Englishman bad

Englishman bad

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He's not wrong

never trust the Perfidious Albion

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What's John-E-Cleeze up to now?

He said London is not English anymore and triggered everyone.

colonizing girls in the Caribbean and being a inappropriate old man

john cheese ihihihihihi

Did he actually say sterilise the coons? That’s a bit harsh tbfmg

I love him, he's become the English Carlin, triggering people left and right constantly with his old fart who yells at clouds act.

literally an "the emperor has no clothes" moment of this magnitude rarely seen in human history.

An A+-British celebrity simply states "there aren't that many English people in London anymore, are there?" and everyone loses their shit, like it's new information and not the most obvious thing on the British Isles.

It was the lefties being outraged but also agreeing with him that got me.

He should have posted
>London isn't English anymore and that's a good thing

There would have been no issue and nobody would have cared.

Good on him. He deserves to do that after what women did to him.

Considering how obviously you're the type always determined to lick the cream off the shit I'm not surprised.

haha he walks funny that's the joke
English humour so based

I'm confused, did he actually say anything incorrect? Do they actually have anything to refute him or are the just name-calling?

Just 'journalists' filling their quotas.

>At the 2011 census, London had a population of 8,173,941. Of this number, 44.9% were White British. 37% of the population were born outside the UK, including 24.5% born outside of Europe

8 years ago it was minority white british, now its probably under 30%

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>he hasn't seen Fawlty Towers


His reply was funny as fuck. He lives in Nevis which is mostly a black population yet he said they are polite, intelligent and don't push PC BS. Based Cleese.

Gotta love American humor. He's fat and can't stop eating. So based.

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>what women did to him.
what did they do?

London is basically a safe space for Jews. Also it serves as an English dating agency where the fittest English females meet the richest English men.

nice english spelling friend

He's not wrong but then again he's a silver spooned boomer so fuck him.

it's only ever a racist conspiracy theory if you have a problem with it.

It's the ultimate gas-lighting happening in Western politics today.

The greens in my country Germany are openly saying in interviews and speeches that they look forward to Germans being a minority in Germany but if someone says that this is happening and we/I don't like it, it suddenly becomes a far-right myth and fear-mongering.

You got outplayed, son. Lmao keep crying about it here. That will surely fix your problems. How about having sex and making more Germans, incel?

>implying the exact same thing isn't happening in your country right now

I don't even need to know where you are from.

Everyone is sperging out because there's an insistence blacks, browns, etc. are 'as English as the rest of us' whose ancestors have been in the land for centuries, if not thousands of years. Although trying tell some of the browns out there they are English and they'll deny it strongly in spite of being westernised and cling onto their Indian or Pakistani or whatever background and regard institutions with contempt to the point I've known brown guys that once joined the cadets get bullied as a 'fed' by other browns.

Yikes. Nice assumptions, you pozzed loser.
My country implements harsher immigration laws every year. And harder punishments for non-citizens too.

I respect what he says, but he just doesn't realise that any tiny hint of nationalism these days is eaten up by the alt-right and he'll shortly be turned into an alt-right idol. He's not wrong, he just doesn't realise the kind of people that are going to support him

The same man who said "Why don’t you Irish spell your names properly?”



Yeah sure buddy :^)

That's what the right wing politicians keep telling you as they bring in more immigrant workers.


Yesterday my friend posted on Facebook about how he didn't like interracial cuckold open and immediately an alt right Nazi told him that it's okay to feel that way and he doesn't have to watch it... like, you just can't side with these kind of sick people.

More like Caribbeanman amirite?

Hence why Stormfront and shit debate about optics all the time, cause they know how shitty their image is and how nothing ever catches on when people are instantly repelled.

That's not the right. That's pure capitalism and the elite globalist agenda. Basically the rich have always taken advantage of the poor and using minorities for cheap labor to make them richer and more powerful. They don't give a shit about anything but their own luxury lifestyles no matter what the cost to a country.

He's not wrong. But it is not just about demographics - London's lifestyle and political views are at ods with just about every other city in England. Culturally, even the white British people there are very different.
London has become part city-state, part "English" theme-park

excellent post, Comrade Cutyacockoff. .003 dollars have been transferred to your account

Break his heart, break his balls, break his wallet
He's still a jolly old sod

He stated the truth and got lynched for it. Even the mayor if London said that London is a global city in response to it. Go to Tower Hamlets and it feels as far from England as you can get

What is this post even

>London is basically a safe space for Jews
not with all the muzzies in it

But it's right politicians who frame it that way.

Yes, politics currently pretty much leads to the exact same place. The right says they want to be strong on illegal migration while increasing migrant workers. The left wants to bring in migrants for some abstract spiritual concept of diversity enrichment.

The reality is that people with power are wealthy and want to increase that wealth regardless of societal cost or alternative values of the public... if only there was some third position that addresses these issues...

Reminder that John Cleese used to be considered a radical leftist.

Uh.... delete this, Nazi.

tranny antifa shilling program to chase off the nazi's from Jow Forums

>England sucks
>That's why I live in the Caribbean


Cleese hated that sketch

>He told the truth and now is forced to live away from it all


Why isn't he mentioning that Australia isn't aboriginal anymore and America isn't native American anymore?

What about the natives that were displaced in Canada and south Africa?

Why doesn't this bother him?

A foreskin has been deposited in your account

Why bother saying something that's been said a billion times?

You do understand here in Australia all government presentations and meetings have to start by "acknowledging The traditional owners of the land"?

Imagine if someone in London said that the pakis and chinks had to recite a mantra about how only English are the true owners of British soil and that they respect that at all public events. Imagine what kind of response that proposition would receive.

This. Euroniggers are always bitching about muh genocide but they conveniently forget that they've been doing EXACTLY THE SAME FUCKING THING to every other races on the planet for the last 500 years. Fuck yuropoors.

He's 100% right. As most people know but are too scared to voice openly.

Ethno-nationalist here:

You are right. 100%. Colonization was a mistake that never should've happened. But I can't change the past, only the present and future.

Dumb nigger

Englishman IS bad

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I'm a white American I just think yuropoors are retarded niggers.

Mutts aren't white


This is the saddest samefaggotry I’ve seen in a while.

It's OK to be English

Are you implying that former colonies aren't their native culture?

Aside from giving them a written language like English or French, pretty much all of them have a native culture with a homogenous native population


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Who are you by the way? An alien?

>Having standards is something Nazis, Commies, etc agree with
>This is bad
Go dilate tranny faggot

I’m an actual white American, and don’t think that at all. Maybe surly, arrogant ingrates, but definitely not niggers.

You mean like every country in history has done?

At the same time European colonialism was happening, the Ottoman Turks conquered half of southern Europe. Maybe they should be flooding their country with migrants from India and Africa to apologise too?

All of those displaced people have it recognized globally and receive some sort of recompense for it, in western countries the opposite is true and some even see it as a form of justified revenge against the west for colonial crimes

Simpler answer: hes british and cares about britain not other countries, any more than a japanese or a south african or a brazilian cares about british problems

Again, you're 53% white as in NOT white

>im a white american
Which part of the maghreb are you from sahib?

God, it's going to be so beautiful once old, racist stubborn "Brits" like this die out and every western nation becomes brown. No longer will they look at white supremacists like John Cleese and think "Brit", just "racist". The idea of BRITISH will be a light skinned muslim, as it should be. As will the United States.

No more white empires, and we didn't have to shed a single drop of blood.

I liked that doc where he visited the DPRK. Made me want to do that myself.

Let me tell you a little secret;
ALL white power are federal agents, ALL Nazi organisings are Feds. Stormfront, Daily stormer are fed honey pots (you're a faggot if you subscribe to them anyway).

Antifa are aren't Feds, but they're paid by the same team similar to Nazi's (by Mr George Soros).

Any and all normal people who sorta care about their country are associated with storm faggots by design, so it dehumanizes you so when they kill or ruin you for simply asking "why?", its okay because you were a secret Nazi this WHOLE time

WOW holy shit...this guy figured it out. How are you not employed with some kind of spy agency yet? You're this much of a genius and...only posting on Jow Forums!???? Get a job! For all our sakes! Wow!

Nigger is a state of mind not a skin color. Yuropoors have a victim mentality like a nigger. All the real men left to create the greatest nation on earth, where every man is free and every man is valued by his ability, not his appearance.

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He's still too reserved. No-one can reach the GIGA chad red pill levels of Mel Gibson.

>you’re 53% white as in NOT white

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This. Trips confirm. White people are niggers and the based tan American bro that accepts only the strongest and brightest will succeed. God bless the USA(or not if that's not your thing)

Trips of truth. You cannot choose your race but you can choose your words and actions.

This. Mel Gibson named the fucking JEW way back before it was even cool and he refused to back down and apologize he still hates the jew and rams his big fat cock into any stupid CUNT DUMB ENOUGH TO OPEN HER WHORE FUCKING LEGS AND TAKE HIS BABY BATTER RIGHT UP THEIR FUCKING SEMEN VACUUM CLEANER CUNT!!!!!!!

You're mocking them but they're unfortunately correct

As much as redpilling normans raises awareness, making more Germans is a as good a course of action as any

>admits to being a mutt with delusions of whiteness

>every man is free
>valued by his ability not his appearance
So untrue you’d need to be clinically retarded or baiting to believe it.

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>Englishman bad

Englishman irrelevant.

He's old and afraid of change. Why can't things just stay the way they used to be?


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This. Whitey had their time. Now all they can do is blubber and cower in fear. Time to move onto the age of brown rulers. Be as afraid as you want, white incels. The future is coming and it's brown.

You mean 'why must the world turn into a shitshow'

>can't argue with word cause word hard me boast picture

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Things are changing for the worse though, that's where the concern comes from. Acid attacks and rampant knife crime weren't a thing in London when it was still an English city.

Minorities bring nothing but crime and pestilence with them, and reductions on our freedoms because they take offense to literally everything. This isn't some stupid tribal caveman "your skin different, you bad" mindset. This is logical self-preservation. Any sane person would want to halt immigration after seeing what it does.

It’s not frightening, just gross and exasperating. I’m not afraid of my toilet when it backs up.

Nah they're changing for the better. The reason those crimes exist is because there's still too many white people. They'll calm down once they're gone.

But we expect this kind of scared mewling. Shhhh. It's okay. It's going to happen.

>London is basically a safe space for Jews.
Becoming less and less of a safe space for Jews, I expect its all those aryan white nazi londoners I keep hearing about oppressing the jewish community there.

>thinks he’s made arguments

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Excellent. Just enjoy your seat at the back of the bus. It's going to be a while, if ever, before you're back up front.

99% of knife crime in the UK is by non-whites. Let that sink in.