How can men stand against such reckless evil?

How can men stand against such reckless evil?

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It's over.
When faggots take over the church it means how dead was the Catholic church.
Benedict was the last pope.

Isn't Mary an important figure to you Catholics?

Religion can help erase this issue.
>Tell them the church has always hated gays
>Tell them other religions like Islam have always been accepting.
>Encourage them to depict Islam as being LBGT+ positive (because that's what nazis hate about Islam)
>Share Mohammed kissing Jesus along with personal information
>Wait for Muslims to show how peaceful they are
If you don't think this is peacefully accurate, you are the racist.

Debbie should be shot in the back of her head.

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you kill them, poison, strangle them, or maybe just terrorize them for a while make them feel watched and in danger
maybe let out the air of her tires
stuff like that, there's many things one man can do against the wicked
yes this blasphemous whore is just possessed by demons, she will pay one day its not even worth it to get mad
she literally knows not what she does, just a useful idiot for the kikes

I thought bible literally said that homosex is an abomination and an express ticket to god's wrath.
I'd like to see the mental cognitive process that makes them think they can be faggot "catholics" with pride

Yes. It's a self identified "Catholic" posting an incredibly blasphemous image of the Blessed Virgin

The church still rejects gay sex. These faggots are just LARPing as trads while being literal faggots.

At this point we all need to take down our respective government and replace them.

If you're not already, begin counter-economic warfare via cryptocurrency.
Our goal should be to stop using the US dollar.

When the war finally goes hot, be ready to start shooting degenerates down.

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Hellfire just became thirty degrees hotter

Actually can one better this.
>Jesus was a virgin
>But Moses and Mohammed are inclusive because they have each other
>cue picture of Moses and Mohammed fucking

It's one of the few sins that are described as "crying to heaven for vengeance" there's only 3 other sins that have that description.

You’re wrong, the fertility rates are divergent, behavior traits are inherited. Just wait a couple of generations. Don’t @ me,

That's Islamophobic. It's got "bad feel".

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Why isn't the Church doxxing these people and excommunicating them? Why does the Church allow them to call themselves Catholic while behaving this way? Then again the Cuck Church won't even excommunicate politicians like Pelosi and Cuomo and Kaine and all the other abortion supporting "Catholics."

>God is love
It’s like these heathens have never opened a Bible lmao

It's Islamophobic and antisemitic to say Islam and Judaism are not LBGTQ+ positive. End the bigotry of the church!

Because just as Paul VI prophecised the smoke of Satan has entered the Church and infiltrated it to the highest levels.

>It’s June 29, 1972. Paul VI has a clearer and clearer impression that there is something deep and negative that is increasingly afflicting the Church. The path towards secularization and the lack of internal unity are becoming two great problems for the Church throughout the world.

>The pope, concerned, writes:

>“… We would say that, through some mysterious crack—no, it’s not mysterious; through some crack, the smoke of Satan has entered the Church of God. There is doubt, uncertainty, problems, unrest, dissatisfaction, confrontation.

>“The Church is no longer trusted. We trust the first pagan prophet we see who speaks to us in some newspaper, and we run behind him and ask him if he has the formula for true life. I repeat, doubt has entered our conscience. And it entered through the windows that should have been open to the light: science.”

Being a catholic in 2019 is like being a girl whose boyfriend beats her, she knows that it is not right, but she still stays with him.
It's time to become Orthodox

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I think a conservative Muslim said it best. I forgot the exact words, but the gist of it is: if traditional religion breaks from their traditional values and we are to see it as okay, then it would justify extremists who breaks from their tradition because they feel it is right as well. He essentially said something like Osama did not follow true Islam, because he strayed too far from its value, but if Islam were to accept gays, then it would mean also admitting that Osama was Islamic.

Lauren Southern got banned from entering the UK for trying that. Inciting sectarian conflict.

I love these nu liberal "catholics". The doublethink is rich

Love is love brother. Let go of the hate.

This is why gays we're never meant to have power

Time for a repeat then.
Online fun time.

We're in the endgame now lads. Christ is coming back soon to put an end to this.

>“Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and put you to death, and you will be hated by all nations for my name’s sake. And then many will fall away and betray one another and hate one another. And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

>“So when you see the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains. Let the one who is on the housetop not go down to take what is in his house, and let the one who is in the field not turn back to take his cloak. And alas for women who are pregnant and for those who are nursing infants in those days! Pray that your flight may not be in winter or on a Sabbath. For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been from the beginning of the world until now, no, and never will be. And if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short

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I wish the Church would grow some balls but it has no sway in the mainstream media and whatever they did would just be bad optics

>get BTFO by Islam and need Rome to save you
>get BTFO by Marxism and need Poland to save you
>Literally schisming as we speak but no one knows about it because you aren't relevant enough
no thanks

Pretty sure that guy got a huge backlash for that and kicked out of his parish for it so don't pretend Orthodoxy is some bastion of the faith untainted by leftism.

>get BTFO by
Russians were literally about to liberate Constantinople before Catholics and Protestants teamed up with the Turkish Muslims in order to ensure Christians in Armenia and Greece remained under the Ottoman yoke
>Literally schisming as we speak
pic related

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>your vile Jesus loves me
The narcissism and entitlement makes me seethe

>don't pretend Orthodoxy is some bastion of the faith untainted by leftism.
Maybe the American Cuckthodox, who fled instead of remaining to fight the Communists

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>saying fags are abnormal is harmful to kids
>molesting kids and brainwashing kids is is good for them though

>I'm religious
>I don't care if I break the laws of my religion
>You are a bigot

This is why I hate American liberals. Why even follow a religion if you're not going to abide by it?


Orthodoxy still gets points for being less tainted. How's the investigation into the Romanov blood libel going, Slav?

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God is love, he loved his creation so much he was compelled to cleans it of the unclean

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Why do these people call themselves Christian, seriously?

I stopped being religious as a kid because I didn't believe in it and just felt like I was a liar if I went to church and said I was an atheist. I didn't keep going and say "actually guys being christian is about tipping our fedoras and idling reading bullshit on the internet".

Not taking a piss but isnt crypto currency the worst kind in a war situation? I mean wouldnt we want something palpable to trade when infrastructure goes to shit?

Did god cause the floods that wiped out humanity for becoming too degenerative. Saving like 3 people to inbreed... OK

Dude if you think the ortodox church is better your delusional. Pretty much every bishop since the 20s was goverment agent, not that pre 20s they were not, but at least they had some semblance of freedom. Right now ortodox church goes against its own precepts. The patriarch of moscow claims the right to decide what is ok and what is not ok in other ortodox churchs. Forget that 3 bishops could always ordain new priests or a new bishop. No now, you become a heretic for doing it. And if you point out how the mosow patriarch is corrupt and laptop of secular goverment your suddenly called a heretic. Heck he even claims to have seniority over other bishops, when the closest thing to that is a honorific title of the bishop constantinopel.

Even if anything is found the vast propaganda machine that exists even within Russia will make sure it's buried
The Tsarist police killed Lenins brother, so it might have just been a simple act of revenge

i say we kill all the gay loving catholics and orthodox followers, just to make it equal

It would be a good time to mock up some of these with Muhammad, complete with rainbow flags.

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The word sin means to "miss the mark"
The idea is that, like an archer shooting at a target, you will miss the center. And as you keep aiming for perfection you will fail less often.
God understands when people fail to reach perfection. He understands that people will not hit the target even though they aim for it.
The difference is that God made it clear throughout the scriptures that he doesn't like it when people openly mock him. When they take pride in their sin.
Because taking pride in sin is not failling to hit the mark. It is aiming at a different goal entirely. And God has never been ok with that. Never.

Best I can suss it out is American liberals (and really, many leftists) are obsessed to the exclusion of all else with social status and looking purer and holier than thou.

They actually *are* religious in a sense, they're using the same mechanism for it. Their piety is promoted in different ways and they're instead all about all the common virtue signalling methods we all know.
However they are also about co-opting absolutely everything that doesn't tell them to fuck off and turning it into some twisted version of itself that promotes their own views, as this person is trying to do with Christianity.

You are thinking more honestly, you don't believe in it so you don't go by it's system. If you were a dishonest, bad faith actor whose only priority was being seen as a good person without actually trying to be one you instead do what these people do.

All of that
And it is STILL better then pic related

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vile jesus?


Reminedr that this is part of God's plan:
>The beast was given a mouth to speak arrogant and blasphemous words, and authority to act for 42 months. And the beast opened its mouth to blaspheme against God and slander His name and His tabernacle—those who dwell in heaven.

>Then the beast was permitted to wage war against the saints and to conquer them, and it was given authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation. And all who dwell on the earth will worship the beast—all whose names have not been written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain.

>get BTFO by Islam and need Rome to save you
what? not once did rome help us with anything and we never were btfo by muzzies
>get BTFO by Marxism and need Poland to save you
are you high or something? some alternative history going on in your head?

They made Mary into a lesbian. That "catholic" is probably a hispanic woman who watches to much TV

i prefer my priest working for the glory of kgb instead of the glory of lgbt

thered be very little orthodox killed and lots of cucktholics this way

He's talking about the Byzantine empire and the Soviet-Polish war
Still retarded

I don't mind that

I mind the part about Jesus being vile

Why would the Catholic say Jesus is vile?

For whom? My ortodox church members was being murdered by the Russians for over 150 years. When the tolarance act of 1905 came out, they didn't want to give us back our churchs and land. the moscov church is not a church, it is a company no less greedy then Pepsi Co or Shell Oil. There is no faith in them, and they are suppose to tel us what ortodoxy is? fuck them. They even break the basic tenants of ortodoxy. They put Putin Icons in churchs, made a fucking satanic Tzar their saint.
They try to undermine the position of any eastern church in the middle east, try to oppose Greek ortodox church. They even ignore laws put down by the patriarch of Constantiople put down, which only he can put down.

Ah and lets not forget that all their bishops are either pedos or gay, or both at the same time. I have some respect for a few priests, but they have no influence on how the church works. Not to mention there is a fair share of assholes among them.

He's saying "YOUR vile Jesus" as in the version of Jesus that the Priest believes in isn't the "real" Jesus who would obviously be ok with homosex and free love. They're completely deluded, to them Catholicism isn't anything more than a fashion accessory and their idea of love is so warped that they perceive any restriction on their degenerate behavior as fascist and unloving.

Oh right, so she does like Jesus?

as long as she loves Jesus that's cool

Good thing that most of the monasters are a breeding stock of gayness then. There is no ortodox bishop in Russia who hasn't porked another man, or was porked himself to get his position. And how do we know it? well Jelcyn gave us all the documents about ortodox priests and bishops in Poland that went through russian monastic orders to get their bishops rank. And all of them were fucking gay.

Now we could of course assume that in Russian monastyrs only serbian, polish, lithanian, estonian and ukrainian monks were getting fucked, and Russians were left untouched, but that is kind of a hard to imagine.

>satanic Tzar
Ok retard
>They try to undermine the position of any eastern church in the middle east
Look at all this undermining, pic related
>They even ignore laws put down by the patriarch of Constantiople
Because he's trying to divide the church
>all their bishops are either pedos or gay
Wrong church bro, this is overwhelmingly a Catholic problem

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Look into the lavender mafia, all you Catholic goys. They are subverting your religion.


there's no such thing. you're a faggot and you should get the rope.

it's not punishment. it is mercy.

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Nice projection

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Imagine actually giving two fucks about religion in general?

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Fucking look at this guy, omg this is so pathetic.
Imagine the disgust you'd have for a person where upon meeting them they start kissing your feet.

Stick your head in the sand futher, it's all gonna solve itself right

Why should I even give a shit? Seriously user. The popr is a faggot with a foot fetish.

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This. Or take the Islam pill. Unironically.

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She doesn't like Jesus Christ, only a fake version of him where he loves every sin except for the "sin" of being judgemental (aka, saying that a sin is bad).

What Francis is doing is nothing compared to the satanic rituals John Paul II did in Assisi:

Unfortunately the Church has been compromised since the 60s and thats one of the reasons why we are living in such degenerate times.

Projection of what? Those were original soviet documents. And if you want to read something from more in the past the France and US have Ochrana documents. Homosexuality in russian monastic orders was always a thing. Fuck the tzars tried to fight it for over 200 years, and couldn't do it, because of how the whole priest training was set up in the empire.
That is why it was better, if you wanted a high moral and better trained priest, to get one from the Habsurgian empire or even Germany, then from Russia.

if shit truly hits the fan barter and trading goods will be the thing, not some made up cyber currency that requires working electricity and network connection

thanks sven

>anyone even responding to this heretic shit
polanbro you're just upset cause you're polish and russians are evil incarnate in your eyes, most of the shit youre claiming and saying is nonsensical

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I love reminding faggots that God literally nuked entire cities for being "pro-LGBT" and ordered his tribe to murder faggot tribes.

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Nice fan fiction bro, damn you Poles are butthurt

Start living under russian occupation. Non ortodox don't get to lend money from banks, state or private, at the rates ortodox do. Go to school, finish it, can't get job in the military, justice system or be a goverment official. And this is with you being ortodox eastern church members, just not following the moscow patriarch to damnation. Fuck you can be a monk trained in a monastic order in greece, be send to work with belarusians, poles or ukrainians, on you knowing their languge, and what does the ortodox moscow church do? They ask the goverment to chase you out, because in their mind Russian territory ends in mid mazowia and includes Prussia.

>day of the rope
pfff too merciful

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Well humans are not to judge :)

lest they be judged by such measure

Sodomy includes oral sex

Didn't Russia orthodox recently go schismatic from the main orthodox church?

Dude you do understand that there are polish, belarusian or ukrainian ortodox people living in Poland? That it is not just serbs and Russian in the entire world?


This is a scary-ass picture

>and be proud
but that's the deadliest of all sins

Tell me about the wonders that atheism has done for Sweden

It does indeed. Vaginal sex with no birth control is the only acceptable way of intercourse.

He didn't mention Catholics, just the fact that you Poles are brainwashed from day 1 to hate Russia
Which is why we know you genuinely believe the nonsense that you wrote

>lest they be judged by such measure
why am I supposed to be afraid of being judged?
you are, every single day, and you are when you die.

for a 6 year old maybe

yep. They declared that the patriach or constantinople, who has seniority over all ortodox churchs, is wrong, and it is them who have the seniority. And it ain't even Kiev or Novogrod that got declared by them as the hub of ortodoxy. No it was freaking moscow. Historicaly that makes as much sense as Peru being a world power.

Let them kill themselves. Fight for your kids and the rest will take care of itself

well birth control changes the psychology of the taker as to who they would date

so it's bad, yes.

Well why would you be afraid unless you had done something contrary to your own moral code?

>implying woman kissing woman is gay
Fuck off, repressed faggot. It is hot and natural, you cant fight harem dream.

You're not christian
That's not a bad thing
Orthodox is a meme, the real church will always be the catholic church

Fuck off shill.

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too busy bitching about on the internet