I can't take it anymore

i don't want to live in a shitskin country. the entire west is getting fucked. FUCK. i don't even wanna have kids because i know i'll bring them into an america full of 80 iq shitskins by the time they become adults.


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o rly

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do something about it

some ideas of mine
>work on a project or business to make money to gain influence and be able to help pro white projects or make enough to buy a large property
>talk to friends and family and redpill them little by little
>help out at local community organizations to show the public you are someone who can be trusted and cares about them.

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Youre ancestors would do what pussy?

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yes goy, give up

Do something about it


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10/10 solution would watch again! He will be released just as he wanted

>blackpill thread

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what have you guys done?

First off, complaining is for women.
Secondly, what skills do you bring to change this situation?

Come to Europe, we actually have a chance

Think about this with a longer time preference. Of course if you compare 1950s demographics with modern you should be depressed. But 60 years is a drop in the bucket next to centuries and millennia. Your a member of a race that used to be concentrated in nothing but an island and a few countries with the land mass of 3 or 4 states. They have successfully germinated an entire hemisphere. The culture they did that with is in the latter end of it's life cycle but it's presence remains and will remain for centuries more. If the raw material of its mass can find the will to continue and begin another culture and life cycle, it has the potential to more than regain the ground lost in the last decades and sweep the world

It actually does and is real pragmatic things you can do
maybe you should get off the computer for a while user :)

no you don't...i mean at least in america we have guns...i just feel like it's hopeless. i just want a fucking racewar now and to gas kikes, but it seems like the chances of it just keep getting lower and lower.

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So you have no skills, and you want a war.
And who is it you think is going to be carrying this weight?

When the time is right we begin the war of ethnic cleansing. You strike when the time is right, and not a second earlier or you damn us forever.

Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahshahahahaha. You think of me..... Lol...

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Just because you have guns doesn't mean you will use them. Read the Turner Diaries

soon, i think.

>"hey guys, maybe we should actually kill some kik-"

no, i'm just saying people are telling me to do something about it when they've done nothing themselves

Wow. Someone who knows...

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the the democratic left is as good as dead

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Nothing. Read SIEGE faggot

Come to Singapore. White people are living the dream here.

Glow in the dark brought to you by your enemies! See them! Hear them! Smell them! THEYRE EVERYWHERE! INFORM ON YOUR CHILDREN! BIG REWARD!

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Don't worry, user! Based trump is going to build a wall and send them back, and then he's going to drain the swamp!

Trust the plan soon because of ticks and tocks!







>come to singapore
This is the problem. Expecting subhumans to sympathize with you. Why the fuck would i leave the country my ancestors built? You cant relate to that because your ancestors left you jack shit.

You dont know the rage. Or the wrath thats coming.

I'm stockpiling ammo, are you?

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What wraith?

Your ancestors left their homeland in the first place for a better life. It’s normal user. People have been leaving their home to create a new utopia somewhere else for thousands of years.

I got me sum quality hippy sandals for backpacking. And a swiss champ! I AM READY!

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And what great thing have you accomplished today to secure your place in society, oh basement-dwelling virgin?

You say you hate "shitskins" and yet you yourselves are completely replaceable by them. You have no ideas, no inventions nor patents to your name, and have made no meaningful discoveries beyond the loli porn infesting your cheeto-coated PC. None. None worth keeping you alive, anyway. The listless, parasitic mediocrity that is your life is spent wasting away on this Vietnamese basket-weaving image board, which is to say, nothing here matters, including you, and deep down you know this. You are functionally the same as any "80 IQ shitskin" and deserve the rope. In fact, they should have one of you in every classroom with all of the free projection you do. Sayonara, white trash.

It's always the worthless white trash who are good at nothing and have to cling to superficial whiteness to FEEL superior, but have and never would do anything to prove it. No matter how dumb, lazy, obese or obnoxious, They want the world handed on a silver platter just because they have less melanin. If your whiteness meant anything in this world, you would have no need to complain. The supreme human specimen can adapt to any situation, others are as ants to such a being, unworthy of any attention from the supreme being as nothing they do would affect it. But instead, you are the very ant yelling at the heel of diversity overhead that is about to crush you and end your pathetic existence once and for all.

I know I'm pissing in a sea of piss, but boy does it feel good to flush it all away.

Whats normal is blowing peoples brains out. You don't know normal.

You dont know my normal

>t. shitskin

There will be a point when white men are going to snap.



You don’t want to live any more because the Jews imported half a billion apes into your nation?

Fascinating user...

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You just sound like a faggot demoralization shill.

We can help each other. Whites countries turning into brown shitholes will not benefit you long term.

>tl;dr summary: u mad whit*iod?
Learn how to summarize pajeet

>Letting amerimutts into Europe
Talk about terrible ideas.

One day a big armored truck is gonna roll down your street shooting everyone. Paco

Hell on wheels. A truck full of demons. With one goal. To fuck your shit up and down.

Your normal is posting online and doing nothing irl. Larping faggot.

Theres a gun safe 5 ft away. Why would i risk it though? I need to plan it out. Youll see me on the news when im 30 or 40. I’ll have lost all hope by then.

I want the big body count. Im sick of seeing 12s.

You will have blown your own brains out with stepdaddy’s gun by then.

I already lost it all. But my parents will be dead by then and i wont have anyone left to shame.

This world will mean nothing. Ill kill everything that moves.

I tried to kill myself already. And i made a deal thatnext time it gets that bad im murdering people.

>Understand the atheist synagogue of satan.
>understand Israel is funding most European Nationalist parties.
>wiki “Reformed Judaism”
We are all in this together user. I will help guild the way my fellow noble Aryans.

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>>i don't even wanna have kids

Youre getting a bullet too. Especially you. Jew. The last words you hear will be this is for hitler.

Nah their strategy is actually sound. There’s not enough resources to feed everyone and if whites become independent they’ll try to sabotage Israel as revenge for WW2 and Germany. Jews want to protect themselves and their future interests. They can use China as a manufacturing base and turn America into an Israeli satellite state. Whites can either join them or watch their daughters get BLACKED. I’m not going to pretend I’m not impressed Moishe...

History has taught you well.

>Understand the atheist synagogue of satan.
>understand Israel is funding most European Nationalist parties.

You forget to mention you’re also responsible for bringing the shitskins into our countries in the first place.

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Shitskins won't serve them like gullible pacified whites. China would fuck them over sooner or later.

have sex incel

It is my opinion that with my methods, coloreds and (((chosen))) will be running for the coasts to get the fuck out of here with their lives.

We are already in a war, we just need to take it guerrilla style.

Or we can go to where the teenagers hang put and murder them like the old movie serial killers.
>have sex incel
Okay. Ill rape your girlfriend in front of you before i cut your heads off.

I don't wan to have kids in Russia by the same reason. This country is full of noviops. Fucking central asia mongrels.

You know if you foster happiness and growth throughout a community you're generally going to have a bunch of people actively wanting to further said relationships and would be rather condusive to having a stable marriage, more kids (if you don't have to worry about becoming a debt slave along side your husband you can reinforce the community through proper family management, growth, and fortifying your marriage and the decision to undertake such a important task.) and less shit skins in your life?

Ill make a video where i puppeteer your head and make it say
>have sex incel
And then it will explode from a shotgun blast.

China is completely controlled by skynet surveillance. China is a giant Zerg insect colony controlled by Jewish rats. They have no real power.

Thanks for doing the world a favor for not having kids. You mad white boy?

Ill use your phone. Ill send it to everyone in your contacts.

Maybe i get lucky and your parents have a heart attack. Maybe i get lucky and your siblings kill them selves. All for killing one fuck boy.

Wholesome leaf

A dozen birds a stone.

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>I'll call him paco, that'll show him
Cope some more, it's almost cute

Ready when you are

We'll see who becomes hamburger meat you swine

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Is this supposed to be threatening? My god hung himself. Send me to him so i can get ready for ragnarok.

Ill be back. With millions more.

White people being too lazy and retarded to save themselves is nothing to kill yourself over. It's a recurring theme since Thermopylae that not everyone cares when an invasion happens at first and examples have to be set for future generations. Just be proud of your foresight to see what your neighbors can't yet and raise a family that knows how to fight for their place in the world.

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I hate this world too much. You have nothing to offer me but target practice.

That I can admit online?
>working with my city govt to donate a piece of land for an American chestnut orchard
>planting American chestnut seeds on hikes
>trying to start a park cleanup day in my city

Sounds comfy

Sounds gay. Wheres the blood and gore? Fucking faggots i cant stand you.

Destroy the world. Let the strong survive.

Maybe instead of murder ill become president. And launch the nukes as soon as possible.

checkout this thread

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Grow up, kid. Your excuse for not having a family is because there are too many non-whites in the US? Pathetic. You are not a man nor are you ready to father any children. Nut up or shut up.

most missing persons in california are actually people i've kidnapped and butchered


Literally this, get land and like-minded folk together and you’re building a community

The world is already fucked, let the nukes fly and the superior reign.

based whitepilled user


Right. I bet his professor told him that. No, wait. It was his mother.
