Why? White Women Don't Want White Kids? Why? How The Hell This Happened?


>Fertility rates for white women were low in every US state in 2017, but up in 12 states for black women and up in 29 states for Hispanic women.

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Because you touch yourself at night

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They go to college get indoctrinated into believing infanticide is good for the planet or some shit by Professor noseberg, this was the result that the UN was looking to achieve.

The boomer die off is happening, and Boomers are majority white.

Whites will be the only population group in the United States where the number of whites will actually shrink each year. This will go on until about 2030 or 2040.

Because white men complain too much.

Nature finds a way to get rid of people with unfit genes one way or another. Since there is no war for people to die in, the biology urges these people to manually check out from the evolutionary tree.

>1 post by this id

nice slide thread tho

I'd suggest (at least in my experience) that it's actually white MEN that don't want kids these days.

The whole "dog mom" thing is a mega cope for white gals. Most of these women would love big families with lots of kids, but convince themselves otherwise because most of the men in their lives would rather play with nintendo wii's and drink onions milk than actually father a family.

Minorities don't have this probably because they're low IQ and lack foresight so they have children without considering if the father will be around to provide or not (protip, he won't)

>How The Hell This Happened?

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Lurking Reddit reminds me why I deleted my account. These people deserve to go extinct.

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Contraceptives and wage slavery

just rape them

This but unironically. Turn off your tv.

There is some of that but the fear of getting fucked by the court in a divorce isn't entirely unfounded. I don't know many couples with kids that made it work.
Western culture is just toxic trash at this point, it needs a reset.

Basically western women got brainwashed by literal retards for a couple decades and now seriously see a baby as a bad thing

This mindset of 'stop having kids because overpopulation' gets really weird the more they extrapolate it.
>Stop having kids because overpopulation
>Birth rate falls
>Need immigrants for next generation of workers
>Make immigrants birth rate fall
>Need more immigrant workers
>Repeat ad infinitum
Apparently they want to keep third world countries as baby factories to supply the first world countries with workers. But eventually those baby factories will also develop and their birth rate will fall, so then where do the workers come from? It's completely insane and obviously unsustainable.

>fear of getting fucked by the court in a divorce isn't entirely unfounded.

That mgtow bullshit is literally just feminism for men. While 50% of couples may divorce, that doesn't mean you have a 50% chance of getting divorced entirely at random like a flip of a coin without any input.

Take income as an analogy:

70% of Americans earn less that $50,000 USD per year (and 42% less than $25,000). That doesn't mean that when you get a job you have a 70% chance of being payed less than $50,000 entirely at random.

My first year out of university as I was earning over $80,000US which has since increased to just over $120,000. My income is not random. I never had a 70% chance of earning less than $50,000 because I chose my career path.

Just because poor, stupid, uneducated, low IQ losers get married to people who they don't love, cheat on them, get divorced, and subsequently jewed by the courts, doesn't mean that you have to marry the wrong person too.

>Because white men complain too much.
t found him

Shit food,environment and drugs


based Aussie

I would agree but you're not factoring how exposed to terrible advice young people are, Boomers were exceptionally shitty parents. It's almost surprising so many still have their shit together.

>Whites will be the only population group in the United States where the number of whites will actually shrink each year.

But only around 13 states have African Americans above the replacement rate.

Economy sucks, jobs don't pay enough for a single income to support a family, and men only care about casual sex now. Believe me lots of women still want families but the ability to raise good kids isn't there for most people.

Which means nothing since their population is still rising.

Also show your flag

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Not to mention the combination of African Migrants and Hatians coming here nonstop. So yeah, the shitskin population is rising as well.

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Whites are moving to smaller cities and country towns, not just in the US but in every Western nation.

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>Believe me lots of women still want families but the ability to raise good kids isn't there for most people.
You sure? Because I always thought it was the other way around. Explain dude.

we must continue this marriage strike until we either die or our women offer their throats up to us

But they are having kids only that they are not doing it with white men.

Thanks Schlomo.

Where's your proof?

I'm African American but I don't like showing my flag.

The near doubling number of mixed children each decade and ever increasing single motherhood for them?

Dude just show your flag.
Who gives a shit man.
Why are you worried?
Just show it.

again its a money class war. whites are merely loos8ng wealth

I just like to stay as anonymous as possible.

Do you have statistics you could show me?

We all know why. There's two main ways this will develop long term. The first is that immigration will be stepped up to combat declining birth rates in order to maintain the neoliberal status quo that says we must always have a growing population. Bigger GDP, more tax money, more people paying into the welfare state, etc. All that depends on the population always going up, so they'll import immigrants to do it even if it collectively lowers the IQ of society and turns the bulk of Americans into poorly educated unskilled 3rd worlders. They don't care. The elites see poor people as fungible.

The second route, if populism wins out in the short term, is immigration is sharply curtailed and the US population begins to slide downward. This will cause economic chaos in the short term as social security collapses in on itself, and there will likely be other consequences as well but it really depends on what kneejerk "solutions" our government comes up with the stop the bleeding. This could potentially go very bad, Venezuela 2.0, or it could turn out really good. There could be riots, shortages, or we could just see price hikes and a sustained contraction of the market.

Long term though I think the second option is better though.

the boomer die off will lead to the largest transfer of wealth

Yes but I am too lazy now to search prior to 2000s.

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Implying they didn't already reverse-mortgaged their assets.

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>non whites concentrate themselves into cities

>these cities are nuked once Tyrona Vasquez Harris declares war on Russia in 2028 for the elections of trump and his successor

>98 percent white in a blink of an eye

It is a product of their upbringing, white women tend to have worthless cucks for fathers.

I know in my case I will not be getting much when my boomer parents die. Especially not accounting for inflation and soaring cost of living just about everywhere.


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Nothing wrong is inherently with population decrease. Just like it's stated in that one screencap by a Jap floating around. Kikes are banking on infinite growth, but sometimes I feel like we should stop with the growth just so society can catch up. Population decrease wouldn't be a problem at all if we didn't have shitskins breeding like rabbits all across the west outbreeding the natives

Two or more can be any combination. Despite all the kike propaganda, white women are still not into niggers in any significant numbers.

>How The Hell This Happened?
When you look down the rabbit hole (((every single time)))

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The boomers fully intend to crash the ship with no survivors.


This is only true in libtarded districts. If one ventures out into the rural districts the white birth rate is fine, above replacement in fact.


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>White Fertility rates fall below rate to maintain population growth brought on by Mass Immigration of shitskins since 1963

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>crash the ship
>Boomers working
>Millinials living in boomers basement
Who’s crashing the ship?

>student loan debt
>medical debt
>standard of living in decline aka inflation
>people putting off family formation longer
>roastie lifestyle celebrated
>women pursuing higher education and working over 40 hours a week celebrated
>women incredibly stressed and unhappy
>men emasculated by being in direct competition with women, decreasing mens drive for sex
>porn also decreasing mens need for sex

The current conditions of our society aren't sustainable.


I wish I can believe you but it's everywhere dude.

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1/3 white mothers is single do you understand the long term implication and white men dont bail that easily.
The study is from 1996 another elaborate study like this has yet to be made in the US.Also important to note that is just with niggers, now add the mixing with asians,hispanic and racemixed and that % goes way up even for that time.

The only women I've met that want kids are the aging whores who've had their fill of random dick. The women that are actually worth the risk of marrying and procreating are either too focused on their careers, or I don't meet their standards.

I'm 28, make 80k a year with a stable career, and inherited a 3 bed/2 bath from my grandparents. I'd be more than happy to have many white kids, but there's almost no woman I could imagine making a wife much less a mother.

>Fertility rates for white women were low in every US state in 2017, but up in 12 states for black women and up in 29 states for Hispanic women.
Forgot to mention this also probably a lie. Since they say "Fertility Rate" and not "Live Births" because the Hispanic birth rate is actually plummeting.

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i remember the ad campaigns for fighting teen pregnancy while i was in school
i hate being cynical but i can't help but wonder if this was planned a long time ago

Yes but the white population should be having more kids than dying and it's not the replacement plan.

This basically Japan 2.0 for us.
We need a plan.

we are over populated anyways

Feminism is what happened. Women focus on careers instead of having children. They also double the workforce cutting wages in half making it harder for a man to attract a wife. Feminism is cancer.

>if this was planned a long time ago
Yes read meme here (((Israel Cohen)))

They failed. Only a minority race mix and the biggest race mixers are white men.

Wrong african americans are the ones to have children outside of their race than any other group


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>He believes that's alright.
That only makes it worse
Pic related dude.

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>We need a plan
Turn off 4ch
Get dressed
Go out
Meet a nice girl
Fuck like rabbits on honey moon
.....9mo later
It’s not that hard user. If you want to change the world you start at home

Look in the mirror and you'll know

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Not putting up with some insane cunt for the rest of my life who will always have legality in her favor on a whim. Sorry user.

>Yes but the white population should be having more kids than dying
No they shouldn't.

1. These "replacement rates" are based on 100mil Immigrants, mostly non-white, moving to the US since the 1963 Immigration Act was changed to favor poor, illiterate, 3rd world shitters.

2. Baby Boomers are called a "Boom" because it was an abnormal number of births during that time period. Its natural for White Births to decline after a "Boom". It frees up more space and resources, which in turn encourages people to have kids. Constantly growing the population only discourages births, which is another reason Immigration works the way that it does in the US. To discourage Native, White births.

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>moar white kids
>No marriage
Go knock up a random white slut then


>Baby Boomers are called a "Boom" because it was an abnormal number of births
Horney soldiers came home from WW2

Probably the only option for finding a decent wife. I couldn't LARP as a mormon convincingly enough though.

>North Carolina

Heh. A (white) chick from uni moved there last year. But she's batshit crazy and fat (average for US standards though), but perhaps she'll at least help you guys sustain yourselves.

Your wrong somewhat baby boomers are contribute but one of the most contributing event was the White Migration from the 1800s and the 1900s (WW1 and WW2) that brought more whites over here and boom our populations. So your wrong in a way.

Unless we get another Euro Civil that's regular migration here we're done for.

>This basically Japan 2.0 for us
a monolithic society with a slight population contraction? that would be ideal

More women want to have kids than men

*Unless we get another Euro Civil War that brings whites migration here nonstop we're done for.

Or you could get married and have kids

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I have 3 already

have more
the amish are doubling their population every 20 years

Amish and Mormons actually, which is good. And I planned on having 4 more.

Amishistan separatism when?

A graph or article I read a while back said that non-hispanic white men and hispanic women were the most common racial group in America.

>having kids.
If it was so easy every white person in America would be doing it. So the biggest question is why? What ish olding them back from reproducing?

>having kids.
If it was so easy every white person in America would be doing it. So the biggest question is why? What is olding them back from reproducing?

>So the biggest question is why?
They are hedonistic degenerates

Agree somewhat.

Dude you double posted,

There are women of that caliber in this world that aren't religious. It comes down to where you meet them and what sacrifices your willing to provide. A lot of people post on here that every chick is a thot or a roastie. However when you try to pick up girls at bars or other low brow places how can anyone expect not to find thots and roasties.

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>Amishistan separatism
Who's a better faction to join honestly?

Mormon women are mentally retarded but 10/10 white, just catch them early because by 21 they are married or blue haired tattooed whores

The poorest always have more children, and by your standards, whites should have an increasing birth rate.

I dunno, man.

Look up the Amish or the Mormons.

>However when you try to pick up girls at bars or other low brow places how can anyone expect not to find thots and roasties.
There’s no other places to go and the only way your getting a decent church girl is if your parent s had the foresight to raise you in aforementioned church

>or blue haired tattooed whores

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