Man wins women's 400m hurdle race

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If this isn't stunning and brave, you're a bigot and will be scrubbed.

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>As another female NCAA athlete from the same school, she has my full support. She just another athlete like me. Just because she’s a transgender woman doesn’t mean she’s any different from me. She had to fight twice as hard to accomplish what she did. She has all of my respect.
>Just because she’s a transgender woman doesn’t mean she’s any different from me.
The absolute state of society.


People who spout such nonsense are first, under the delusion that they will be rewarded for their acceptance of the nonsense. Second, they begin to convince themselves that men pretending to be women are under deadly attack at all times, when they are in fact coddled by every important organization of influence.

>Just because she’s a transgender woman doesn’t mean she’s any different from me.
Theres no way they believe this

Good. Women have been deserving this ever since they claimed equality to men.
And especially so since they started claiming women's sports are even remotely in the same universe of importance as male sports.

They're no different to the special olympics. They only get anything because half of the fucking planet is expressly forbidden from competing (or was). They should've been grateful it existed at all but instead, as women always do, they got uppity and entitled.

>when they are in fact coddled by every important organization of influence.
To be fair, these people are treated like weirdos in everyday life. If I ever met a man thinking hes a woman, Id clearly show my confusing/disgust.

This is too fucking funny.

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Sounds bout right in today's degenerate society. Maybe there should be a transsexual Olympic games?


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Have sex, incel.


that one big nigger

How come you never hear of any FtM trannies winning anything like this? :(

I'd like to see some muscled butch dyke try out for the NFL. Then listen to the owners scream.

Just like michael obama, stunning and bravely tucked.

The thing about womens sports is that their top athletes get beaten by average men. Its not interesting watching womens sports because you can go to your local basketball court and see a better level of play, its just not special.

Women really underestimate how big is the physical gap between women and men. They are literally brainwashed into thinking they can do anything a man does.

>reminder: "The FC Dallas U-15 Academy team beat the U.S. Women' s National Team, 5-2. The U.S. women's national soccer team is considered the best in the world."

I cant wait for transgenders to dominate womens categories in 2020 olympics.

>Have sex, incel.
have children, degenerate.


stupid roasties btfo

>choker necklaces

Every fucking time. Tranny shit is 100% just a submissive man fetish in its ultimate form.

Try out and fail?

>The thing about women's sports is that their top athletes get beaten by average men
That really surprised me at our tri-state track meet. I ran a mile at the middle of the pack for men, but looking at women's times I'd have come in first handily.

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>can't even sub 50 seconds men's 400m hurdle
>transition to woman
>get world record at 57
Fucking genius

seething roastie struggling to come to terms with just how inferior she is to men

The sheer insanity.

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Of there was ever a time for men to support "women's" sports , it's now. Imagine all the trannies dominating every single female only competition in the planet. And if real women complain, they become sexist! Even worse, they know that there's no way they can pretend to be male and compete professionally due to basic DNA. Men are literally better at being women than women are!!! Oh the fucking irony.


Fallon Fox

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>she has less testosterone than other biological girls
>yet her arm has more muscle than the other girls flabby arms


It's ok. Women are equal to men so they will eventually catch up r-right?

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Holy fuck, this bitch need to take an intro bio class. How can someone say something so fucking stupid?

This is EXACTLY what I want. In fact, this is incredibly important. Trans dudes are also winning championships in high school track. They need to win it all. Eventually, women will become fed up and demand a virtue signaling refund.

Fuck any little racist and sexist cunt that talks bad about these real women.

>>Defends "women"
>>Calls someone a "cunt"
>Dear Diary, today I hurt myself.

IIRC actually one did in wrestling or something, my memory could be fuzzy though.

>his last opponent
Fucking triggered over here.

I'm defending the real women...the courageous "transsexual" need to say transsexual because they are simply women, the superior version. Anything else need explaining?

>t femcel

>Help! user used a bad word!

>left madam
>if you only knew

Please for the love of god, intro anatomy and physiology courses should be MANDATORY in high school and college. These people have no fucking clue what they're talking about. 1 year of estrogen does not eliminate the muscle and bone development that a male went through before they transitioned. Every time they ran as a Male, every time they lifted weights, every time did sprints in training, they benefited from increased testosterone and androgen. This is a LIFETIME of increased testosterone levels.

how many mentally ill men will be winning gold medals in the Olympics?

with all these trannies in women's sports now I lose the last reason to watch women's track and field

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You just know those chicks are seething

I wonder how non western countries will react to it

If only you knew

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based equalizer

Has anyone ever done an actual interview with female MMA fighters about how they'd feel about mixed matches? Like would they take on dudes willingly?

other way around
women are dumb and weak

peak brainwash. they ferociously defend that which is demonstrably untrue

Any female athlete who speaks out against it is hounded into submission and harassed until they apologise. It would be funny if I didnt have a daughter who is going to be forced to change with these freaks and share the now indefinable word "woman".

Reminds me of this:

>Any female athlete who speaks out against it is hounded into submission and harassed until they apologise
Are you talking about trans fighters? I meant just in general, like have a division that full-on allows women and men to fight each other.

need sauce

>Nigger and a Transman
how can white girls compete.

same thing happened with canadian womens olympic hockey team. btfo by 17 year olds

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I did it y'all!

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Based. Women enforced this kind of shit, let them reap what they deserve.

I'm all for shit like this. you want equality so fucking bad? Here you go. Your professional top level fighters are gonna get their skull cracked open trying to fight an average male, and you're already pathetic attempts at athletics will look even worse than they already do. Every single record in every category will be broken by a man, and you will lose everything.
This is what you wanted.
This is what you voted for.
This is what you screamed and protested for.
Well, here it is.

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Have children, femcel. That is if you can even find a man who will tolerate you long enough to ejaculate

I think more and more trannies should be forced into spaces set aside for women.
They can have that "equality" they're always clamoring about.

Maybe brainwashed but also possible that she understand the current environment in which if she said anything that wasn't 100% supportive, she would have been kicked off the team and possibly expelled from her university.

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Kill it with fire

Trans people are our allies if you fucks could understand why they changed their identity and show some real compassion towards them, not the fake bullshit they get from the "progressives".

They've changed gender identity because they were sexually abused as children. They are distancing themselves from this trauma, symbolically removing the sexual organ that was used to abuse them. Trans people will need to feel confident enough to go public about this, but this can only happen once people show genuine care for them. They ain't getting it from the left who are using them as a political tool, and they ain't getting it from the right who think they're fucking nuts.

Trans people are already exposing the differences between men and women with sports. Once the cause of trans people is known, it will expose the political agendas of both sides and how they are designed to make things worse. The left baits you by in by pretending to care and accept you, giving a platform to you, that the right then attacks, creating resentment. Neither side actually solves anything, it's a complete waste of time.

This is madness.

Nah, trannies are disgusting, I was molested as a child and it sure as fuck didn't make me want to be a girl.

The ones will some intelligence left? fuck no. The ones who have something to prove? Sure. And they get the shit kicked out of them. bottom % of males > top % of women.

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Have you ever set foot on a university campus? 90% of women at uni are morons and have completely bought into leftist ideology because they live in a bubble.

I suggest being as offensive as possible

You dealt with the trauma differently.

If women want equality then why are there separate heats for males and women when it comes to sports?

Sports should be genderless, if you're good to play then you're on the team.. If you're not then you don't make the team, it should be as simple as that.

But because they want to divide males and females you end up with situations like this. Now males who are shit compared to other males in a particular sport, will become trans and dominate female said sport.

Have sex incel.

>those feets
>that ass
Truly a fine sheila

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Does estrogen levels define her womanhood? That's pure bigotry.


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I don't care, I didn't use my trauma as an excuse to be a retarded cunt and fuck with other people, they'll see no sympathy from me.

>Man wins women's 400m hurdle race

ahahahah I love this picture! The white roastie on the left knows it's already over. She's thinking about how much of a disaster feminism has been, but she's too proud and stupid to admit her mistakes, so she'll continue to keep making them...much the same way white men still love Xtianity and continue to push that jewish slave cult's cancer everywhere they can.

It's funny how they always have to throw in the transgender qualifier to point out that they are indeed aware the guy in a dress isn't actually a girl.


>I wish I would have supported white conservatism

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To a degree you're right britfag. But what you are missing is that the trans bs is part of a sacrifice to Moloch.

I will explain:

>Phase one the Satanists ritually molest the kid and consecrate (or perhaps more accurately desecrate) the child to Moloch
>Phase two the child becomes traumatized, the satanists convince him he's a woman, and his manly parts are sacrificed to Moloch
>Phase three the victim, overcome by distress, an heros, thus completing the sacrifice.

This is at least what I believe is happening. Its well known that child abuse is part of Satanic/Moloch worship and its widely speculated that trannies and suicides are tied in as well so it would make sense if it was all tied into one ritual.

>Matt Damon blowing the fuck out of women
I love this.

Ronda rousey said she hates it

>tfw based shannon Rowburry said that trans athletes should not compete with women
Some high level track athletes do speak out against it.

LMAO. Who the fuck let her get into college
Have children, femcel. That is if you can even find a man who will tolerate you long enough to ejaculate

It's like women cops or women in combat roles, except in those cases their ineptness and weakness gets men killed.

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It's not just MMA. Arguably the greatest female tennis player of all time was very open about being against transgenders, and the media crucified her for it.

He's right. Women have become the most pampered class, yet ironically are having their heads filled with non-sense about their "inferiority" to men. They need to come back down to reality. Feminism has become a crusade to destroy femininity; it tells women their goals should be to do the things men do lest they be deemed "inferior" to men. This is of course wrong because femininity comes with its own set of measures for women to strive in. Men and women are complementary, definitely not the same. Only in a twisted world can something so fundamental to the identity of a person as sex be this misunderstood. Who you are is not something you pick and choose, it's what you must come to accept to find fulfillment.

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number 4 should cheer up by hopping on my comically undersized penis

They say this now while the presence of tranny men in women's sport is relatively rare. Trannies start sweeping the medals every time, a different tune will be sung.

It takes an Olympic medalist MAN to win women of the year. Orwellian.