American Police Officer Pulls Gun on Student Picking Up Trash

Tell me again how American police don't have a problem with racial profiling

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seems justified to me

they both could've handled that better but I don't care

shut up nigger

I've been randomly questioned by cops before, but it's never been a problem because I don't do any sort of crime so have nothing to hide. I politely comply, and everything goes just fine. My story always checks out, because like I said, I don't do crime. I don't take it personally, they're just doing their job, and sometimes mix ups and incorrect perceptions happen.

That guy brought that on himself by acting like an idiot

i honestly dont see anything wrong with anything shown in this video, if anyone feels otherwise feel free to reply to me

>some kind of blunt object
cop was going for a kill.

He was dumpster diving for espionage. Fuckin guilty nigger

>be burger
>step out of the house for a walk
>instantly surrounded by cops
>they start interrogating you about what are you doing here
>"it's illegal to walk here"
>get nervous
>mix up two digits in the address
>reach for burger to calm down
>get shot

Exactly. Burgers are very compliant people. All of this talk about MUH GUNZ is rubbish. 2nd amendment is going to repealed and everyone will follow along.

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cop was pretty friendly nigger threw a tantrum but i guess the cop could have handeled it better at the end

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He showed the cop his student ID and thus proved that he is a student with the institution operating the campus he was on.
He also offered to open the entrance door to the building to show the cop he's got access and a right to be there.

To be fair they would do the same thing to a punk rocker or dirty hippy. I was a punker in my youth and got so sick of the harassment i started dressing like Wally Cleaver and still do to this day.

I don't think so, that officer got owned pretty bad. You don't have a legal obligation to give an officer more than he is even allowed to ask from you, and this officer broke 2 departmental regulations asking for that stuff without cause. The only argument you can make is for your own sake and maybe etiquette should you bend completely over the barrel cheeks spread for an officer trying to troll you, but I don't see why you would wanna make that argument. Anyone besides a high school graduate cop could see this hipster student was actually serving the community picking up trash at his house, instead of the waste of skin officer who is getting paid on your tax dollars until February 2020, basically for being in competent, breaking the rules, and generally wasting everyone's time

Well, how would you feel about being stopped outside your house and asked for your national insurance card?

And how would you then feel if they asked you to sit down? It's just a pointless abuse of power.

>still gets paid until 2020
How convenient. I left the army, where's my extra year of pay, eh?

>now this

I don't like pigs but these faggots won't upload a video without a bunch of cuts and edits.

god bless police unions!
god bless police brutality!

cops are racist against niggers

cops are fucking idiots

fuck americans
fuck cops
fuck niggers

fuck people who dont vote

stupid fucking country, land of the lawless, and home of the stupid

the officer violated 2 departmental policies, he forgot to shoot the nigger so he couldnt sue, and delete his camera footaage

It's a fake friendliness that you can tell in his voice and questions. he asked for his idea to confirm that he lived in the building? An ID doesn't even provide that information, there is not central database of living locations and the address on your ID can be up to 15 years old.

The cop is 100% in the wrong, there's nothing even remotely suspicious about this guy, and he legally doesn't even have to respond to the cop if the cop doesn't have reasonable suspiciion of illegal activities. No reasonable person would assume that a man cleaning a property is not allowed and unwanted on said property

this is legit harrasement, but the left won't parade this around since niggers don't really care unless they can use the story as n excuse to go rescue some new shoes

I've never seen a productive member of society that looks like this guy. What he is doing at the moment changes nothing.

>You don't have a legal obligation to give an officer more than he is even allowed to ask from you

honest question, what is an officer allowed to ask from you that you have a legal obligation to offer?


>but it's never been a problem because I don't do any sort of crime so have nothing to hide. I politely comply
Your civil rights are on a use them or lose them basis. I have nothing to hide so I'll do whatever you say is a dangerous game and it's laughable that anyone in America would hold such a position

come on man, not all cops are like that

>racial profiling is wrong.
I hope you get raped in the ass by a dozen niggers you worthless fucking scum. Niggers commit 90% of the crime, they should get 90% of the police attention.

Hi there! I was told that you are receptive to new social training. It is important for you know that you *CAN* get better

The only thing they did wrong was not contacting ICE and having ICE take the nigger back to Africa.

>I politely comply

It's fucking over for you mutts.

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Nothing if you're not doing a crime, you don't have to give a name, answer what you're doing, tell him where you going. Dont' even need to say hello

Generally it's in your own interest to listen, and by listen I mean it literally not do what he says, because most police interactions are them jsut telling you something has happend like there's a car accident up ahead so you need to slow down.

Yeah, his tone was initially friendly, but he was always being positional as fuck. Do as I say, now, or I'm going to escalate.

Yes, we know that, but a reasonable man would see that he was just picking up trash. You see some hoodie type guy with a pitt, you cross the road. You see the same guy picking up trash, there's no danger. What people look like is only relevant to a degree, their actions are what determine threat.

You have actual autism if you need this explained.

He looks like an off-white hippie to me.

>No I won't put down my pole with a big spike on it so you can come near me

>wtf bro why is your hand on your gun

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

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lets wonder why fuckface nigger nigger nigger nigger

>big spike on it
No spikes, rubber graspers. Go lick a boot, boomer.

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if he had just been courteous and explained the situation none of that would have happened

>against unreasonable searches and seizures

that's the problem though, they keep changing what's "reasonable"
is there a rule of thumb of what is and isn't reasonable search?

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love how he exactly looks like a mutt but people call him black cause of his hair lmao

Because the cop couldn't say for certain that he student didn't commit a crime.

It's all unreasonable without a warrant.

The initial reviewing mindset when looking at cam footage is skepticism in favor of the noncriminal civilian (no charges, no arrest, no trial, no conviction - dude's clean). This doesn't depend on whether you believe all cops are good/bad/ambivalent or whatever, but rather reasonable concerns regarding the abuse of state authority. With that in mind, I barely made it 10 seconds into the video before I had to ask why the officer was approaching this student near a dorm building talking about trespassing. At that stage, unless there where pressing facts outside the view of the camera (weird body language, looking into windows, etc) dudes actually fucked up and made the whole thing appear pretextual. The cop sounds and acts either undisciplined or maybe a little slow, but I can't imagine he would fair well were I to have him on cross examination had this turned out differently.

Cops certainly make mistakes, and even as a defense attorney I recognize this, but some people are absolutely too quick to side with authority. Think through the situation bearing in mind that there's quite a bit a bad cop can do to you without repercussion.

While powertripping cops is a problem, why is it so hard for brown people to just cooperate with folks in positions of authority?

I really don’t care. If you don’t want to be harassed by the police you shouldn’t be brown.

I see people like him from time to time here in sweden, with the difference that he is a shade darker.

I've had a gun pulled on me by cops a few times. Why are niggers such sensitive babies? Also I totally deserved it so fuck noggers that pretend like dey dindu nuffin.

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>Policeman follows the rules and keeps his gun trained on the wild animal.

Good man, around blacks never relax and when it chimps out like a nigger you hammer the trigger.

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a lot of problems come from people putting their ego in the way and being reactionary..

cussing at a cop is a good way to escalate the situation, you say yes sir, you dont get defensive.

and you deescalate the situation naturally, be respectful and 9 times out of 10, the situation will deescalate.

swearing at any one is a great way to add tension that creates shit shows like this.

i often hear police say they're 'conducting an investigation', which seems like a catch all cop-out to make you 'comply'
i go back and forth on how i feel about cops, but seems pretty lose-lose overall

This is absolutely unbelievable. How much of a fucking loser do you have to be to hassle someone like this?

It's a personality thing. I'm white as can be and grew up in an affluent white city, but I distinctly remember losing my cool once with a police officer because I knew the entire situations was bullshit powertripping. It legitimately happens, and now that I actually work in the system, I see that it happens more than I would have liked to admit. Shit like charging someone for Poss. of Para. because they had a straw in their backseat - no residue, no tests, but arrested on the spot. Just petty annoyance powertrip nonsense, and it can be frustrating when it's obvious.

just because you're a stupid nigger who deserved it doesn't mean the guy in the OP does

I have no idea, I always pucker up and take the whole baton. I'm just saying you shouldn't have to, if a cop is actually breaking the rules of his own department (and the video isn't being disingenuous) then it doesn't really make any sense that you should cowtow to what is essentially the spur of the moment feelings of an officer on what you should have on your persons an how you should behave on your own property. In no other circumstance but the "justice" system should you be expected to eat bowls of shit, and when finished, beg greedily for a second helping just so you don't have to eat lead instead. It's also backwards that if you fuck up on an ARBITRARY order up to an officers discretion, you are breaking the law and will be severely punished, but if they break the rules, or even blatantly break the law, nothing bad happens or they'll be rewarded with a year's long vacation, yet I'm supposed to think about how 'stressful' the job is and give cops a break

>Black teens run around assaulting whites in Boston on memorial day
>No one cares
>Black man gets harassed by asshole cop
>Everyone gives a shit

Honestly I have doubts that this video is even legitimately

>mowing lawn
>"why are you here"
>"i live here"
>"prove it"
>"dude, I don't have time for this"

of course the britcuck embraces a police state

fair but technical he never opened his door. id rather cops be heavy handed with the innocent than let a predator in.
>Well, how would you feel about being stopped outside your house and asked for your national insurance card?
>And how would you then feel if they asked you to sit down? It's just a pointless abuse of power.
its different because im not a usa citizen. if i was however i couldnt say if i would respond civilly or make the officers day difficult.
ive lived in the usa for ~12 months, i think i understand people invoking an individuals right to contest authority. however i think this individual was intentionally disruptive and his off white skin set off a trigger in the officer which is fair enough because hes wayyy more likely to be committing a crime.

>pic unrelated

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because its really easy for them to get sucked into the whole victim complex.

I am of sicilian heritage so I am darker then some mexicans, at least whereever the sun tan is on me.

So they are naturally defensive because they have allowed the whole white vs brown people narrative, they see a situation like this occur, and they begin to BELIEVE that they are no in a situation like the ones in the news.

plus people listen to rap music which really reinforces that whole narrative I just mentioned.

these people are unable to say the word Sir or Miss as a response to a white persons question.

their ego gets in the way and little things grow into big confrontations.

It's not right, but it's reality. We live in a nation of active not passive policing, and the beast needs a constant supply of bodies to feed it's insatiable appetite.

>i go back and forth on how i feel about cops
it really depends on the cop
I've had very pleasant encounters with cops but also times where a cop just comes off as a huge asshole on a power trip

>Now this
Fuck that leftist propaganda. Give me a better neutral article then I'll give a fuck.

I really don't see the problem. If he just had shut his mouth and not being a nitpicky ass aka comply with the orders, there wouldn't have been a problem at all.

>stupid nigger
No need to be redundant, but he is clearly a nigger so yes he deserved it. If you're traumatized by having a gun pulled on you too then you're an absolute faggot. A faggot nigger, what a life?

oh its this thread again

The only people who say "bootlicker" are antifa. This isn't the place for you. What niggers don't realize is that yes you have to comply with a police officer investigating. No you don't have the right to just tell him to fuck off because you feel he shouldn't be investigating and you being so unwilling to comply is only going to make him suspicious and not let it go. So if you don't want to be shot because you escalated a situation over a simple question, just cooperate and he'll be on his way. If you want to start a lawsuit or file a complaint go ahead and do that after you comply.

In Terry v. Ohio police were allotted the right to detain individuals, ID and check for weapons, on the basis of a "reasonable, articulable suspicion."
t. constitutional law expert

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Black guy picking up trash. Suspicious and should be looked into.

It wasn't a "problem with racial profiling" since he's clearly black.. wth?

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Why is he cosplaying as a homeless man though

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every cop racially profiles. they also profile you on the way you dress and how much your car is worth and what condition its in.
t. four cops on wifes side of the family

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>arsehole hothead American cop
>hothead negro

never gonna end well

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You're okay with being told to sit down like a dog for absolutely no reason?
Jesus fuck, put some generators in the founding fathers' graves and solve the energy crisis.

Look unless you are legit autistic, I don’t understand how you wouldn’t be pissed off if some jumped up bloke came and demanded to know where you live if you were just walking around outside your house.

thanks fren

Black guy had every right to be mad. An absolutely ridiculous situation.

It's difficult to maintain a fair opinion about police-work without trending hard to one side of the other, but it's possible. I've always been courteous but very suspicious in situations where I felt I was being investigated or questioned, even when I know I'm guilty. I think a degree of caution like that is healthy for a system like ours; our Constitution is a testament that power does in fact get abused, so there's no reason to rule out the possibility in the day-to-day. What I won't do, however, is allow for a cop to hide behind his authority and attempt to coerce information or consent for matters to which I owe nothing. As I said in an earlier post, You can find recording of interrogation room questioning where the detectives blatantly planted the false suggestion of guilt into a minor's head without counsel and coaxed a false confession out of him. It got thrown out on appeal, but not after 7 months in jail, a trial in which the entire interview wasn't allowed in, just the phrase containing the confession, and some prison time. The costs can be very real

The real reason people are suspicious of niggers is because they are niggers.

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This guy probably would have been left alone if he would complied with the police officer but instead starts with the typical nigger backtalk. 13/50

>reasonable, articulable suspicion.

what's the significance of the comma there?


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Should have just shot that uppity spook.

I question anyone who claims to be a constitutional law expert. The area of practice is incredibly contracted and virtually all practitioners are either professors or work at white shoe firms. It strains credulity to imagine either class of individuals shitposting on Jow Forums and waiving RS as a talisman without providing context on how that it determined.

The cop was a fucking faggot and you know it.

a jacket out of fire must be really warm and comfy

>absolutely no reason
He was investigating what was most likely a no trespass call and the fact that the guy was being difficult made him more suspicious. Then he started walking away which made the officer have to detain him. Because he didn't want to use force to detain him he told him to put down the stick and sit down.

No I don't want to be told to sit down like a dog, but that's a completely emotional reaction to a situation you should look at logically. Try not to think with your emotions nigger.

Natural aggression and environment.

But this guy was at his house, and working. You don't know how his day was or what he was going through, but can you imagine some dude coming to your house telling you go do this, go do that, why don't you have this etc, and if you don't listen to this asshole you WILL be kidnapped and put into a cage, or possibly killed, and even if that doesn't happen you have to go back to your shit life and fucking pick up trash?

but im white anglo not strange nig mix so this would never happen to me.

So what? Cops are power tripping faggots. It happens to white people too.

>He was investigating what was most likely a no trespass call

That is a very big assumption that I do not feel is safe to make at this stage.

lmao at the bootlickers in this thread. Ofc the dude was pissed off, dude was being interrogated and questioned by police and being asked all kinds of questions and then being told what to do right outside of where he lives and works for literally no reason lol

So you're okay with some power-tripping faggot coming over to you on your property and telling you to prove you live there or he will kill you?

Typical bootlicker. To give you extra context, the cop had the ability at any time to go to the building and see if he lived there but instead escalated the situation over dumb shit.

>Jow Forums will defend this simply because the cop is white and the student is black

Jow Forums don't care about right or wrong only chaotic neutral...

.....he was just picking up trash. Nigs gonna nog, but this guy was just fucking picking up trash.

They do it to everyone, bud. I've been stopped walking a friend home from a party at 11 pm. It was "suspicious that we were walking so late".

>Black teens run around assaulting whites in Boston on memorial day
The Boston area can be surprising at times. During a parade/festival, I watched a mob ransack a 7eleven in Cambridge. The store was on the parade route, and police presence was high. It seemed to be a spontaneous group decision: we can all run out with our stuff and nobody can do shit. Thing was, once people started running out with stuff, more people were instantly inspired and ran in. A block away from Draper Labs. A block away from Akamai. One fella even grabbed the price scanner from an employee and ran off with it. Parts of Cambridge are a mess, but I was still surprised to see mob lawlessness there.