You know mossad are behind the trump delusion? supporting trump at this stage is treasonous

you know mossad are behind the trump delusion? supporting trump at this stage is treasonous

Attached: Donald_Trump_Pentagon_2017-e1497699835810.jpg (650x895, 96K)

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Yea clearly Trump is working with Israel, but we can still support the man for making peace in NK and Syria. Not to mention eradicating ISIS, bolstering US economy and actually enforcing immigration laws. Oh and it's nice to see those glow in the dark CIA niggers squirm and they look down the barrel of a life sentence for treason

Slurpee job

lol, literally none of that is happening the way you are framing it


imagine hating trump and not being able to resist posting shit threads on Jow Forums about the nigger. lol

The bot is malfunctioning again.

why does anyone post anything?

Based leaf. Thank you north American brother!

proper bait user

Attached: IMG_1847.jpg (770x472, 98K)

jews love trump. where have you been?

All of it is happening fren. Do you remember how close we were to war with Syria/Russia under Obama? Do you remember Kim threatening to nuke the US every week? Do you remember Hillary selling weapons to ISIS to perpetuate the Zionist war on terror? Or how unbelievably cucked the US was in trade deals?
There are loads of problems with Trump including his relationship with Israel, but at least hes not a war mongerer

>you know mossad are behind the trump delusion
yea thats why the msm cover his ass on average. the russian crap was a dead end and wouldnt go anywhere and pelosi even said they wouldnt get rid of trump through impeachment

its a distraction from his constant failures. illegal immigration, east asia, domestic labor growth. but lets waste 3 years constantly talking about alleged russia collusion while the country goes to hell and the housing market in all states with high cost of living implodes

Speaks truth. You will not be raked on the day.

ISIS was literally wiped by Russia and Syria, NK didn't stop it's missile tests. Not to mention theres no wall, US debt is in the shitter and immigrants are being dumped into interior cities. Oh and it's nice to see those kikes squirm.

Attached: IMG_1840.jpg (640x419, 89K)

>its a distraction from his constant failures.
which is? there's a reason why you have to resort to vagueness and generality instead of specifics.

>ISIS was literally wiped by Russia and Syria
An the US you retarded spics
>NK didn't stop it's missile tests.
It literally stopped its nuclear capability though you retarded spic.
>Not to mention theres no wall
Miles have been built and more is building as we speak you retarded spic
>US debt is in the shitter
And economy is higher than ever you stupid spic
>immigrants are being dumped into interior cities.
Which you have no concrete proof whatsoever and more immigrant are still being deported and apprehended you retarded spic.

You may notice that I end every single one of my sentence with retarded spic. That actually means that factually, you are a spic with 0 mental faculty.


Voting for Trump was not only the easiest vote I ever made, its the greatest vote anyone has ever made in history.

Trump is a true patriot who is restoring America's glory and by proxy restoring the world.

Look all around you, Nationalists are winning.

obama fanboy detected.

Good leafs get the book on the day of the rake.

Attached: Good leafs get the Book.jpg (728x485, 34K)

Replacement barriers only
NK rebuilding missile test facilities
More immigrants to Florida

Take your fucking head out of his ass faggot! He doesn't deliver.

Literally says new miles of wall being built
rebuilding test sites is not the same as firing new ones you dumb spic
Talk of getting immigrant is not the same as literally sending them there you dumb spic

Face it, you're literally proving my point.