Can we get a thread dedicated in discussing the FBI?

Its role in law enforcement, its modus operandi, it's successes and failures, and its role in shaping the nation.
Just looking for general redpills on the FBI.

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Only thing through FBI is good for is to setup fall guys, specifically that shooting in Texas where that security guard got shot at the drawing of Muhammad where the FBI was on site but didn't do anything except take photos and parkland where they visited the guy a dozen times but didn't do anything

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That seems to be a surprising pattern. They also were known for Gestapo like methods during its infancy when Hoover used the FBI to look for commies.

>the FBI
>its role in shaping the nation.
Fuck off glow niggers

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FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi shot and killed Vicki Weaver while she was holding her ten-month-old child in her arms. The day before, federal agents had shot and killed Weaver's 14-year-old son Samuel. Samuel's father Randy was also shot the next day, in the shoulder/back.

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One thing the FBI does, and is pretty much the only law enforcement in the US doing it, is investigate and go after counterfeiting.
People have no fucking idea how much of what they buy is counterfeit. It is unbelievably high. I had a family member working as a low level executive in target, and an internal audit estimated 25% of all goods, and 35% of cloths were counterfeit.
However this matters less than you think, especially for high end name brand stuff like Gucci or Apple products, as the counterfeits often have higher quality.
I was talking with a local shop owner near me, and she told me about how the FBI busted her cigarette distributor and came by to investigate the products in her store but could not determine which if any were counterfeit.
This is the case all over. Flip a coin, that will tell you if your Levis are legitimate or not.
Additionally, a lot of these counterfeits are not really counterfeits. Often companies subcontract these to factories in China / Vietnam / ect and after they fill the order, they just keep making more and selling them on the side.

Sure. The federal government has no law enforcement powers beyond three specific acts.
1. Treason
2. Piracy
3. Counterfeiting
The only federal law enforcement agencies with any Constitutional authority to even exist are the Secret Service (a branch of treasury the primary mission of is to fight counterfeiting), and the border service. The international border being the federal government's exclusive purview.

All other federal law enforcement is 100% unconstitutional and should be disbanded, starting with FBI and ATF.

I've seen these pictures a million times and I still get seething rage when I do. Can't wait for the DOTR.

Very interesting. I bought a fake rolex in Afghanistan for $20 in 2010 and I still use it, and no one has ever guessed it wasn't real.

The federal government paid $380,000 today to Kevin Harris, who contended that his rights were violated when an F.B.I. sniper wounded him during the 1992 siege at Ruby Ridge, Idaho.

In paying Mr. Harris to drop a $10 million lawsuit, the government did not admit any liability.

The settlement with the Justice Department ended the last civil suit arising from the 11-day standoff in 1992 at the Idaho compound of Randall C. Weaver, a white separatist.

In 1995, the government paid Mr. Weaver and his three surviving children $3.1 million in the killing of his wife, Vicki, and 14-year-old son, Samuel.

Earlier this year, a federal appeals court upheld a lower court ruling that dismissed state criminal charges against Lon Horiuchi, an agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

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FBI will be disbanded soon.
3 agencies shall become one.

Are they hiring sorority girls now or something?

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>FBI = Furry Buttsex Incarnate
anal sex

The FBI was established for tracking down Communism and actively helps bust human trafficking of underage kids. They're the most respectable Alphabet Agency in terms of tenacity of workers, but the higher ups who orchestrated the anti-Trump dossier are for sure traitors

It looks at people. Gets really good at it.

You know where this originated?

Spotting Jews, in Germany.

Let's play a game! Here, fill in the blanks:

Nasa was created with ..... from Germany.
Fbi was created with .... from Germany.
The nuclear program was created with ... from Germany.

Currently all under fiat debt Jew control.

Try not to over complicate things, at some point it all got taken over. Do you remember anything special?

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They're literally just a rebranded stasi

The FBI doesn't solve crime it creates it
The entire agency is focused on entrapping whites and infiltrating anything affiliated with whites who show any displeasure with the government
They need to be ended

FBI Face Book Investigators

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