Mainstream Cucksurvativs and boomers

He crushed it last night. He exposed everybody as an antichrist complex, they want to be the special boys and to be hated by the world. All these Jews that promote LGBT bullshit on kids. And there is no side in this war. They profit from selling bullets to both sides. It's so sad but truth. This is the way

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True. Even as a Jew, I have to admit this. Never understood why whites could not see it, it was right there in front of your face all the fucking time. But good luck trying to spread this outside the smallest, darkest, most insignificant corner of the internet, - you will not.

There was a lot of convoluted shit in there, I mostly stopped paying attention at the pedophile priest part; thinking, "christcucks"
Have another piece of unnecessary faggotry from crowder

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Only shitty friends encourage schizophrenia. His 1/4 jewish side fucked him up hard.

>Imagine these nihilistic kids, generation zyklon
>They will fucking kill you guys
>They know who did it to them, they know who didn't stand up for them, and they know where daddy keeps his guns
>How are you not shitting your pants? Do you not know the explosion that's coming?
gamers rise up

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Not even a big fan of Owen but this stream was awesome. Pretty much the first hour is pure kino

that was a pretty good stream

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stop embarrassing my homeland

he’s from eastern europe, not israel

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Aside from his goofy moon landing shit, Owen is the most based and redpilled individual on the entire internet at this time.

holy shit 1 hr 16 min in, styx eternally btfo. lmao

he's just one of many beef supremes.

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His inability to properly pronounce the letter L makes him unlistenable

The purity spiraling is a bad sign. I had to cut back on big bear because of this.

Nah it's fine. If he wasn't open to finding new people it would be a problem, he can just replace the people he spirals away from with new ones.

Make sure you send him and teddy spaghetti money.

I will. I'm not afraid to save my people. The truth can not be contained forever.

Nick Fuentes is good too.

you are describing a purity spiral.
Owen BARELY likes Molymeme anymore... you know it's only a matter of weeks before Owen throws him "off the team" or whatever.
I personally want trump to win again, I think he will, but it's going to mean 60+million people vote for him, it won't all be super red pilled people like the people in Owen's good graces.
I love the guy, and have been listening back when HE WAS THE KEKSERVATIVE (remember when that was?) and I still listened to him because he was just part of a chorus of people in the alternative media.
I'm not demanding he be friends with Styx or Pool, I'm just highlighting how obvious the purity spiral is right now with Owen. If he was in my squad I would consider him a big liability.

ugh the fucking jannies censor C U C K- servative now? what the fuck?

fuck that cult leader
molymeme and his polish propaganda video where he sobs like a woman was a fucking joke, he couldn't even properly credit the people in it and behind the camera because it would reveal conflicts of interest
I'm with Owen if he wants to speak truth to power and truth on anything else, I'm tired of all of these faggots with egos the size of a planet

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