even church girls are more likely to be racist if thats your thing.



>She studied theology
Putting yourself into debt to the usury practicing jews when you can just study the bible is retarded. This woman is guaranteed below the median IQ.

they dont race mix so trad girls for me have to be asian....

>those 8s and a 9
Are you fucking serious

I've been to six churches in the past year, looking for wife material. There isn't a single unmarried woman between the ages of 18 and 30 in any of them. Everyone there is elderly, married, or a literal child.

second row top right the one that looks like velma KINKIES

I need a good one. Please. My heart aches.

So what you are saying is that women belong in the kitchen or the bedroom, should be barefoot and pregnant, that we should lower the age of consent, and engage in a little domestic discipline when required?

That we should vote for far right christian fringe groups that have no chance of winning, so that the mainstream parties (conservative / republicans) politicians will start to represent the above values and people like you? (moving the needle)

stop bitching and do something about it

>I'm pretty sure Thor wants us to rape all of them before kikes and their pet niggers do
Thor doesn't rape, asshole.
He doesn't have to.

Holding sex turns you into an awkward incel that will be shit at sex. That is worse than death.

really give her the 9 you dumb af i wouldve given that to second on top row

Every single one of those hoes in your image has fucked 5 guys minimum

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at the end of the day there are very few good women left. Theres about the same percentage in church as there are at the grocery store. church has nothing to do with it. But if keeps you from an heroing for a few more years, then feel free to believe it.

I just think trying to convince a bunch of incels on Jow Forums that tons of girls are waiting on them at church is disingenuous.

Oh, sorry sweetie. Did I hurt your fee fees by telling the truth? Poor baby

its okay user youll find a girl that loves you