Does anyone have the webm?
Other urls found in this thread:
Bump you faiggots
What was it?
I don't know faggot! That's why I made this thread.
I pulled this pasta from a current memory-holed thread. The pasta has a .webm listed as a file name in the pic contained.
Its a video of 4 little sex slave girls in revealing clothing working in a jewish owned bathhouse.
Why do you say Jewish bathhouse? It looks masonic... is that what you mean?
I saw. Little girls in bikinis, two in the back whispering, one retrieves water another pours water on the center circle.
>a day in the life for OP
>wake up, still sick from drinking last night
>everything hurts
>look at yourself in the mirror, a fat, greasy, disgusting pile of shit
>start drinking again from the soul crushing weight of hating yourself and knowing Trump is president
>decide to go on Jow Forums to vent some frustration
>make the same bait thread for the 12000th time
>0 replies
>go to discord to beg other crushed alcoholics to bump your thread
>can see it’s not working, drink more to drown out despair
>ignore the fact you've lost family and friends because of how repugnant you are
>despondent, discord tranny NPCs are your only source of social interaction
>cycle your proxy
>make same thread for 12001 time
>0 replies
>*sigh* drink more
>consider how pointless your life is
>sink deeper into depression
>know deep down in your heart that suicide has become an alternative
>pass out while posting today’s spam that your handler dictates
Bumping because of this post.
imagine writing all this to make fun of someone else's life.... yikes
I've eaten bacon shrimp and ribeye today, son. Talk to your mother
Is this pasta? From the very beginning it didn't relate to me so I stopped reading.
I don't drink.
bump cause you're a faggot
Did the OP of that thread post anything else?
No, I honestly wrote out every word, you're not a complete idiot
At least others liked your post.
just google the post number retard. first result is the archive
What the fuck! BUMP!
Ya think yer hot shit
It was a thread about that celeb that died on route 66 recently. Suicide or tom hanks killed him.... Guess hes the one that leaked it.
Its a family in a turkish bath.
The stone in the middle is hot and water on it steams the room.
Only thing creepy is that whoever videoed it shared it and everyone wants to jump to conclusions that its some pedo shit going on.
Believe me, i hate jews and muzzies, if i thought it was anything id be screaming for their flesh.
nope. deleted
Here. Says "upload failed" if I try to post it.
Some guy in the thread it was at some Turkish hotel so it could be some tourists idk
Nope just watched 5 secs ago.
what in tarnation
Exactly what a jew would say to cover it up.
Center circle looks similar, but definitely different floor and walls.
I didn't save it because I don't want to be van& or "suicided" with a shotgun shot in the back of my head
Different columns
Different pedestal
Different fountains
It's literally happening. Literally.
Someone upload it.
That's strikingly similar. Are all Turkish bath houses built like this?
Bump for faggots
Are you nu here?
It's just a Turkish bathhouse. I googled the post number and watched the webm. on 4plebs.
All Turkish bathhouse are built in this fashion. What made the OP so sinister is there black/white masonic design and two pillars.
Holy shit
Also scantily clad children.... yeah nah this is normal
wtf senpai where is my greek temple filled with lolis
It sincerely looks like a family video in a Turkish bathhouse. Just Google Turkish bathhouses. They're all very similar.
oh shiiiiitt wtf
do we have one with sound???
sloppy job mossad
You're a kike and you're mad that we haven't forgotten about this.
Yeah, IN A FUCKING BATHHOUSE. Are you 'strayans inbred as fuck or something?
It actually is... there are children in bikinis on every beach/public pool. The kids in the back arnt even wearing bikinis but normal swimsuits.
>wearing uniforms
>all look distressed
>all clearly not related
Kikes will get the gas.
Okay Canada! You've found me out.
who wouldnt want to go to this place?
how gay could you be
fucking glowniggers glow in the dark
If it was really a bathhouse then why are all the workers little girls and not adults
The webm was originally posted on /tv/ several days before someone posted it on Jow Forums. The conspiracy niggers said it was kappys dead man's switch
Yes the parents bought their girls matching swimsuits
The girls in back swimsuits dont even match
What about them appears distressed? You're not used to being around kids are you?
>doesn't know how bathhouses work
There are no "workers" in a bathhouse like this. You play in the water yourself.
Kids are not normally if fuck palaces though. Everyone knows that is what bath houses are anyway. Just like you don't want to see a bunch of scantily clad kids at madam chows massage parlor you sick fuck.
Not normal.
I agree it's unusual but not -raping and torching kids for molloch- unusual.
It's some kids in a bathhouse (bathhouses arnt orgy domes). Maybe their dad knows the owner and got some private family time on the off hours. It's not that fucking far-fetched.
OP here! This thread is only for people confused about bathhouses now.
Bathhouses here are faggot club houses lined with small dark cubicles with a bench. Faggots kneel on the bench with his ass in the doorway. Random faggots walk up choose an ass and poz it.
Normal Aussies who need to sweat go outside into the glorious sun. Those who need to cool off after jump into the sea.
Dude, save the white race and have some kids. You obviously don't at the moment.
So hot.
Why are they wearing clothes?
Hello, faggot police? OP is on the loose again.
pic related
Why are there so many faggot cops in the UK?
>why are there so many faggots in Europe
bro, c'mon. only disarmed faggots would let a pack of shit skins in to kill them and rape their daughters
why are you surprised that they have faggot cops, too?
Fuck off
Because of the high population of faggots in the uk
I understand that in our culture bathhouses are fag parlors. Not in this culture though. In Russia bathhouses are where you go to bro-out away from the wives for awhile.
Google Turkish bathhouses. No one is going to spend the money designing skills/labor to pull off that beautiful architecture for fags.
Yet to find a sound one
Am I a newfag?
OP here: this thread is now for people who are confused about Turkish bathhouses.
but why did the nigger that committed suicide release it and why hasn't anyone found a source? and why would there be 2 sets of children? and why do they all appear to be about the same age if they are from the same parents?
I'm not saying there's anything to this, but it is more odd than some of you are letting on.
its just some family vid... this would not look much different at some "splashpad" at a public pool at an unbusy day, yeah it could look strange here to people who dont know about bathhouses but this same thing is even in a star trek episode in ds9 Garak goes to a cardassian heat rock bath sort of thing with Ziyal, Gul Dukat's daughter, he is much older than her and Dukat hates him but hes the only other cardassian on the space station and she doesnt really fit in on cardassia or bajor because she's half bajoran, but Garak doesnt hold anything against her for that like others would - anyways the place is the same, a central heated raised stone thing to lay on, and you can put water on it for steam etc, its not an especially lewd or unlewd thing its just a thing people do because its relaxing and peaceful, thrse girls in the webm are just getting a chance to try such a thing together with family and maybe friends as well on a nice outing
for example it might be some spa resort type place at some vegas hotel, it could even be on a ship, i think the titanic or other ocean liners had turkish baths, and you could either have it be for families or say adults only - families actually makes it more pure i think because its less likely people would overly flirt or involve with other couples because their children are there witn them, whereas adults only who knows what lewdishness could occur when daddy or mommy goes back to the hotel room a while early
How do you know suicide nigger posted this?
Similar age yes... SIMILAR. They could be separated by a few years and maybe one or two are cousins. It's not like there are ten 10 year olds or something.
Day of the rope is coming for you lads. You will all perish violently.
I fuck kids, AMA
Are you part of an organization that diddles kids? If so can you describe it?
Hey John, just wondering if Podesta is a family name? It doesn't sound very Jewish
Fake and gay. Kappy was just a schizo, like OP.
saw the webm. bunch of kids dressed like greeks pouring water from corner fountains onto the center altar thing. fucking weird.
Yes, I'm a Republican.
The family name was changed from Podhoretz to Podesta in the early 20th century.
Just another pizzagate 2.0 arriving for another election cycle as evidenced by this post right hereIt’s got boring, but it’s fun to watch at this point.
That was on of the only pizzagate related pics I've saved. I wouldn't dare suggest anyone waist their time thinking about Caesar's political circus.
Just your standard kiddy auction for the usual suspects, elites and degenerate power brokers of the world to act out their depravity.
Kiddies washing away the blood of the previous nights auctions before it is their turn on the stage, meanwhile the floor above the long pig barbecue is going ahead
He’s going to win, pal. You’re good. The base is bound by Q. All is under control.
You wanna know a secret?
Q is one of my proofs that it's all a show for the masses.
that you're a gay pedophile?
At some point somebody is going to get killed and people still won't admit inequality
Oops wrong thread but enjoy anyway