I am real and you will have to face me.
I am real and you will have to face me
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What if i am that guy in hell you warned people about that can kill souls? What then daddys boi?
the final jew
ill just dangle a shekel in front of you
I saw Kenny Loggins in concert years ago
don't larp as me faggot
YASHUA the messiah
YAHWAY the father
I know. But hurry up and come soon it's bad down here.
Daily reminder that Jesus was a brown immigrant. You can’t be a Christian and deny refugees fleeing war or economic stagnation a place to live.
I am not a nigger. As God I order every shitskin to be physically removed from every white country
Jesus wasn't even a real person, you Jewish cocksuckers
>pic related
We all have to face Kenny Loggins?
>When you get to heaven and realize Kenny Loggins was our Lord and Savior the whole time
Ooga Booga The Jew God is real!
Was gonna make a danger zone pun. But thought better of it.
I already accept Jesus is judging me but I just don't know what I can do to make him happy. I feel like so many people/satanists need to die for Jesus' wishes to come true but also think I shouldn't hurt anyone.
A real conundrum, I am paralysed by fear and uncertainty.
I'm aware.
>A real conundrum, I am paralysed by fear and uncertainty.
You know Jesus wasn't even a real person, right...?
Whatever happened to the artist? She was quite the anomaly.
>Richard Carrier
Where's his tenure
He can fuck off; I wanna see God.
He's got some explaining to do.
I know you're real , im just not buying the whole son of god thing and I believe its something added much later into christianity
Stop making Him look like a Khazar Turk
still does art
>boomer humour
I love you Jesus.
I'll just tell you to turn the other cheek.
Amen! Jesus Christ is my Lord and savior.
O People of the Scripture (Christians), do not commit excess in your religion or say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of God and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul from Him. So believe in God and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, God is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is God as Disposer of affairs.
Can we have a civilized argument about how flawed the idea of God having a son sounds?
When will Christians finally wake up and realize that the Bible IS the true word of God but that it got corrupted?
You were bum criminal of your time im glad you got fucked kike
You're saying that like it was bad or something
Neopagans are quasi-jungian atheists. You don't have any relationship with the gods that the true germanics had.
Jew are bad
All hail king jew