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Most pagans are pot smoking eco hippies. As long as they shit out white kids with their “fertility” nonsense it’s fine with me.

The good thing about being a conservative Christian that pagans don’t have is you see all the other conservative Christians every Sunday, there’s a strong sense of community

Bet I can piss further than you though

Not pagan but same with Christians


Pagans are redpilled, they know christcuckery is a jewish religion, not european.


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Yeah so instead of listening to Jewish ministers prattle on about their Jewish god they can instead listen to Jewish ministers prattle on about their pagan gods under the guise of Jewish gods

Christ is real, though. Jews rejected Him and chose lies.

all Christians suck jewish cock

This is such a dumb fucking meme, even for Jow Forums.

>am pagan
>voted Trump
>thinks Antifa should be gunned down in the streets as domestic terrorists
>still waiting to see Hillary in jail

Not the first time you’ve been wrong OP. Won’t be the last.

christ is also a weak and feeble jew whose only virtue is that he "died for your sins", why worship a weakling when you can worship based and redpilled warrior gods?

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Isnt christianity a pegan religion? Isnt it all based on astronomy?

exactly. I have no sins. any god who says I do is evil

Read Revelation, moron. Your gods aren't real. You can't contact them. They won't help you. Christians win begin our God is real. Christ comes back as an all powerful warrior in Revelation. He is the King above all. Watch your gods lose again and again.

win because*

Always thought there was something unconsciously familiar in that pose. Sam really is a subtle mastermind.

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>your gods aren't real
false, YOUR god isn't real

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>Steal pagan theology. Pagan archetypes. Pagan traditions.
>Your gods not real
We're reaching levels of thief coping never thought possible

I've received miracles through prayer again and again. I've healed through my hands by praying to Christ. What has Odin done for you?

No pagan theology matches the values of Christianity. You're the one coping, my friend (and larping).

Jews created Christianity in order to enslave the goyim.

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>my god is a personal skydaddy that helps me xD
imagine thinking this

>my god is a ebin story that makes me feel stronk xD
Imagine coping this hard

>my god is a ebin story that makes me feel stronk
yeah moralization through spirituality is the main purpose of religion

>tfw the term "white" was created by jews
lmaoing @ ur lyfe

No, the purpose is having an actual relationship with our actual Creator.

what to what end does that serve buddy

and to what end*


You can't see existence clearly when you're denying communion with God. The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.

well connection with the metaphysical can be achieved with any religion, but the question is, does the mythology of the religion have a positive or negative impact on the people's collective consciousness?

a story about a feeble jew who dies promotes a meek and slave-minded morality among the people, while stories of powerful, masculine heroes in a patriarical pantheon promotes a noble and self righteous morality

Based and redpilled.


Verbose, but still ultimately a fedora tipping argument.


Sam is an eceleb kike

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kek has spoken
christcucks BTFO

Put me in the screen cap!

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Well then.
Christianity does have its good parts.
A fusion of the Aryan Paganism and the good parts of Christianity would be unbeatable.
For example the opposition to birth control, the order to go forth and multiply and the support for execution is good.

>the chad spider-horse mother loki
>the virgin volcel jesus

nice digits, but your view of theology is very shallow. God the Father is the ultimate patriarch, and has legions of immortal/eternal male beings called angels. There is no such thing as a self righteous morality because everyone is capable of evil. We are all in sin. Only God is good. Christ represented a transformation from sin to purity; we are in a fallen form, and we will all die. The only way to become eternal is to have your fallen state revitalized through salvation. Your view is simply lacking in Logos, that is to say, it's lacking in the answers to every question. It doesn't explain human nature or the reason we are what we are. It's just a bunch of stories about degenerate gods who were narcissistic and flawed.

>A fusion of the Aryan Paganism and the good parts of Christianity would be unbeatable.
So... Catholicism before Vatican II.

Paganism is just blonde hair worship

Christianity is existentialist philosophy for grug brain plebs from 2 millennia ago.

That was the funniest shit ever to bad he got shoahed

not an argument


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If paganism is so masculine, then why are most pagans complete faggots?

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Imagine thinking the religion with mostly shitskins is white. A
The absolute state of christcucks.

>jesus can I pls be healthy
"No I'm going to five you cancer as part of my plan for you"
>th-thanks jesus. Let me go wash nigger feet for prayer

It is political philosophy mixed with sociology and psychology, telling people to respect authority and have faith in favorable outcomes. It was made up by intelligent greeks and jews, probably with intervention from Rome, in order to structure society. By being built on the Old Testament, it basically ensured that jews will have positions of power in le West. Plot twist, the West was really built on Judeo-Christian values.

Hes a fuckin' Hebrew hippie that got killed by all of his other jew friends.

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Yeah pretty much.
Early Christianity before the East-West Schism and the Church becoming more centralized.
Turn God into the All father (sky god) and the rest of the pantheons into Saints.
Aryan Heroes become saints or martyrs.
Combine the Aryan root and the Levant root into something truly glorious.

>[citation needed]
Christianity has and always will be white majority.

>You're the one coping
>Christianity practically unheard of throughout North Western Europe except for Rome in 331 AD

Why are Christians begging for open boarders, aid to Africa and constantly prop up Israel?
Why do they reject the idea of race?
You know this ansewer as well as I do.
They've been subverted.
The same is for Paganism.
It's been adopted by Jews and Judeaised Aryans.
It's been corrupted.

Based Dane, Watch this video

>Jesus is feeble and promotes weakness
t.never read the Bible

It's dumb to you because it's true.

Frenchbro knows the truth

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Go hang out with your Christian spic buddies and your nigger friends from sub saharan Africa. Meanwhile I'll be worshipping gods of strength, knowledge, and fertility from the only true white religion, kike worshipper

He wasn't killed by His friends. Also, He's alive. He rose again by His own will.
Ironically, you're just giving me the Jewish perspective, but the West is only built on Christian values. Jews after Christ are united by rejection of Christ. Strange how you gay pagans always say that Christianity is so Jewish when the Jewish Talmud says that Christ is burning in a lake of feces.

Take the Jesus-pill and have sex with your virgin, trad wife already, losers.

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Out of 2,4 billion christcucks, 700 million are European.

this just killed Christianity

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>[citation needed]
>what is a wigger
The only "christians" I ever heard of asking for open borders are prots and liberal evangelicals.

No, it's dumb because it's anecdotal and serves zero real purpose.


The New Testament was written by Greek Jews, and spread by Jews.

>There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

I cant wait to get to multicultural heaven with all my nigger friends!

inb4 pic of pope kissing nigger feet

bunch of stories...`legions of immortal male beings`.angels don`t have a gender.they have nothing down there.angels don`t don`t know the basics of your religion.god is good,but he built a world of `john is a good builder,but his buildings fall the next day`.

>more semen = more manly

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How do you like your fuckin' lining up numbers now christcucks?

>but your view of theology is very shallow
religion is literally population control, analyzing it beyond that is just autism
>There is no such thing as a self righteous morality because everyone is capable of evil
i guess but the point of a moralizing religion is that it renders the characteristics of the people in question as morally good while rendering the characteristics of rival people as morally bad, with that in mind, if you consider that christianity was written for a people that was under the yoke of roman rule, you would realize that christianity is actually designed to moralize the conquered hebrew peoples of the desert, while demoralizing and villifying the aryan romans, which is exactly why christianity is demoralizing for whites

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>hahah, Odin drinks cum! My kike scholar told me so!

Imagine unironically being this bluepilled. The fact remains that your God is a kike who told all races that they are the same, that men and women are the same. A religion that preaches peace and love against its enemies and to turn the other cheek. Enjoy your meek boi jew God, nigger, lmfaoooo

They weren't Jews anymore, they were Christians.
Nothing you're saying is in line with Christian doctrine. Every angel in the Bible is male, actually. God didn't build a world of sin; He built a sinless world in which man had the option to turn against Him. But the Creation will never fall, because we have a God who has begun a good work in us.

Then where is he? Why hasent the saved us all or killed us all?

This person litcherally believes that a man turned water into wine
This person litcherally believes that dead people go to heaven to live with aforementioned man
This person litcherally believes in Noah’s fucking Ark

we will need these cats.

Nigger paradise and allied with Ottoman Empire
Race mixers since 1489
Same thing
Licking nigger feet.

This person litcherally believes that a man turned water into wine
This person litcherally believes that dead people go to heaven to live with aforementioned man
This person litcherally believes in Noah’s fucking Ark

Wow I'm in love

>a double inverted 666
God is truly with us here, praise Jesus

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Just like Africans aren't Africans anymore, they're Christian?

>supposedly omnipotent all powerful God
>cant even stop his biggest rival with all his power
>jealous God, no others before me
>same God worshipped by mudskins and kikes
Lmao nice white religion, pedro

>christianity is actually designed to moralize the conquered hebrew peoples of the desert, while demoralizing and villifying the aryan romans, which is exactly why christianity is demoralizing for whites
Rome was the enemy of most whites (the "barbarians"). How would vilifying Rome in particular demoralise whites?

>it doesn't count if it goes in your ass

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>more semen = more manly
That seems to have been the motto of Jesus. And yes this is from authentic early Christians, whereas your meme is from a 21th century Jewish marxist homosexual.

Attached: jesus the semen eater.png (1544x132, 17K)

The Pope nigger.
Have you read anything coming out of the (((Vatican))) lately?
Or perhaps Catholic France or Spain which has imported millions of niggers.

imagine worshiping a kike

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Was a Gnostic source.

explain, who is person in original picture

your gods are gay figments of some goat piss drinkers imagination btw thoroughly tied at the hip of Aquino and the jews.

Jews constantly promote gayganism themes, its assaults logos, casues mass stupidity, and subvertes to the jewish agenda

No one "stole" any gaygan themes

from baptism, to confession, to the order and structure to extreme unction, you sad little weasel
>crazy cults larping as "Christian"

Just because you can't read a great apostasy is not a defense for you insanity

you know you're right when you've got vice on your side

>taking info from VICE