Why do people care? Why is this flag being praised? Why do people think trans is a thing? Please someone answer me I'm desperate for knowledge.
Why do people care? Why is this flag being praised? Why do people think trans is a thing...
Matthew Torres
Wyatt Wilson
It's to exercise your unconditional love and respect for any others developping humans, you should try it
Adrian Bell
jeeeeewwwwwssssss & theire lies
for all your question
Levi Wood
Then why is it targeted at only one group?
Brayden Rivera
that part is probably about your own sexual insecureness but I have a feel we shouldnt digg too deep
Adam Moore
t. twitter/tumblr shill
Carter Martinez
Sodomites fear the truth.
Gabriel Barnes
>classic "u dont support this which means ur closeted"
get out
Hudson Lopez
>I hate things that are new and different eventhough it doesnt concern me!
Isaac James
Deal with it it's only the begining, and we will have to event something wayyyyy more heavy than clown world