You're a straight up cuck if you've ever bought a woman a drink
You're a straight up cuck if you've ever bought a woman a drink
Based as fuck.
there is NOTHING more cucked than existing in a world with LITERAL BILLIONS of women you will NEVER fuck
The Chad flirt vs the Virgin drink special buyer
How is this even possible? Women btfo
>billions in Africa India and China
>Caring about this genetic material
>GF and I go to bar on an invitation from on of her beta orbiter's and friends
>this guy is an old friend from before I knew her, he dated her sis, but he's waaaaay out of her league
>still orbits GF
>Anyway, were at the bar drinking and were about to head home
>orbiter is off playing pinball or something
>times comes to pay for drinks, I tell bartender to put it on orbiter's tab
>bartender looks a little confused but complies
>my girl is wasted a d doesn't even notice or care
>grab her, find beta orbiter say our goodbye's and left
>thanks for paying for the liquor and getting my girl sauced
>fucked her silly that night
Beta cucks pay for drinks, men do the fucking.
>wanting a girl sauced to Fuck them silly
Sounds like your gf and her sister are full of thot rot
She always let me stick it in her ass when she was drunk. Just about everything was on the table when she was drunk. Also yes she, and her sister were thots. Ex-GF*
>BILLIONS of women you will NEVER fuck
Speak for yourself virgin
You stole money from your gf's friend? That's nigger-tier shit.
It's the current year, it would be sexist to assume the man is paying for drinks.
lol, that's a genius right there.
Once, a milk truk Muslim girl turned up late to a first date so SHE bought MY drink.
We were on levels of haram that shouldn't even be possible, but being a white man in Asia is a path to many abilities some would consider unnatural.
yeah, Jow Forums is full of white niggers and degenerates with superiority complex, nothing new here desu
Question: Am I a cuck for helping my ex-girlfriend paint her aparment and bedroom? I keep thinking "this room is where she's going to get fucked by a guy with a 10 incher". Help.
>My friends girlfriend had a friend that was into me
>Have a small crush on her
>I go to meet up with her at a bar for halloween
>Get there and she was already being hit on by a guy dressed as he-man
>He-man offers to buy her a drink
>She accepts because hey free drink
>become massively cautious and turned off at the dick move she just pulled
>go to dance floor and he attempts flirty grinding dance moves with her
>She doesn't reciprocate and instead keeps trying to grab me close
>Can sympathize with He-man
>Eventually He-man leaves looking disappointed after it looks like things won't go anywhere
Hung out with her a couple of times after that and realized this was not going to work out and we were way to diffrent.
This is very very cucky.
Explain what in the fuck possessed you to think this was a good idea?
It actually sounds like you're insecure and really jealous of her friend.
Having to ask that question makes you a cuck, please suicide so you dont embarrass your self anymore.
if she didnt pay you, yes
If course your a cuck!
Yes, if you aren't getting paid in cash or pussy.
What was that faggots reaction?
Does it count of you provide them drinks from your special basement bar?
She opened a tab and started drinking
Man went to bartender
"She'd like another one of those"
Brings to her
who tweets while at a bar?
g-gigachad? i-is that you??
top kek
Solid strategy, actually.
Nothing because it never happened
>he's just my long time friend I've known since before I met you, honest!
He's fucking her you stupid cuck.
>he's just an old friend I've known since before I met you, honest!
You're getting cucked idiot.
Yes, a huge cuck. Why are you doing this?