>is out on a forest walk in the spring sun > think about how the Jews ruined everything for hitler >get so angry that i start shaking and have to sit down on a stump for the sake of blood pressure >is out eating at a restaurant with my girlfriend >get's reminded that Jews exists >gets pissed off and throws my glass at the wall
>wakes up early and feels happy and happy >Start thinking about the Jews >gets a headache and the whole day is ruined >is out buying falukorv at the grocery store >starts thinking about how Jews bully the Palestinians >breaks down and starts crying when I arrive at the checkout >I sit on the balcony in the sun with a cold beer >starts thinking about Jewish lobbying groups >gets so angry that I squeeze the aluminium can and spil beer all over the balcony
>I used to feel this way >I'd sit alone at restaurants, trains and parks just angry >I'd think about the prostitutes that never had a chance at life >the porn industry convincing naive women into falling into their hands >the men women and children in foreign countries forced to make our clothing for pennies a day >the massive censorship programs lead by social media >the massive spy program lead by our government >I'd get so angry
Now I don't get angry anymore. It has cooled down and solidified.
Jeremiah Bennett
Awww look at the crying little Goy Boy. Why don't you go cry to your local Nazi LARPer group and go shoot up a temple so you can be a hero to your "White People"