They'll adapt eventually.
Why would Australia cull something so cool?
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Cull? We elect these to Parliament!
We also cull wild pigs, buffalo, roos, Timor
Ponies, bentang, cats, wild dogs, camels and German backpackers, amongst other things.
Australia is actually a planet. How else would you explain the fact that 80% of Australian species are not found on Earth? The rest are things shipped by Briton, like rabbits, camels and influenza. This is to make it appear more Earthlike but it's all a scam.
For the last 10 years we have been experiencing mass Chinese immigration to our quadrant. Now more than ever, we beg America to build a space force and destroy the borg menace.
Goats will eat everything.
I'm sure strayans don't want to have to keep fixing everything soft enough for a goat to chew through.
I've heard they've been bringing much prosperity to Australia as of late.
SHY put on a few pounds?
that's why we plant rhododendrons. dance motherfuckers, dance!
i hope i get to see space colonies in my life time
Planet Australia sounds fucking awesome
>German Backpackers.
A challenger appears!
He’s got terminal reddit and won’t see the year out. Shame really, taught me everything I know about /out/
I feel the same about Planet America. You guys have fucking craters, canyons, beautiful scenery and skies filled with all assortment of beasts and bots and clouds and contrails. I've never even seen a cornfield before.
Most days our sky is blank searing ultraviolet. The land is worn away to nubs, no sharp peaks to ski down, no craters to explore or rifts or valleys... besides the emu testing fields which are still radioactive.
Bloody Germans and their Reddit!
Rabbits were a problem so they introduced cats. Cats were a problem so they introduced dogs. Dogs were a problem so they introduced Velociraptors. Fuckin A m8.
Are you SA or NT, mate
I'm just messing with ya I live way far south. Ski season started last week.
is that black phillip?
do you run into roos going down the slopes? i'm by mt baker and only have to dodge black bears.
yes but I've only ever collided with humans before, the roos are pretty good at moving out the way.
>so they introduced Velociraptors.
kinda makes me feel bad for the velociraptors. what did they do to deserve such punishment?
Your opinion of australian politicians is too high. They are closer to the shit that falls out of that goats arse.
My entire knowledge of Australia comes from old Steve Irwin videos and the movie Crocodile Dundee.
I feel like I'd be disappointed going there in person.
VA is a lovely state. At least you know the best Aussie sport even if there are no good teams in that state.
I think visiting would definitely give you mixed feelings. Melbourne and Sydney are forsaken to the hoard. The rest of the country is doing rough but we're surviving.
I've never heard a foreigner praise our natural beauty so. Thanks user, I hope you get to see our wonderful land before the bombs start falling on us all.
based marsupials
Only in Merica could this happen
Are the shitcunts going to lose a war to those as well?