I am real and you will have to face me

I am real and you will have to face me.

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What if i am that guy in hell you warned people about that can kill souls? What then daddys boi?

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the final jew
ill just dangle a shekel in front of you

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I saw Kenny Loggins in concert years ago

don't larp as me faggot




YASHUA the messiah

YAHWAY the father

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I know. But hurry up and come soon it's bad down here.


Daily reminder that Jesus was a brown immigrant. You can’t be a Christian and deny refugees fleeing war or economic stagnation a place to live.

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I am not a nigger. As God I order every shitskin to be physically removed from every white country

Jesus wasn't even a real person, you Jewish cocksuckers

>pic related

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We all have to face Kenny Loggins?

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>When you get to heaven and realize Kenny Loggins was our Lord and Savior the whole time

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Ooga Booga The Jew God is real!

Was gonna make a danger zone pun. But thought better of it.

I already accept Jesus is judging me but I just don't know what I can do to make him happy. I feel like so many people/satanists need to die for Jesus' wishes to come true but also think I shouldn't hurt anyone.

A real conundrum, I am paralysed by fear and uncertainty.


I'm aware.

>A real conundrum, I am paralysed by fear and uncertainty.
You know Jesus wasn't even a real person, right...?

Whatever happened to the artist? She was quite the anomaly.

>Richard Carrier
Where's his tenure

He can fuck off; I wanna see God.
He's got some explaining to do.

I know you're real , im just not buying the whole son of god thing and I believe its something added much later into christianity

Stop making Him look like a Khazar Turk

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still does art

>boomer humour

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I love you Jesus.

I'll just tell you to turn the other cheek.

Amen! Jesus Christ is my Lord and savior.

O People of the Scripture (Christians), do not commit excess in your religion or say about God except the truth. The Messiah, Jesus, the son of Mary, was but a messenger of God and His word which He directed to Mary and a soul from Him. So believe in God and His messengers. And do not say, "Three"; desist - it is better for you. Indeed, God is but one God. Exalted is He above having a son. To Him belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is on the earth. And sufficient is God as Disposer of affairs.

Can we have a civilized argument about how flawed the idea of God having a son sounds?

When will Christians finally wake up and realize that the Bible IS the true word of God but that it got corrupted?

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You were bum criminal of your time im glad you got fucked kike

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You're saying that like it was bad or something

Neopagans are quasi-jungian atheists. You don't have any relationship with the gods that the true germanics had.

Jew are bad
All hail king jew