Boys, What’re your predictions on how we take back our future?

Boys, What’re your predictions on how we take back our future?

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Hahahaha Fat chance faggot

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You must have forgotten about the reparations and the tax that you must pay ?

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Giga Hitler is born in Argentina. Numbers confirm.

sit back and do nothing because real world politics is for uncool people like jews

Rather die than bow to you monkey animals. Slavery was the best thing that ever happened to you nigger.

blacks are even gayer than whites and that is saying ALOT

BBC stands for your boofed boi cunt

JFC do you see how much our Frog God hates Niggers?!?!?!!

Unironically when the economy staggers a lot. Then the west will appear less attractive to migrants.

Ps. Hitler had brown eyes.

wrong on both accounts

HAAhaa you are defeated and don't know. Nothing you can do will change the fact that your civilization is already dead. It is just a corpse being devoured by outside parasites.

It'll start with burgers stop being cucks and CW2 and going full isolacionist, then let the fascists and natsocs that are present in every western nation rise up and clean up their country. Literally the only thing holding the betterment of the world is fucking burgers

Within in the decade most first world countries will be Fascist.

Elimination of the XX chromosome from homo sapien sapien

Bump for CW2

Reminder that Canada is the modern Weimar Republic.

Reich up against the spics first. Drive them out of their homes and burn their neighbors.

Then start shipping blacks back to Africa. Call it reparations.

>Fighting age

Implying any of the testosterone lacking youth can or would fight.

>Boys, What’re your predictions on how we take back our future?

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We don't, it is too late.

It only looks that way because you're isolated from your comrades.

to late to do anything about it, west is lost

Hitler had blue eyes you damn leaf

Defeatist faggots

Don't give in to (((demoralization))). We are the strongest we've been in decades. True, the enemy is too, but we have sleeper cells everywhere and if you look enough you'll find comrades in the strangest of places.

The west is not lost, worst case scenario our lands shrink. There will never not be pure whites carrying on the tradition. So long as at least a million whites survive, we will always be able to come back. It just takes a lot more work the less whites there are. Right now there are nearly a billion of us, and the number that are redpilled is growing.

M8, the only reason we can't do anything is because the state is standing in our way.
When they run out of white enforcers, our chance will come, but only if we're building networks of comrades. Improve yourself and improve your brothers.

Go fuck a maple leaf

You clearly haven’t seen the youth. I don’t have a single friend under 5’10, and most are above 6’. I myself am only 22 and I’m 6’2 and I’m not even that tall.

Sports are as big as ever and sports are basically just training for the youth. Tactics, PT, all of it.

Exterminate the Jews.

lol @ the eye color

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Even ally sources say he had blue eyes. Black and white photos make it harder to see, but only retards think he had brown eyes. Also, the whole “blonde hair blue eyes” thing was an ideal, not the mark of any aryan.

>Hitler had blue eyes

((("Hitler had the bluest PHOTOSHOPPED eyes" - Hello fellow 'white' people)))

(((Make Hitler Great Again, Goyim)))

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>It just takes a lot more work the less whites there are.

Yeah that's the right positive attitude, time fixes everything.

It took us 200,000 and more years to evolve from niggers into Homo Sapiens Sapiens, and we can do it again.

We just need time, 6million(tm) years how about that?

All this larpers ITT.
Take a walk outside sometime. See your surrounding. All the npcs around. Is it worth all the effort just to reset the cycle again?
Just let it burn to the ground

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We don't, we will be the Kurds of the west

If you're dead there's nothing owed.

I just got back from the gym benching 130kg. Every time I do something like this, it makes me think of the fact that there must be thousands of young white men around my age doing the exact same thing.

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They discontinued this. What a shame.

> (OP)
>lol @ the eye color

Not even the jew that invented the story that Hitler had only one testicle would be so bold to actually deny he had blue eyes, for that you need a big-fat-fucking-brainwashed-degenerate-Yank.

Notwithstanding that there were color cameras in the 1940s were all the people at the time colorblind too.

Motherfucking brown-eyed 56%enter.

While I know plenty of white guys, very few feel like that tbqh.

one simple solution would still be a continent wide bank run

game set match and over

but yeah that would be illegal right so ehm do not

and *clears throat* too big to fall goes down, hawrd

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Why are all black men such faggots?

why do you like fucking men ? why are all blacks closet homosexuals ?

I’m not saying we should just wait, I’m saying that we haven’t lost yet.