Do white areas exist in America?

Is everywhere in the US super diverse or do all white areas (or overwhelmingly white areas) still exist? How does diversity play out in your day to day life’s American anons?

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Of course white areas exist, just go where the money is.

areas that are 95% + white are common outside of cities
cities are shitskin containment zones
they fear the countryside with good reason

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Yes there are places with only white people.

The whitest areas have undergone initial penetration in the past 20 years. There will be no Lily-white american towns in another 20. White ethno mationalists lack the imagination to foresee what is coming

There are a lot of mostly white areas still:
Northern New England (Maine, Vermont, NH)
Rural North East
Mountain West (Montana, Idaho, Wyoming)
Rural and Suburban Midwest

We do have a lot of non-whites but they are heavily concentrated in the South, Southwest, and big cities. There's still a lot of good places to live in the states. I know I am quite happy to live in PA, it is still very beautiful and white and Germanic where I live. Even many have German last names from the original settlers.

In the US do most white people live in diverse areas or do most live in white areas numerically?

Kill yourself, autistic browncel.

outside of major cities yes , especially in the mid west and north east

Pick one and only one. It's a nigger country

Numerically most people live in diverse areas, but, because our population is so large it is possible to live only in areas with white people the majority of our lives.

Yes, but like every part of the world that has a percentage of white people, it will be gone soon


Most live in diverse areas, probably, as by definition rural areas are low population. But even in mixed areas, affluent whites rarely mingle. I was raised in Northern Virginia and went to a overwhelmingly white private school, and only was friends with whites etc.. my parents neighborhood is very white, I was lifeguarding at a pool and literally pure 100% white. Things obviously arent great still, I'd rather not have to form societies within society, and plenty of poor people cant afford segregation.

> Appalachia

So living with impoverished Meth Heads and Heroin addicts is preferrable to having a Mexican neighbour?

numerically speaking it's overwhelmingly in diverse areas, as rural areas have essentially been depopulated over the last 30 years due to globalization and the relocation of job markets
geographically speaking the country is overwhelmingly white and rural though

White areas are usually outside of major urban centers, so rural is incredible white and suburbs are 75% and urban is 25%. It’s a lot like Britain, somerset isn’t like London

about half the country's population lives in major cities. Those are the 'diverse' areas.
Outside of that the rest of the country is vastly white, with the exception of very small ethnic conclaves such as black villages in the south.
You can literally drive for days through the heartland and not see a single black person.


Overwhelmingly white areas still exist, but as user mentioned earlier in the thread, the seeds of their demise have already been sown. Obama's "you're too white, take thousands of shitskins or else" bullshit was just an arrogantly public acceleration.

Not all of Appalachia is like that, in fact, a lot of it isn't. You really only see that in the poor, downturn communities that have lost a lot of jobs.

a) thats vastly over reported. the issue isn't an overpopulation of addiction, its the lack of adequate treatment that leads to overdose deaths, and why its considered an epidemic in that region, and
b) Yes

The majority of it, by square mile anyway.

UK is more 75/90/100.

Just as Kansas and Utah aren’t LA or NYC
Blue is white, black is uninhabited, green is black, orange is Hispanic

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Small town Iowa checking in. We have a few random nigs and spics but they don't cause trouble. Plus everybody's got guns here.

Yeah I know my family is from cheddar area, I was just giving an example of how urban is more diverse

thats an absurd ratio outside of the cities
blacks and hispanics make up the great majority of non-whites. the vast majority of hispanics are contained in the border states. blacks are primarily in the south and nowhere else except the cities. Outside of those regions the suburban and rural areas are extremely whtie.

They do, browncel.

Meth heads will empty you garage of everything to sell for meth. They also understand that getting shot is bad so they tend to be very non confrontational, picking times you won't be around to steal. The average black or brown will create confrontations because it is their nature to do so even when it doesn't benefit them. Lock your stuff up good and make it well known in your community that you shoot intruders and you'll be fine around meth heads. Blacks and browns nearby will always be bad news.

I lived in America for a few years. In Richmond, VA out in the suburbs.

The suburbs are extremely safe, but around 70% white. I was more worried about some depressed white teenager shooting up Walmart than I was about the Mexicans and Black people in the neighborhood.

City Niggers are different. Walking through Richmond city, I felt like I could get legit killed at any minute for no reason at all.

UK cities are diverse, but still very safe relatively. US cities are legitimately dangerous as fuck.

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Massive estates, plantation homes, waterfront homes, historic neighborhoods,etc will always be pockets of white people. Central city locations (even wealthy white) will always have niggers because niggers need big city to beg, steal, and buy drugs. Depends on foot traffic. Need a car? No niggers. San Francisco, London, etc are super expensive and white, but full of niggers.

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>Do white areas exist in America?

Nope. Every last one is being flooded with non-whites by the Christian Refugee Ministries, and the cucks here on Jow Forums keep clucking for even more Xtianity.

Whites are self destructing before our very eyes. I haven't heard even the slightest sensible plan from anyone on how to save the white race—from itself. Deep down, white men just want to continuing consuming, and continue their endless degeneracy. Unironically, I think hardcore Islam might be the last, best hope for whites, but white men hate it because they would have to give up Xtianity, feminism, multi-culturalism, degeneracy, porn and alcohol.

pic VERY related. Keep Christ-fagging Jow Forums. It's the future you chose.

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I can go through my daily activities and see 0 nonwhites. I’m not in a wealthy gated community. Just in a part of the country that isn’t affected yet.

I think non-Americans have this perception that California or NJ etc represent everyone, just because a lot of Americans do live there.

My rural southern county(and surrounding counties) are almost all white. Diversity isn’t even a thought here.

Yeah it was an average, suburban Phoenix and Cleveland vs Salt Lake City is different

California is the worst place I have ever been in my life.

It's like they took the worst aspects of Capitalism and Socialism, melted them together into some weird pseudo-ideology and fucked everyone with it.

This. We’ve had segregated towns since always, but people think you must necessarily always run across nonwhites in the south.
They can’t comprehend it. We need our own board.

suburbs around large cities like that would make sense, yes. but going into the heartland you are looking at 85-95% white in the rural areas.
The racial dot map here illustrates it better.

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People need to quit believing what they see on the news and in movies. You’d think all small towns are bullied and brutalized by insane and homosexual “hicks” judging by media.

I'm not telling you about all the 95%+ white areas I've lived in because you'll try to ruin them.

whoops forgot the link, same link as above poster

They exist but their Town Councils are run by Jews.

There are a lot of majority white areas in the US. the town I live in is 97% white.


Whites control nothing in the USA. Not even in their own Town Council.

The idea of batshit insane red necks needs to die too. Citiots will believe any negative nonsense about the rural south you can conjure.

honestly the worse they think of the countryside, the better
we do not want those subhumans leaving their colonies

NOVA is fucked because Californians mass-migrated along with Marylanders, turned it blue and imported huge numbers of guatemalans and niggers

I live in a big city, in a small pocket of one of the last few all white neighborhoods. IN the city, not on the outskirts. But if I walk 7 or 8 blocks in any direction, I'm suddenly outnumbered.

That’s true. I’ve encouraged nonsense plenty online. Just venting here. I run into morons in the forest frequently. Mountain bikers arenalright but the old boomers walking can fuck off.

Yea those places are great until you have to get this funny thing called a job

London is literally 50% white and contains nearly 1/6 of your country's population.

An important point to be made is that NYC is only 3% of the American population and is 80% Jewish/minorities

Most European and Asian capitals tend to be population heavyweights, like Tokyo having tens of millions of people.

Without mass immigration, American "major" cities basically wouldn't exist.

Rural Utah is white as fuck. Lots of polygamist mormons though. Anywhere theres Amish is white too.

>he's never met a Mexican


>cries about christianity
>pushes christian traditionalism

What if I told you abandoning traditional communities is a fucking retarded idea and that the actual way to win wars is to take back what is ours?

Literslly everywhere is pure white but cities

It is 60% white and it contains 10% of the population.

10 years ago my university was 85% white. Now it's 55% white and has been repeatedly sued by their new diverse students and had to pay out in court for being "racist".

There are white areas but they are frequently ruined by boomer fucktards that think importing shitskins is a good idea.


Yeah I posted a link to it, if a race war starts we can choke out those multicultural hell holes and then deal with the border and black belt afterwards

I've felt more at home in actual foreign countries than in California. I hate that place with the fire of a thousand suns!

This a million times, fuck that state

That’s still not to good mate

This is almost true but for the spics who work the fields and dairy barns.

Yeah it feels like China and Honduras mixed

My trip to montana/wyoming for yellowstone was awesome. the whole week we saw one black person and he was clearly only half black.

There are 10 million people living in london, the population of the UK is only 67 million. So it's 15% instead of 16% and you're still wrong.

>60% white

That was in 2011. It was 71% in 2001. It's 2019, which means it's been 8 years. The rate of immigration has only slowed from Europe, not the rest of the world. At best estimate London should be around 52% white assuming it goes down by about 1% a year (the rate is actually faster, so it is probably less than 50% white).

That map will look very different in the 2020 edition.

>agreeing with a post that unironically uses the term lily white

Pull up the 2016 election map. Look for red counties.

You sure about that?

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Of course they do. When I was growing up, my high school had 1 black kid in it, and he was from a military family, that's how he ended up there. He was still a dumb nigger doing dumb nigger shit all the time.
>MAN white people always be calling black people negro, or black!
"negro is Spanish for black"
But it all seriousness, there are plenty of white areas in the US. Just prepare your ass for it not to last in your lifetime.
Shit, thinking about it now, as far back as I can remember, my parents bought a house in a 100% white area. Abandoned it when that changed to "we are the only whites in this area" and just moved on, and got chased out of everywhere since.
Call my family cucks I guess, since we ran, but what else were we to do? US government is licking their lips at the thought of a white killing a brown. The way she goes.
Anyways, there are still white areas in the US.

>White ethno mationalists lack the imagination to foresee what is coming

This. The response from white men to their own genocide has been pathetic. I have to wonder if white men can even think beyond their next beer, football game, or vidya session anymore. I don't know why modern whites are so fucking dumb now, but I have to believe that microchimerism and white women rutting with hundreds of blacks has lowered the IQ of the white population drastically. Other than whinging on the internet, white people are loyal slaves to Jews and their interests.

it's fucking pathetic

Easy 80-90% of a population are beta cucks. Normally they would be forced to take on a mans role in society/family, but they were raised by women and society told them to be bitches and accept dystopian living. If you want to ruin/control a society, you change the women. They’re easy AF to manipulate.

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Oh my god, you look just like Shakira

I grew up in a mid sized city. You'd know the name in England. We had ZERO non white children until high school and then we had like 5 Black kids that got bussed in. This was 1970-80s

Now today I goto a local store and it is over half non-white and a mixture of South Americans, Mexicans, Blacks, Asians and Arabs.

I constantly watch my back and have to deal with people that have no sense of their surroundings, acting each moment of their lives like the rest of the world will move and allowing them to finish their task.
Are whites the only race of people that give way in stores and lines and sidewalks ?

>Are whites the only race of people that give way in stores and lines and sidewalks ?
Yes. Niggers do it on purpose half the time.. other half.. they don’t know what they are doing. Central Americans/Mexicans same but less angry. Asians are insectoid. Thai and Japanese people may be an exception in this case.

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I’ve also been thinking about how devastating the last 100-150 years has been to the white gene pool in western countries. Think of all the good white men that died in the civil war, world wars, etc.

Sorry to black-pill, but there is not much, within the Democratic system, that we can do about it.

Nebraska is pretty white.

Most areas are still majority white above the south. Midwest, northwest, and very northeast (talking Vermont, Maine, New Hampshire) rocky mountains

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There's more white people in the U.S than the whole of Britain.

No. 100% nigger. So feel free to fuck off and worry about your own country.

>do white area exist

they are called high society
usually coastal cities
or up on top of hills/mountains

Great. Then feel free to fuck off. No point worrying about a nigger country.

Most people self-segrgate. This is common knowledge.

You don't have to worry about either, do fuck off.

Good thing you don't live there. Fuck off and worry about your own country.

shut up satan, the goal is to keep criminals out

all that green near mississippi/louisiana is former plantations from slavery. in the country, it's very white

New England, but they're liberal. The south was outside of cities then illegal immigration hit.

No actually a burger but been using a lot of google earth VR, just roaming streets all around the world while getting drunk.
America is remarkably first world, even the bad parts you hear about.
Go to JBerg and see a nigger in a suit pulling a refrigerator on a wooden cart through the central business district. Go out to the suburbs and see nothing but niggers sitting all over the roads staring menacingly at the google car. See fire pits in the middle of the street and streams of sewage running out of house clusters.
I haven't explored London yet but I've heard it's more dangerous than Johannesburg in parts.


What a sad end for the American people, unfortunately this is happening in Europe too.

Great. Good thing you don't live here then. Feel free to fuck off.