What do I do with my life pol

I’m a zoomer with no education and no job and I’m trapped at my parents I have barely any friends and am a kissless virgin I’m so ocd that I’m trapped in my room almost 24/7

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try out various fields, and see which one you are good at. then focus self study on that

You can give your foreskin to Israel if you got nothing else going for you.

They already took it

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Learn to make things! look around the house for things to repair, watch videos online how to and repair it. Never stop learning to do things.

I meant enlist in the military. Lol

Turn off porn. Go outside. Come back inside. Leave porn off. LEAVE PORN OFF. No Porn. No porn. You should probably Just erase all your social media accounts. Force yourself to do things old fashioned way. Face 2 face. Alcohol sometimes helps the social situations. Find a kewl local bar, go there 1 night a week at around the same time, every week. Leave phone at home. WHY NOT?

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They wouldn’t even accept me because I have no diploma and have been in the psych ward

why did you study and work hard in school?
why didnt you get a college scholarship?
why didnt you go to community college?
how about a tech school and manual labor?

Become an electrician. At least where I’m at they make $18 an hour during apprenticeship and then up to $30. You’ll have to deal with
> muh union
But it’s better than being poor, plus you can earn more if you keeep at it

learn java neet


Embrace emo culture

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What were you in the ward for user?

Are you a NEET? Learn physics and calculus.

Porn did mess me up and got me into all types of degenerate fetishes ever since I first started using it it’s probably the root of many of my issues I’ve tried going on nofap multiple times but I go a week and then relapse and jack off like 4 times it’s seriously like a drug

Help is comming bro, it on the way

poor soul. Go into the wild for a bit of a retreat. Then join the anti-tech revolution.

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you have to find out what you like to do, it really is that simple

lay out a very specific point-by-point list of your problems, rate them in order of importance (roughly) and then tackle them. take a systematic approach. if you just sit there feeling overwhelmed then nothing's going to change.

You say you're "trapped" at your parents house, so I take it you're unhappy living with them? So you need to move out. That requires money. Get a job, even a manual labor factory job, or retail job, cash is cash, start working, save, find a roommate - even if you don't have friends to roommate with you can find randos/strangers who want to split costs. Or if you prefer to spend a bit longer with your parents, start working some shit job, save money, and use the money to pay for the first year of trade school, become an electrician or something, then in a year or so you'll be working fulltime as an apprentice and you can move out then.

Either way you get the idea. Use your OCD to your advantage, make a list, then tackle the list point-by-point.

Stop whining and fix your problems.

How out of shape are you?

Listen man, this may sound like some new age bullshit but rings true, you create your own reality. Finding motivation can be difficult but not impossible or if you prefer the more direct line... Stop having a fucking pity party for yourself, get off your ass and be the change. Nobody is gonna do it for you

Well, young man, I hope you can find something that is interesting in it's own right, not for what it can provide in the future. I hope you find a hobby that is enjoyable and which you're intrinsically motivated to pursue. Status, possessions, and material comforts are severely overrated. But nothing - I mean NOTHING - brings me more pleasure than reading a good book and writing. It is difficult, never finished, always a struggle, always disappointing, but along the way, there is all the pleasure in my life.

Don't underestimate the value of being nothing more than a good person with enjoyable hobbies.

This is good advice.

Join Military. Free housing, free education, healthcare, meals, pick something that you’d like to do in civilian life. It’s basically always been welfare for young men.

I’m in shape I can run a 6 minute mile but I’m skinny

let me give you some advice from someone who has been there and done that

i wouldn't highly recommend that you build yourself up physically and take care of your body, loose the fat if you have it, put on muscle if you dont ect. i dont want to sound too bleak but the reality is that you may never find a career that you are particularly interested in or capable of attaining, you might suddenly wake up a decade later and find you are still in square 1, but this horrifying reality can be avoided as long as you take care of yourself physically, because you will have the option of falling back on easy access physical labor jobs, that way you still have a chance of avoiding the NEETdom and living a normal fulfilling life even if you fucked up education and have no idea what you really want to do, not to mention you will simply regret not taking better care of yourself no matter what anyway

ayy same.

post elbow and I'll judge you

Do this. get a cush job and ride it out for 20 years

I appreciate the advice

stop caring. this is the hell the boomers built for you.

Well, you do have time on your side and parents to support your dumb ass. What is the issue?

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I’m under 18 and my parents don’t support me I’m waiting until I turn 18 so I can leave but idk where to go when I’m 18 and feel like I’m probably gonna end up on the streets eventually dead

additionally DON'T put yourself in a no options remaining situation. By ruining your life on purpose with drugs, degeneracy or larping too hard. I've been working on a solution for our people.

I'm an architect working with advanced materials. For the past 5 years I've been designing and creating a working method for high-end home construction using proprietary molds etc. I'm 6 months to 100% design and useable blueprints completion. What I'm getting at is that I will offer young white men intend to marry and have a white family the possibility to build their future and permanent family homes.

First step: go to gym. Lifting will improve your sense of discipline.

Fellow zoomer here. School was a joke, no one takes you seriously until your 35 at a job so you should do something you like or start a business. Your parents probably aren't degenerates and your friends are probably blue pilled normies who talked about game of thrones for the last 3 weeks. Most chicks are tatted up psychos with an STD you already know an interaction with them isn't worth it. Trust me OP with the time we are living in, staying in your room 24/7 is in of your best options, you're not missing out on anything special.

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Based and constructionpilled

stay with your parents while you establish yourself for fucks sake. the era of bootstraps is long over. they invested 18 years into you, another 5 now while it's at the most critical transition point is very necessary

Nah the few friends I have are 100% red pilled like me because of me lol I’ve probably redpilled like 20 people my age over social media so at least I’m doing something for us

You must've misspoke. I think you meant to say that you're totally 18 and have just made plans to leave.

19 year old zoomer here. I dropped out of schoool with one credit left to finish.

Anyways, could i just walk in and take a GED test and pass with a high score? The only redeeming thing about me is i got an A- in algebra ii but i barely passed any science classes.

I want to go to college for civil engineering.

and aesthetics pilled. if only you guys knew what I have planned for you lol. stay out of trouble and don't give up now.

Itt: papa user builds homes for the volksgemeinschaft

Better than you ending up homeless with them while having to financially support shitty people for over a decade as they waste your money and shit out two more kids. Yes, this really did happen.

Now I'm 40 and near the end of my life. Hopefully next life is a bit more fruitful.

I didn't have the option/privilage of establishing myself. Just work at McDonalds for 5+ years while living out of a van where able bodied parents dont work and spend my money on other needless shit like cigarettes.

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im in the same situation mate except im 19 no diploma and have bad anxiety and ocd dont really know what to do

Run away. Murder people.

Murder mexicans and niggers. Murder anyone who isnt white. Stick a knife in their neck and disappear into the night.

25 and in the same situation. It doesn't get better

OCD is a bitch

Wonder the streets at night. Look for Mexicans and niggers out being hoodlums. And kill them.

I feel your pain bro ocd fucking sucks

Yeah. Cod sucks. Worst game ever.

It can eventually don’t give up yet

Set your old schools on fire

Stop being a glownigger

Go around at night setting as much shit on fire as you can.

It would resolve so many issues our people face. Young men need direction, sense of community and something to do that will have significance. Young women need men capable of supporting a housewife and family but most young men can't afford to give them that.

I've lived in the city and poc neighborhoods.. I understand the environment our people are forced into specifically to destroy us. This is a way to prove national socialism works better than anything else. I've worked on this without pay and will only ask for the material cost.

my motivation is obligation. no capitalist or communist can ever understand this. they can never be have such a catalyst

Stop using Jow Forums nigger.

I also meant establish yourself as in your character as a man and to have a base from which to recover at when you make mistakes.

Your construction company is going to save the white race?

You marry a millionaire

Nah, I'm a directionless virgin loser still living at home

I'm stupid as fuck and dropped out of art degrees 3 times cause even that was too hard
I'm just waiting for the day I get enough courage to an hero

People say the real courage is staying alive and dealing with problems but it really isn't

and pursue a monk life

kill yourself

yea its hard to change your routine and focus on stuff that matters doesnt help that i live in a shitty meth town in a liberal ass state

Learn to code, learn a trade, bee urself.

You're young. Life is ahead of you.

Don't speak like that about yourself man, you will hurt your feelings.

Do you have a local synagogue or mosquée next to your home ?

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Are you the Walmart user ?

Go away! B8n!

this right here, make yourself useful OP

Join a gym that is open 24/7, start going in the middle of the night/early morning, start eating keto diet if fat, read books about history/economics/race realism, learn a trade dont waste time/money on college, in 6 months you can be ripped and have a new career... get offline, stop watching porn. You can do it brother. The world wants you to fail, we want you to succeed and help us fix this world. WE NEED YOU!

Go outside for walks, start lifting weights (at any weight level, seriously) and read books. Get them from the library. And above all, start going to church.

I'll see if I can take that advice with me for the next ride. All i have is bitterness from now until the ambulance doors shut.

>pajeets, Paco, Jerry Seinfeld

Yeahman, it's me. What's going on lil'man?

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the world needs less basement dwelling loser virgins, not more.


tldr yes
But the nuance of it is as follows. The act of building itself is what "saves" the white race. These are homes that will last a 1000 years (look into UHPC). People will be able to not only inherit homes but a community and an obligation. I don't want to get overly specific about how it can avoid the traps of government interface but it's possible

>What do I do with my life pol
Bring back motorcycle chariot race

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How old are you?

What's with that weird guy with the suitcase?


if you're gonna kys, you'll need a plan

This. I saw an ad in the black hills online paper looking for electrician apprentices, no experience necessary. All you neets should look Into getting jobs in the dakotas. Work is available and you can stay in a tent on blm land until you get situated.

The most common excuse women use* is naivete. The most common excuse men create* is the myth of no other options. Stop purposely going down paths you know are dead ends. I told you already, give me 1 fucking year and you will have the option to create a future you supposedly want (family, high quality home, nice area)

also fuck Oregon this state sucks ass and is a blight on this country dont come here this state is filled with retarded leftists and faggot politicians

zoom yourself to the jiu jitsu dojo

You should probably get a doctor to look into that OCD stuff.

go to plebbit they'll accept you

Find someone more deserving like OP whom have the time to bask in thier fortunes.

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Under 18? Lots of options. If society were sane, it would lead you to a job and a virgin woman. I think you're worried because you don't see a path to that.

What's your IQ? You should target something, like coding, or trades, or accounting, depending on your IQ. If you have a specific direction to learn in, even if it's a bad direction, that's better than total uncertainly. Most things you can teach yourself.

IQ test if you need one: mensaiqtest.net/

You should definitely read this book:

>How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big

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consider taking a 5htp supplement.

Get an education and a set of skills while you're young, don't listen to retards who claim you don't need formal training. You'll be thoroughly fucked when you're 30 and in the exact same spot and it happens faster than you'll know if.

and what if the IQ test says he's retarded? then what?

Come work for me goy

I’ve been to tons of physiatrists and let me tell you dude the whole physche field is all a massive scam they try to prescribe you with like 6 different medications that will just fog up someone’s mind and make them a zombiethey all get paid off by (((big pharma))) or they just sit there and tell you the most basic advice like try to count to 10 or do things that make you happy it’s a fucking joke

I’ve been to tons of physiatrists and let me tell you dude the whole phyche field is all a massive scam they try to prescribe you with like 6 different medications that will just fog up someone’s mind and make them a zombie they all get paid off by (((big pharma))) or they just sit there and tell you the most basic advice like try to count to 10 or do things that make you happy it’s a fucking joke

fucking kys, this thread is fucking nothing
You are fine user, once you are 18 it probably won't be hard to find and keep a job

I fully commend your good work, but please measure your expectations carefully. We have much bigger problems like global capitalism, changing demographics, cultural decay, etc.
Still, every contribution counts and I fully hope you can help a lot of people!

Then he can do something nigger tier, that's more or less, easier. I doubt that.

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