Is football just a too for mass mind control?

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The "bbc meme" is getting out of hands

that thing is flossing her cunt, isn't that painful?

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it isn't rocket science, really

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what is that? what happened here? was this a recent thing?

also i don't know if you mean "football" (in US) or football that you play with the foot
I can tell you about european football that it is used for that thing our politicians call "social engineering" its fucking horrible
watch Rollerball, its a classic that predicted all this

That looks kinda painful actually.

Yes. It's for cucks. Imagine finding joy in watching niggers in England chasing a ball thinking that a nigger from Ghana actually represents Manchester/London/Newcastle. It's fucking insane. Nigger sports are like a religion in USA too.

any form of competition that you watch but don't compete in is a waste of time. that doesn't mean you need to be a premier league player, but if spend dozens of hours per week watching soccer and 0 hours per week even playing some pickup at the park with your friends then you're indulging in atrophy and escapism.

Getting people to cheer for laundry is a neat trick. How did Standard Chatered fare against AIA today?

I'm sure it's numb by now.

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i truly belief if they ban football there would be riots on the street its the only thing white people in europe are passionate about and driving cars/motorcycles

It dosen't really matter.
Sports in general are a way to distract the masses from current issues.
Major sports are a drain on society, especially in the US. Football teams that are a part of a University receive huge monetary support, more perhaps than the Universities they are attached to.

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I want her to shit on my face

Pitch invader at tonight's Champions League final.
Kinsey Wolanski

gib pusy

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FACT: every little white girl in America now wants her own little pet, her own little Tyrone Football Hero, just like "Friday Night Lights" on NBC....

FACT: It is you White Men who made this happen, you are ADDICTED to Football, all of your daughter grow up and see you fat old white men pay so much attention to football, it makes your white daughters learn that Football is important, and thus dating a black football player is what they strive to do

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And along these lines then we can talk about sports. Sports in the United States was to be changed, in part as a way of de-emphasizing nationalism. Soccer, a world-wide sport, was to be emphasized and pushed in the United States. This was of interest because in this area the game of soccer was virtually unknown at that time. I had a few friends who attended an elementary school other than the one I attended where they played soccer at their school, and they were a real novelty. This was back in the 50's. So to hear this man speak of soccer in this area was kind of surprising. Anyhow, soccer is seen as an international sport and would be promoted and the traditional sport of American baseball would be de-emphasized and possibly eliminated because it might be seen as too American. And he discussed eliminating this. one's first reaction would be - well, they pay the players poorly and they don't want to play for poor pay so they give up baseball and go into some other sport or some other activity. But he said that's really not how it works.

FACT: 99% of the folks in that picture

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Actually, the way to break down baseball would be to make the salaries go very high. The idea behind this was that as the salaries got ridiculously high there would be a certain amount of discontent and antagonism as people resented the athletes being paid so much, and the athletes would begin more and more to resent among themselves what other players were paid and would tend to abandon the sport. And these high salaries also could break the owners and alienate the fans. And then the fans would support soccer and the baseball fields could be used as soccer fields. It wasn't said definitely this would have to happen, but if the international flavor didn't come around rapidly enough this could be done. There was some comment along the same lines about football, although I seem to recall he said football would be harder to dismantle because it was so widely played in colleges as well as in the professional leagues and would be harder to tear down.



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There was something else also about the violence in football that met a psychological need that was perceived, and people have a need for this vicarious violence. So football, for that reason, might be left around to meet that vicarious need. The same thing is true of hockey. Hockey had more of an international flavor and would be emphasized. There was some foreseeable international competition about hockey and particularly soccer. At that time hockey was international between the United States and Canada. I was kind of surprised because I thought the speaker just never impressed me as being a hockey fan, and I am.

And it turns out he was not. He just knew about the game and what it would do to this changing sports program. But in any event soccer was to be the keystone of athletics because it is already a world wide sport in South America, Europe, and parts of Asia and the United States should get on the bandwagon. All this would foster international competition so that we would all become citizens of the world to a greater extent than citizens of our own narrow nations. There was some discussion about hunting, not surprisingly. Hunting requires guns and gun control is a big element in these plans. I don't remember the details much, but the idea is that gun ownership is a privilege and not everybody should have guns. Hunting was an inadequate excuse for owning guns and everybody should be restricted in gun ownership. The few privileged people who should be allowed to hunt could maybe rent or borrow a gun from official quarters rather than own their own. After all, everybody doesn't have a need for a gun, is the way it was put. Very important in sports was sports for girls. Athletics would be pushed for girls. This was intended to replace dolls. Baby dolls would still be around, a few of them, but you would not see the number and variety of dolls. Dolls would not be pushed because girls should not be thinking about babies and reproduction. Girls should be out on the athletic field just as the boys are.

the only sport worth anybodays time is hockey for obvious reasons and not just because of the pretty white rink

Professional sports are the bread and circus of our times.

Girls and boys really don't need to be all that different. Tea sets were to go the way of dolls, and all these things that traditionally were thought of as feminine would be de-emphasized as girls got into more masculine pursuits. Just one other things I recall was that the sports pages would be full of the scores of girls teams just right along- there with the boys teams. And that's recently begun to appear after 20 years in our local papers. The girls sports scores are right along with the boys sports scores. So all of this is to change the role model of what young girls should look to be. While she's growing up she should look to be an athlete rather than to look forward to being a mother."

>new england
this is the state of my fucking country

Any white person who watches Football is a Coalburner Supporter, and should be banned from Jow Forums immediately.

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all professional sports are a distraction.

kaylie juga? really? her name is kali yuga? fitting I guess, suspicious.

yes it is

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I came here for the digits

Any pictures of her ass yet?

Yes. /thread

Look at you White Men, you are a DISGRACE to this country, lining up in a row taking a piss in the concrete underbelly of some concrete stadium, right next to your trashy white women taking a piss with you, while your black Football Heroes are making $20 million a year and living in mansions and pissing into Gold toilets.... and then you wonder why your white daughters all want to date black football players.

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Please just go away. I will not live in a World with no identity, just so you cunts can slither by.

well, to be fair, buffalo as a city doesn't really have much else going for it.

Yup, every time an old white fat man is sitting in his Living Room at home, watching Football... and his little white daughter walks by the Living Room and notices that dad is watching Football again, she realizes that Football must be important, that the black guys on the TV who are being paid $millions must be important members of society, so it's only common sense that she now wants to grow up and date those black men, as opposed to dating a fat old white guy like she sees on the couch in her own Living Room.

FACT: every single year, more and more white girls are taking Blacks to the prom with them

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my dad watched hockey a lot when me and my sister were little, maybe that is why she likes white men

>just a too

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fuck off schlomo, you're not wanted here

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So you admit Obama was a good leader?

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Of course it is. Look at all these morons watering at their mouths watching someone kick or throw an inflated ball. Pathetic.
I understand watching it once in a while to pass the time, but dedicating yourself and being a zealous "fan" is pure nonsense.

Nigger-Ball was invented by the kikes to elevate the Nigger to and beyond the level of the White man. You see, the Nigger is the homunculi of the Kike, it is the ultimate slave: Naturally lobotomized, physically disgusting, corruptive, filled with hate and rage, not bound to anything higher than its "Dik".

The ZOG wants to make the Nigger the ideal, the Icon to which all must aspire. See how so many zoomers have adopted Nigger-speak and Nigger memes. If this Icon is not shattered and the Nigger is not shown for the vile, sickening caricature of a human that it is, vast portions of the white race will be consumed by it, mentally AND physically.

The Nigger is the ANTI-MAN, it is the UNCREATOR of civilization.

MOCK these vile abominations at every turn! Don't take these things seriously and express your disgust openly!

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I agree.


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Not so much these days. Sport viewership is falling every year. Once there was a bit of honor in the gladiator, now they are just spoilt super wealthy negros who act like children.


this 100%.

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My first thot.
That looks extremely uncomfortable, even if I was a roastie and wanted to dress like a slut I'm sure there's more logical ways to do this.

Fucking kek

Yes it is. My dad has stopped watching it finally.

None of the teams are "English" anymore.

Only if high school boys could fight too. Limiting it to professionals only defeats the purpose.

wow what a powerful image

Of course it always was.

Painful for my dick due to lack of lube

Unironically this.
Niggerball was a way to give nigs some celebrity and status to let them preach about how they're better than everyone and whitey is evil. However anybody who actually tries does better. Remember when niggers flipped out at sports illustrated because they put Jeremy Lin on the cover 2 times in a row? (never done before).
Also kikes push nigs being friendly and cool really hard in the media when they're anything but, its a way to lower everyone's defense and paint whitey as racist if he doesn't do so. This leads to whitey getting backstabbed or blindsided and dying.
They weaponized nigs to tear us from the inside out.

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Chloe wishes she was that voluptuous

Silly jew. Being paid to troll must be a pretty good gig. How do I sign up to get my chosen people proxy?

Naw, it was the rule changes that promoted the forward pass. If the game was still primarily run based there would be far less black players

Who let you outa the oven?


That whore was MADE for the BBC

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holy shit nice

bread and circus

No wonder nobody wants white women anymore except for losers

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Forgot to hide flag/turn on vpn, schlomostein

>She had dreams of adopting children

What is she doing and what does she expect to get?

hockey is the white mans sport and we are the kings of it.

Take the fucking goal pill

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>white woman so shitty it leaks out into a bag

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Apparently she's advertising for her husband's porn company, and probably hopes to gain instagram followers

My man

I am with a woman right now and no it's not unless it's a proper wedgie lads

Probably fell in there like any other wedgie and she's too embarassed to fix it on camera.

Ew youz callin a cuck den mate?

Aisle av you know dat Ngubu iz won of are top playaz. I dunt care if eez az black az de ace ah spades, eeh can shag my missus any day of der week az long as he winz der league for uz.

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Professional sports in general. Sports and physical fitness alone isn't bad, but when it's used like Rome used the Colosseum to distract the people and engage them so they aren't concerned with things in life that affect them more, like the decisions of politics.

Niggerball is a tool for miscegenation, eurocuck

C'est vrai.


>kerdasi amaq

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She's also a fucking jew.

I can see her cooter

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All professional sports is distraction from reality.

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i fucking hate how europoors think football is a real sport.. honestly old worlders are pussies..

biggest sports:
canada: hockey
america: football
nz/australia: rugby
europoors: soccer..

disgusting onion boy sport.. all the real men colonized the new world.. stupid fa44ots

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this picture encapsulates the history of women's vote to present day pretty well.
women's rights were a mistake.

It satisfies your tribalism. Put on your team colors, circle around your sacred team, and start chanting.

>what is bread & circus

I love Norf memes. :^)