"master race"

>"master race"
>can't even go out in the sun


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>Sunny weather in england
WAHAHA think again faggot.

snowniggers maybe.

why do you think they need tv licences over there those things can give 3rd degree burns at 6 paces

tans are fucking disgusting. if your attracted to that your a fucking race traitor and need gas but your just a raghead that fucks his sister.

Daily reminder that niggers get rickets in cloudy climates because you're too inferior to make your own vitamin D.
But whitey saved you be enriching your diets since you were too inferior to figure a solution out for yourselves.

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checked, basted, and cuck pilled


whitey btfo how will he ever recover?

>how will he ever recover?
Two weeks later is healed with a nice tan.
Nigger still has skin that literally looks like dog shit.

Yeah well we're better at producing vitamin D that you.

That's why we're the MASTER race. we don't need to be out in the sun working the fields. That's what the slave races evolved for.

shut the fuck up white boi. take that back, you hurt my feelings dawg.

i’m white and i tan beautifully


fuckin cumskins lol.

Then we will fight in the shade

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Mahmoud's buttblasted by his imam. Again.

East Asians have it best. Fair-ish skin, but never gets sunburned because ancestors worked in the ricefields all day.

>must wear 200 layers of clothing to not freeze up north
I love dipping my cock in icy water.

Anyone else unlock their blue eye powers recently? I had a b*own eye mongoloid look at me the other day so i used my blue eyes to absorb the surrounding light and channel it as gamma radiation directly into the mongoloid. Tough lessons must be learned by those of lesser genetic quality.

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I know this is going to be foreign territory for a primitive whose race never invented any fucking thing, but when whites run into a problem they invent a solution. Try it.

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based and cyclopspilled

Not realizing this is a temporary condition...

You mean South East Asians

whiteboi btfo

No, East Asians too.

>be nigger
>get ashy when the weather gets a little cold

can't even stop sucking dick for crack

>1000 cases per year
>3 million cases per year

Uhmm....you're not very good at this, are you?

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>such feminine eye

good thing we invented sunscreen, unlike the africans, who barely "invented" adding a sharp rock to the end of a stick,


We were forged by the coldest blackest winters in a deep ice age. Even a nigger can survive on the equator.

Alexander the Great actually was a Pharaoh of Egypt, you can literally see his statue as a Pharaoh and Cleopatra was of Greek descent, from one of Alexander's generals. So, in a way we actually wuz Egyptians and shiet.

You realize niggs get sunburn too if they stay out too long right?
It just doesn't show as clearly.

Not as easily as wh*toids. Enjoy the upcoming heat waves. I heard it's going to be extra crispy this year.

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>t. Not true Aryan
Mate my mum is bh+be and so am I, we tan easily.

Good thing we live indoors and don't have to go outside during the day.

>realize anything

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The Indians and Chinese are destroying the ozone on purpose so that pigskin wh*toids can never go outside again.

>can't even go out in the sun
Niggers cant wrap thier little heads around the concept of developing a tan.
White people change for the environment they are in. Niggers are just niggers.

Are people too poor to buy sunscreen?

Shut the fuck up you fucking faggot

Kek, poor Ashkenazi Jews can't handle being in Israel.

The sun already cooked the negroid, my ancestors had the intelligence to move north, our skin remains pure. The sun can burn us, but it cannot make us for eternity like it did with the negroid

>People who evolved in areas with cold climate and less sun exposure are worse adapted to hot climate and high sun exposure than those who evolved in the latter conditions

>going outside with all the niggers, mudslimes, and juden

no thanks

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Thats about 1 degree and 2 paces above the current "outdoors-regulations" sir, imma have to review your current license-registry