The UK is losing the immigration race

>failing to attracts entrepreneurs and educated talent
>aging population
>looming Brexit uncertainty

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fuck Migrants. we dont want any more and one day we are going to have to kill them all.
so will you

How can you deny the economic benefits of migrants?

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with ease. there are none

why do you want to keep your economy going just long enough to hand it to niggers?

Uncontrollable western capitalism is an unsustainable meme. It turns people into robots only fit to consume.

>there are none
it's the opposite, why do you think countries are competing among themselves over migrants?

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no. there. are. none.

do you own a mega cooperation, user or are you working class like the majority of Europeans.

this isn't about economics its about Niggers.

are you a kike? just tell me now


What benefit? Only rich benefit from this. It's a bane on everybody else. Also have sex. sEX!

>with ease. there are none

Says the country that can't stop licking americas arse, literally build on immigrants

The only correct position.

Wages have not risen in years due to shitskins entering the West.

no it wasn't you stupid cunt.
are you a fucking Jew n all?

what the fuck is going on here?

even unskilled immigrants are beneficial in the medium to long term

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when I walk trought paris and when I see tokyo

>economic benefits of migrants

increased demand for rape kits?

>implying people dont want to immigrate to Britain because of the reasons listed and not because it's a Muslim shithole

How do you explain that we important fuck ton of migrant and we have a lot of chomage

you can stop posting Kike Infographics because nobody here trusts you or your jewish pictures

Do not worry.
The so-called 'Liberal', Far Left shall destroy themselves through Islamic immigration. I believe around the mid 2020's to 30's Christianity and Islam will be United.

Of course america was build on fucking immigration you british retard.

Attached: british.png (884x755, 703K)

nah it was built by whites with the help of a few niggers in chains.

whites are not immigrants.

>stop posting the truth
>infographics only do count when they support my bias and circlejerk

Sweden and Germany had better incentives and make it easier to enter the workforce. Also the problem in France isn't migrants, it's French people. France just needs reforms to bring it up to speed, in some ways the country is still stuck in the 1970ies.

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show flag you filthy fucking jew

Yeah, immigration of western European peoples. Everyone else can fuck off.

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Depends where the migrants originate from, of course.

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and people wonder why they have migrants flooding and want benefits. Now show me the statistics of migrants actually working

keep coping faggot

keep hiding behind a flag you fucking faggot

These are the brave people we want. Why does uk media attack these and not the scum the government fly in?
If someone's willing to take risks and spend all their money getting here they'll work their arses off at Argos for us

Gains in gdp and income will be eaten up by cost of living and federal bureaucracy. Gdp fever is just another form of Reaganomics it doesn't work, it doesn't trickle down.

ok, I won the argument, you lost


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do these graphs take into account that most of the 2nd generation of muslim immigrants are wahabbist terrorists

what was your argument again?

>Economic Benefit
>Another debt slave to prop up the ponzi scheme.
There are no real economic benefits to migration.

Simple. I just did

Fucking Germany.

Probably another US licking "italian" "nationalist"

Or irish, whatever

Imagine being an immigrant from the middle east to the west.You are invited to come to the west,which has bombed and raped your region of the world for a near century,and asked to work hard to pay taxes so the westerners can live and then retire in comfort.You could do that,or just say fuck it and live off of the states that have fucked your people over guilt free.