Thoughts on communism?

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Imagine being a leftypol poster

On paper it looks goo but in reality it fucking sucks every time when applied in the real world. Power is Power someone always has to have the bigger dick.

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blessed 3s

pretty fat for a communist cunt

This picture is definitely worth a thousand words, and all of them are “cringe”

Communism is quite literally retarded.

Communists want to use a monopolize violence in order to take wealth from the working class. They then redistribute this wealth to retards who chose not to do anything with their lives.

Most of the money goes to the military so that the Communist state can then proceed to conquesting other nations.

Communism is pure evil, and it doesn't even work... You would have to be a total moron to be a Communist...

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My favorite detail in this pic is that the square creases are present. It looks like he just unwrapped it from the Made in China packaging to pose naked with it.

Goodbyee horsessssss

she'd be an easy 7/10 after a couple years of communism

A white woman with post birth stretch marks disgusts you? Genocide it is then.

most of them would be the first ones to die in their proposed society

The thots on communism are severely substandard even by Ivy League feminist student standards.

user I-

phrase it better or else you sound like a moron
>monopolize violence in order to take wealth from the working class
taking money from people with no money, ok, they nationalize industries and seize means of production through force
>redistribute this wealth to retards who chose not to do anything with their lives.
American propaganda only retard burgers will fall for, wealth fare in communist countries are non existent, if u don't work u don't get paid, have fun standing in soup kitchen lines if your region is lucky enough to have soup kitchens
>Most of the money goes to the military
rofl no, most money goes to party officials and insiders, their military gets scraps unless it's during wartime
>Communist state can then proceed to conquesting other nations
depends on the leader, don't be retarded, America CIA glow in dark niggers are significantly more territorial then any commies

stop listening to ben shekelpiro, literally turning into a jew puppet

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>getting fooled by THAT
I'm starting to think discord trannies are winning.

the ideology is about as attractive as your pic op.

I can smell that fish taco from here

Western communism is cancer but Eastern communism is based

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I like bread. Don't be a commie faggot.

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its fat and ugly


Genocide indeed

16th post best post/based leaf

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communist are scum and should be killed

Hated it at first, discovered how degenerate the West really is then loved the ideology in a way because it's a necessary evil. Weak people need to be removed, security of the nation, the protection of the family is sometimes more important than perceived freedoms. In the true sense of the word, there is no freedom in the first place. The West brainwashes it's people into such childish delusions. You have no control of your life anyway. There's too much people in this world, too much restraint of our natural behaviors, too much distractions. Some of you privileged fucks need to starve and fear for a while to truly understand the purpose of life. Too much politics, too much talk. We need more war, war will unironically redpill a nation. Change my mind

Protip: you can't

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marx's critique of capitalism is for the most part very good, although I disagree strongly with his foundational metaphysical views.
and its for this reason that a post-state communist society is not a possible future
there are other ways to fix the problems of capitalism without relying on a socialist revolution

>hates jewish degeneracy
>embraces jewish tricks to overtake countries through centralized power structures
no wonder sand niggers never progress beyond coal and stole the rest, truly the niggers of Arabia

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Fuck communism, fuck niggers, and fuck jannies.

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anti spirit virus

What did he give birth to?
Shame his father feels every day?

simplified solutions for complex problems
naive people like it therefore