Donald Trump is so based, pedes

Hes so based he owns the libs by becoming the libs

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I've seen at least 10 of your threads fail now. You should be fired.

>you should be fired
As should anyone who disagrees with BASED sodomy

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Its a shot at muslims



That would REALLY trigger the islamists

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wake me when he's having gay marriages in the White House.

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and wake me when Pence is doing this shit.

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and when the WH looks like this

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Trump has always been in favor of degeneracy. He was the first major public business figure to allow trannies to use his bathroom on his properties. "muh discord tranny" is a psyop to take the spotlight off of trump's support of trannies. Just like "muh russia" is a psyop to take the spotlight off of trump's ridiculously obvious ties to Israel. (((They're))) not very creative.

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>his bathroom
any bathroom*

A gay with such faded shoes? I don't think so. Sloppy job Mossad.

What part of this will you dumb goy not get?

Don't we love our gaypedes, folks? Simply tremendous.

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Based. MIGA!

BASED. Thank you President Trump for standing up for LGBT rights.

If he goes to war with the gays, none of the keyboard warriors will do shit here.

The gays on the otherhand will camp out and protest at the WH 24/7 for the next 6 years and make it a media woodstock. Sometimes you have to think more than one step ahead.

This is anti-muslim rhetoric

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It would be better if he hadn't acknowledged it at all, but he is the president and is being inclusive and kind. He has always maintained that his goal was to a president for all Americans.

But here you go fags,
have a tweet.

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>"... recognize the outstanding contributions LGBT people have made to our great nation..."
such as??

>durr let’s trigger the Muslims by sucking each other’s dicks
Absolute fucking state of Migapedes

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Why the fuck would Trump care if someone was gay or not? The nigga only cares about money.

>you shouldn't call out your enemies because they might protest you
Literally no difference to what is already happening. Gays shouldn't even be in the Republican party full stop. Just goes to show how far the "right wing" is willing to water down their social values

But interestingly the right wing economic ideas always stay intact. And are repeated in the opposing party. Could it possibly be that the only "right wing" are actually conservatives and not capitalists?

>Lets support debauchery and pervert our youth
>Yeah, that'll show em!

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We love our based child raping faggots, don't we folks?

So he should force homosexuality on the entire world with the full force of the State Department, backed up by the military? That's what he's doing.

steve jobs

>turn your country into babylon of sodomites to spite someone across the ocean

I am tired of winning

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Man, I think I really love Muslims now.

>e-except for saudi arabia or any other country that provides us with a strategic resource xDDDDD

muslims kill them

I would support Iran over the US if it came to a war between them.

This goy gets it.

>if you don't like faggots, you're a muslim
>if you don't like muslims, you're a jew
>if you don't like jews, you're a nazi
100 years ago, any normal white American wouldn't like any of the above groups.

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fuck this fucking kike miga boomer he's just like my stepdad who made me look for a job :(

>be donald trump
>wake up early, melania is still asleep, kiss her on cheek
>walk out to get breakfast. greet your security. >shift change is about to come in but overnight security still has time to talk
> be secret service, ask trump about his agenda today
> trump hasn't decided yet
> remembers ivanka gave him a coin on election night
> trump goes back to his room, careful not to wake wife
> he goes through personal belongings on a shelf
> ah here it is the trusty coin
> flips it
> it's tails
> swiftly sneaks back to his secret service agent

liberalism it is. *grins*



*lets in mexicans*
Heh, that'll show those muslims!

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