Mexico’s President to Donald Trump: America Is for Migrants


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it would be great if we could just bomb the shit out of Mexico


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Filthy spic. Trump need to increase tariffs on these subhumans. They're getting cocky and are showing no respect to America, it's time to show the same disrespect to these spics they show us.

Will tariffs on Mexico stop your homeland security flying illegals into America?

>The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is flying border crossers and illegal aliens into cities across the United States and releasing them directly into American communities


Gas yourself, kike.

Trump probably secretly agrees
the uniparty is in agreement in accordance to NWO policy
Alamo, Trump, the Clintons, Democrats, Jews, they are all on the same side
There is no stopping them.

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>white people stole America from the injuns!
>5 minutes later
>America is for migrants!

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sounds like he wants more tariff

>t. spic

based in spic ignorance and crybaby entitlement. Fix your shithole country Jose.

Once again our president demonstrates how Much of a Fucking idiot he is
Lord have mercy on us

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actually its time to purge the entirity of US politicians in general considering none of them represent us. they represent their own interests and the interests of israel.

all of them should be executed on public stage, including their families so their bloodlines are no longer a threat.

>please let us in

You have to show the boomers and centrists what it's like to live in a majority spic state. Maybe then they will realize just how bad things really are.

maybe we deserve to be taxed to hell... cancer is killed with radiation right?

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Based AMLO is right.

Open the borders, NOW!

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Jews are the synagogue of satan

Well, time to bankrupt Mexico...

nah brah, 5D chess

I’d take Mexicans over Germans any day of the week. I’m just tired of Central Americans

t. Manuel DeSancho

>going to blue states

Fuck off wetback subhuman.

We can't hold them or gas them
It's up to building a wall

Are you by any chance ethnically anglo?

I want the largest number of illegal immigrants of all time into blue states!
Absolutely based.

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i did a meme

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But these ones could already get deported?
Remember a few months ago it was ruled on the 9th circuit that they could be kept in Mexico when waiting their trial.


Well, he said he was going to do this. Not defending him but this is a fact


>it's only a problem once they can only go to blue shitholes
rly mks u thnk

Show your flag kike.

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>"mexico is being very UNFAIR. better not do it again!"

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and then california complained about it lol
>we need more migrants trump
>trump please stop sending migrants
fucking schizoid retard californian doublethink

Fuck Mexico. We need to ram them a new one and flood their shitty streets with the human waste they pass into this country. Build the wall. Deport like mad. They’ll be licking Uncle Sams boots to get us to stop

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That's true, but these are two seperate things happening also.
For example, the DHS flying migrants in isn't because of Trump demanding they go to blue states? But rather their own choice.

of course we'd need a competent non-boomer in office.

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what the hell is wrong with you?

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hey migrants have fun in america where your only allies are demented leftists who will welcome you with one hand while cursing you with the other. biggest fucking racists in america is the left, you are just a political prop for them as the establishment feeds them talking points about you they repeat while secretly hating you or thinking of you as weak

You're really sowing alot of discord when you blow your own cover with your stupid bait question:
>when trump is flying them into communities with YOUR dhs
>uses republican elephant to blend in
>ignore the elephant in the room

white saviour leftists want to save the brown people from their own shitholes
>come here brown man, you poor little creature, you are so helpless and dumb we enlightened californians will help
thats got to feel fucking insulting

>3rd world country president lecturing 1st world country president how to run a country

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t. Luiz Smith

Spaniards wanted to work as tomato pickers for the aztecs? That's new

100 spaniards ko'd the entire aztec civilization in one round
such a half assed civilization of human sacrificing weirdos, good riddance. thank you cortez

Never understood how Mexicans went from right wing politics to far left so quickly. Whites in Mexico should ban the darkies from voting. You need a Mexican version of Pinochet to kill this Commie faggot.

Actually it was closer to 500 still pretty pathetic though

Brah, Brah. Brah?


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npc people just parrot talking points from the tv thats all, their opinions aren't real and can therefore shift whenever tv man tells them to shift

>100 spaniards ko'd the entire aztec civilization
Cortez was lucky to find the exact people willing to make a deal to destroy the aztecs and provide an army and supplies for that campaign
>in one round
Aztecs BTFO the allied Indians and killed half the hundreds of spaniards in the first part of the war. Stop talking like you know a shit stupid chink

the aztecs had to go, they were sick
maybe god himself assisted cortez in doing so, it would explain a lot

were the aztecs your ancestors? fuck thats rough, i'd feel massive shame if those twisted sick shits were in my bloodline

Stop the wiring of money from the illegals here.

aztecs are cheap secondhand mayans
change my mind

Dont try to save yourself from the rake with well stated arguments leaf

trump has been saying all year we need more immigrants that we are getting now. it think he knows what he is talking about better than you. some racist stromfags here still dont get it.


Literally hundreds of Spaniards

What's the 'bait question'?
The article is true.


lucky? hardly. aztec civilization was unstable as fuck, it was like toppling a jenga tower, its not rocket science setting insane subhumans against each other. the aztecs were simply inferior, insane, and massive outclassed by the spaniards

it's take to annex Mexico

This. We should honestly be at war with them.

funny enough, main reason Mexico remains a shithole is lack of "migrants".

except for a few multi-national mega corps like car makers, etc, foreign biz can't operate in Mexico, largely due to lack of rights and can't become Mex citizens with rights.

I knew two groups of dumb White liberal do-gooders, one wanted to start bicycle biz and other wanted to start PC biz in Mexico, due to lack of service in those areas.

The PC biz in particular planned to resell used equip.

Both soon figured out it was gonna be a No-Go, due to way Mex Govt etc operates.

Mega corps only want slaves to do simple tasks, and don't provide the sort of hands on training dumb White SJWs might bring.

I imagine its same with basic Health Care. You can't be an American nurse or doctor and set up shop and give legit basic care (education) without stepping on toes.

The tlaxcallan army was just there looking the show right? They were lucky to survive the escape from tenochtitlan and having somewhere to retreat. Also smallpox is a bitch

Aztecs took their "civilization" from Toltecs, who took theirs from Omecs.

Aztecs wandered into Toltec region and squatted and began outbreeding the locals, which is what they are doing in USA today.

When Spanish showed up the locals had been getting dumber and crueler for over 1000yrs straight.

>The tlaxcallan army was just there looking the show right? They were lucky to survive the escape from tenochtitlan and having somewhere to retreat. Also smallpox is a bitch

Hint: when "Everyone is a Warrior" it means "no one is a Warrior".



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Pick one
>will tariffs stop your homeland security flying illegals into america?
>your homeland security
Why would you hide behind an RNC meme flag ? If it’s america’s homeland security what country are you from?
This is for you OP

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The smell of the spaniards was stronger yes. Eurasians have the advantage of being disease ridden fucks for living among animal shit

I bet he'd say that.

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when the aztecs found the abandoned mayan cities they thought gods had built it for them. fucking savages squatting in the ruins of a once fine civilization. their national sport was a game of basketball where the winning team got their heads chopped off on top of a pyramid so the sun could rise the next day. fuck that must have been a long game. i just hate them, im so glad they are gone.

yes we domesticated animals
did your ancestors not figure that out?

why did we send American boys halfway across the world to kill brown people when we have perfectly good ones right next door?

The fucking gall of that bean nigger. Nuke the fucking shithole already.

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Mexico is for conquistadors.

Make Mexico Spain Again!

Which news source do you want? Breitbart is one of the only ones that actually reports on immigration issues because they're a right wing news site so therefore they know their readers care about it, and also they aren't Fox which means they don't need to tow the line of the current GOP administration.
Leftist media will not report on this stuff of course because it isn't in their agenda.

Furthermore, I always use a memeflag.
It makes me feel big.

Russia/USSR are actually jews, not native slavs.

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I'm glad this arrogant beaner is here to tell Americans what America is for. I love watching the posturing from kike puppet Trump who does nothing to stop the flow of migrants, and platitudes from this cocksucker AMLO who can't admit that his country sucks so bad that the people from Central America turn up their noses at it.

Yea giving them a "legit" reason will definitely stop the migrants you stupid nigger.

So much this. I live in Albuquerque NM. It's become Juarez. Absolute lawless chaos. This hellhole doesn't feel like the US in any way, shape, or form. NM is 100% lost.

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All big mammals were extinct here, and the ones here are not suitable for domestication.

Trump is going on my list of "believe the opposite of what they say" few men are on this list.

why not follow the money? someone is organizing and providing incentives. find out who, and spill the beans.

he actually believes msm is objective and not leftist probably
not sure how or why but npcs actually believe cnn is objective. cnn does say all the time that they are factual and objective, and they couldnt lie, they're the news!

but breitbart is biased and thus a bad source

of course theres no such thing as objective media, its always been a lie. everyone has a bias and opinions, if youre honest your audience will know your bias and opinions. if you're dishonest you will hide behind a lie of objectivity.

the myth of objective media is fucking cancer

america is only for white immigrants for Europe only

Advanced gerrymandering

yeah i know, fair enough
although white people would have managed somehow given the time and inclination. instead we just imported our fine horses that we had been working on for thousands of years instead.

underrated post

I'm getting really sick of the Heartless Anglo meme, sorry that nobody ever wanted to trade with centams and they have no jobs and simply don't want to kill themselves, maybe if the USA just stopped giving all their money to China and actually cared about the people on their own continent then centams wouldn't need to come here.