Would it be better to legalize it?
Should we legalize cocaine?
Please, no bully.
Your shithole, you do as you please with it, but to me it sounds like a bad idea.
If we can kill ourselves with it then it’s fair fucking game
Yeah I’d legalize it, but I fucking hate cokeheads. 10% of my employees always turn out to be cokeheads
I honestly wonder how much worse it could actually get anyway. Instead of getting layabouts addicted to opiates we could make it coke or speed and then at least we could get some of our infrastructure rebuilt.
Cocaine destroys the health, society and the family.
Coca leaf tea, however, ought to be legal
>10% of my employees always turn out to be cokeheads
That's good to know.>Instead of getting layabouts addicted to opiates we could make it coke or speed and then at least we could get some of our infrastructure rebuilt.
So true. I love this word. Layabouts.
An isolated experiment in a city or town would tell you the results without risking to fuck the whole country.
>at least we could get some of our infrastructure rebuilt.
Yeahhh because coke heads are productive members of society, ready to build it from the ground up. Great idea schlomo!
Wayne, fuck off.
You'll never make it.
Mr. Lambright, do you have a position on homosexuality and the gay agenda, the pride movement etc?
>Mr. Lambright, do you have a position on homosexuality and the gay agenda, the pride movement etc?
Yes, I do.
I'm for stronger families.
If I can only have one vote, I'll take the family vote over the gay vote.
I'm trying to build a stronger America, not Sodom and Gomorrah.
Hmm.. I like that position but it doesn't sound like you're ready to battle their demon mobs. Don't we need a firm position against all that crap. Trump stood with them just yesterday and every lgbt fag still wants him dead. What I'm trying to say is that it's not only wrong to try to win their vote but it's also ineffective.
We need a new & hateful approach otherwise the future generations of this world are totally doomed
Country is already irredeemably fucked, so no worries on that.
>but it doesn't sound like you're ready to battle their demon mobs.
I think you don't understand the awesomeness of my position.
I said. I don't accept the gay vote. Nobody else would say this.
Gays are not families. They are secretive, they lie about who they are, they play with poop on their dicks. What could be more disgusting than that? Anyways. If you're a faggot. You have a right to live, but I don't want to hear your bullshit. Go back in the closet and fuck in silence, please. Gays make the family weaker.
Go ahead, legalise it.
Let the world burn, and let the cokeheads be aware enough to notice
> If you're a faggot. You have a right to live
You're a worldly man, Mr. Lambright. Also, you're still calling them gay which shows that you're really not based at all. When did society start calling them gay? Why the word gay? Why the rainbow?
>you're still calling them gay
What should I call them? What is the word of the month for poo pusher?
Yes. Good for medicare
Nothing more annoying then cokeheads lol most obnoxious dickheads on the planet.
Faggot. Sodomite. Homosexual. Dog. Animal. Cock sucker. etc. Was that a serious question?
>Was that a serious question?
Yes, it was.
To me, gays don't exist. If you're gay. Go be gay someplace else.
>still calling them gay
Nice digits but you're never going to win the LGBT war if you don't take a more hardline approach. just a word of advice
Wait.. What do you mean gays, don't exist? Asia treats it like a phase but here in jew america, it's your identity.
Yes. It is not the government's business to tell us what we are allowed to put into our own bodies.
Yes. It is not the business of government to tell you what you are allowed to put into your own body.
where is the hell yes option
What if the big pharma try to trick you to put poison in your veins? Should the government step in?