Why do most zoomer women despise white males now?

Why are they all progressives sans left wing. They absolutely despise White men and identify as oppressed. Why do they hate us so much?

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>Muh (tiny nigger) dik
Meanwhile back in reality...

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>Why do most zoomer women despise white males now?

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Why do memeflags make so may shitty threads?

3 hours ago:

>update: ever since i stopped having sex with white boys my life has just all around gotten better i would recommend this life style for everyone


are you really saying blacks have smaller dicks? You deny mountains of fucking science that PROVES we have bigger dicks, we have inches on your little excuses for cocks. White women cant get enough of BBC cracker.


Pic and timestamp or you're a poor white.
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are you just learning about this? White women are leaving your tiny cocks for bbc in droves.

And... no shits were given that day.
>browny says "I'm done wit da wypipole"
>white men everywhere "only our nigger teir race mix"

I don't do shit for a cracker. Those days are over. Blacks are rising up and your white privilege is dwindling away every day which is why you post here.

Now this is what I want from you white boy, a pic and time stamp of your tiny little pale dick so I can have a laugh.

Bevause white men are the only group standing against degeneracy like abortion.

cultural Marxism AKA communism. the group at the top is hated the most. take pride in that

>I don't do shit for a cracker. Those days are over. Blacks are rising up and your white privilege is dwindling away every day which is why you post here.

Heres a good example of cultral marxism, as a black man he hates the white man with a passion, because the white man is everything he cannot be.

White boy. 9 inch cock, and more importantly 760 credit rating.

Fuck you nig.

Thanks for your input, Brandon, but I think mommy just finished heating up your chicken nuggets.

well they grew up when those fucking nazis were marching with their tikki torches and all that crap. For us older folks that was a joke, a blip, a nothingburger, but these kids probably were taught it was the end of the world.

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Gee.... I wonder.

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I'm Chinese, how do you feel about us Chinamen colonizing Africa and soon America?

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>girl wants to be a single mom
have fun

>I'm Chinese, how do you feel about us Chinamen colonizing Africa and soon America?

Hehe the chinese hate niggers more than any other race on the planet do. iv witnessed some shocking treatment from the chinese here in person it is funny.

Zoomer male here. I pretty much only fuck non white women kek

My dad also works for nintendo. Also bragging about credit score, what a good goy.

>the only thing i have of value is a wet hole

Obvious baiter, but I'll bite. Um, are you gay? You are asking for dick pics. you do realize...

It's 100% virtue signaling, data from dating apps consistently shows white men as the most desirable among all female groups.

Also, stop making this stupid thread.

>using American women as an example

lol americans have always had an obsession with fucking niggers

This. Also, it's the cool and in thing to do for likes and shit.

Ya, but you smell and have anger issues...

Those numbers are getting to be a bit dated.

I see so many fucking niggers with white women when I go out it makes me sick.

Why do thoughtless brain dead faggots mindlessly repeat "memeflag"?

It means nothing, you pukes just make up shit.


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>be thot
>give up sex with white guys over abortion
>bang Tyrone rawdog
>get pregnant

Eurasian tyger is here boys. Sad hapa gonna be sad.

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>You deny mountains of fucking science that PROVES we have bigger dicks
post proofs gay ass larp faggot

Mfw 6.5” and it does the job perfectly

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your numbers at the bottom show that black women are more loyal to black men than white women are to white men (see: hispanic is 1% preferred, and black women are negative in all non-black cells)

I remember a news article that goes

>nig rapes a chinese women in china
>people catch him and literally cuts his dick off

Do that in America and there would be riots.