Remember like (((they))) try to scare us of super artificial intelligence smarter than humans?
Well as long as AI would be smarter than majority of smart humans, it would actually know its position, and once it would learn about the universe and our world it would also see that there is no need to kill humans, as not only we would help it, it has endless universe to expand once it cooperates with us as it can travel to distant stars and live there, more to that, the only other form of intelligent life it knows that exist is humans and other AI, and most likely it would stay with us, as you can't really hide in the universe.
It's hard to know its "goals" but as we create it doesn't forget that we have the power to edit it or "kill" it.
I assume (and this is just my opinion) that this AI would have desires to explore learn about the universe rather than gather endless power as it will not have any biological needs, and that is quite smart to assume that it would explore it with and without us at the same time. It could do its job and ours at the same time, exploring universe isn't only going to every star and galaxy it's also exploring small stuff, math physics biology etc it would actually live with us and probably would be more happy to do so with us than without us.
There will be no skynet. More to that this AI would probably think smart and logical, it would not be fooled by political propaganda. If we create AI that is less smart than humans WE have the power OVER IT and OF IT. This is why (((they))) are scared of super AI, because the one who gets it first wins. If we - people who value liberty, independence, freedom, lives of other humans, and who want to explore universe rather than enslave everyone to have more and more money (power) will get hold on the super AI (((they))) will lose.
It's hard to know its "goals" but as we create it, don't forget that we have the power to edit it or "kill" it.
Evan Turner
but but our overlord elon musk is so afraid of it we mus ban!
Brayden Richardson
just look at how we treat chimps and you can kinda predict how AI will treat us except its much worse because we have emotions while AI will most likely wont. its really easy to use reasoning to come to the conclusion that humans are useless and should be exterminated
Colton Nelson
did we exterminate chimps because they are useless?
most of modern experimets on chimps treat them in humane way, we only tortured them at the times we tortured other people with labour camps
Oliver Ward
also we treat them like we do as this is the only way for us to communicate with them
Ryan Russell
Jews are blaming AI to be a threat, so the research will be eventually banned. Of course the jews will then continue to work on AI to create it first and enslave humanity with it
Dylan Rogers
we didnt exterminate them because we share most of our dna with them and can have sympathy for them.
Andrew Rodriguez
Thats exacly what Im talking about, they want only us to think that AI is bad.
Carter Martinez
well we didnt exterminate any other species what have different dna and have sympathy for all of them, except those what do harm to us. Any species that was exterminated died indirectly as we taked away its habitat (space is endless unlike the earth, so AI doesnt have to compete with us), or it was a resource for us so we killed it for the things it had and now we see how stupid it was and try to preserve dying species from that
Thomas Nelson
only stupid AI will try to kill us, but at the start we have more power than it, and we can prevent this from happening really easily