Well Kiss Virginia Gun Rights Goodbye

>Armed with “suppressed” Glock
>.45 caliber
>Extended magazines
>chief says “long gun battle took place between suspect and police”
>chief then asked when suspect died
>chief says “suspect was killed right after police entered the building”
Wtf is going on?

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Why would a gun owner screen cap CNN?

shooting, what shooting, there wasn't any shooting?

he was a black disgruntled government official of a decently high rank who graduated from a respected university and only used a pistol

it'll get swept under the rug asap

Not to mention registered democrat

>used a suppressor
>survivor reported "hearing gunshots"
>"we need to ban silencers!"

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God fucking dammit, i swear i cant have anything. if ralph the racist dosent do shit i would be very surprised . i can sense a magazine ban in the future . maby its time for me to leave. fuck


Fucking this. Police chief said man used silencer. Witnesses said they were hearing loud gunshots..what gives? Was the hearing protection act going to pass?

Another mossad Op

Texas was about to deregulate suppressors.
Imagine moiy shawk