The original Jews literally don't exist anymore.
no i'm not some "Jews were black Africans" faggot, its just objective truth that the original Jews have been race mixed out of existence.

I don't understand the meme of Jewish being an ethnicity, Jewish is as much an ethnicity as Mexican is, which is to say not at all. Modern day Jews are literally an amalgamation of all continents, Turkic people (Turks, Khazar and more), Arabs, Berbers, Africans (primarily Ethiopian) European (primarily Slavic), South americans (quadruple mutt combo unlocked) and even a bit of mongol (from khazars, turkic peoples, as a result of ghengis khan raping everything that moved) with only a small amount of the original semetic genetics left.

Ashkenazi, Mizrahi and Sephardi etc are just descriptions of skin hue and not legitimate ethnicity.

Our new strategy should be to relentlessly mock the Jews for having little to no unique cultural identity or relation to their own ancestors.

Attached: 1523820283719.png (800x600, 50K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>The original Jews literally don't exist anymore
Says who? Terry Davis? Some sperg on The Khazar bullshit is just that, bullshit. Christ Cucks worship a Jew, a nebbishy merchant Jew.

>Ash Nazi

Attached: 017AF06B-43EB-4111-9DA3-173AC1F86C81.png (500x742, 81K)

Khazar shit likely is bullshit yes, that doesn't change the rest of the racemixing they did though. I went to Israel when i was young and still a Christcuck who didn't know any better, and they are literally all mutts to some degree or another.

Ashkenazi Jews are White Southern Meds with overwhelmingly European maternal ancestry

Attached: 49610C59-7D6A-4578-97E2-C8975FEB75D3.png (750x1334, 117K)

~80% of the maternal ancestry is European

Attached: ECCED0BF-0C51-43F7-AA8C-5FBBA05DA9DD.png (750x1334, 179K)

This is true. Ashkenazis do have significant percentage white genetics, but still racemixed

For Mizrahi its the same except the European DNA is replaced by Arab and Berber DNA.

Jews are a social construct

Attached: 1553426670314.jpg (464x211, 33K)


Attached: Shlomo-Sand-The-Invention-of-the-Jewish-People.jpg (1106x1600, 111K)


how ironic that even the original Jews were mutts, so now they double mutted themselves

Rothschild are Jewish

Berbers don't have B- blood you little human

Judaism is a Babylonian operation... Shabbat is Babylonian tradition, creation myth was taken from the babylonian "enuma elish", the Old Testament was written in Babylon, Abraham, Moses, Jacob and Joshua are no more than fictional characters.



Attached: Altar_Mars_Venus_Massimo_lupa.jpg (936x510, 66K)

> Says who?
DNA tests.
"Jew" is a meme.

did it occur to you that race mixing mixes two races, meaning the child has genetics of both parents, and can inherit traits of both ethnicities, including blood type. what point where you trying to make?

>DNA tests
You mean like these ones?

Attached: jewpc21.png (400x319, 30K)

You can try and suppress the Martians all you like Saturnist

Attached: jewsnat2.png (600x616, 84K)

full blooded Jews are a minority. jew is a meme. most Jews are on par with "gentiles" genetically

funny how they call someone else goy, they're always projecting somehow

Attached: 1544960792488.png (448x538, 75K)

Honk, honk.

Attached: D0E53411-EB72-40C0-AB5E-243F913DC37B.jpg (1180x787, 291K)

lol definitely a coping mechanism ot deal with their crippling insecurities, they need to reaasure themselves they are indeed 100% gentically lampshade

I'm starting to think every single atheist poster on here is a jew

Jews follow the Torah

> muh original joos
They were shit just like the current ones. No idea why the christcucks cling to this LARP changing the history all the time.

The first atheists were the jews that denied Jesus

>t. Dublin Jew

>calling Jesus a nebbish.
Hell awaits you


Did a 5 year old made that image? That's fucking ridiculous

>Jews are not an ethnicity, goy!
>I-it's the goyim larping as us, real jews are good!

t. ethnic kike

table of nations shows no ashkenazi under shem
or sem, but there is under japheth, they are not
japhethians they are not ashkenazi, don't you
care that they're trying to steal your race. they
did it on mars, it's why they don't look like monsters

Attached: Untitled-11.jpg (1479x1536, 594K)

What we call a "Jew" today is just part of an extremely violent political order that gains through its commitment to organized crime. Today's biggest fools are anyone who supports anything Jewish domestically or abroad because any support is just about these "Jews" gaining at the expense of every other group. Should be apparent to all by now "Christian" Zionists and Israel supporters are Christian haters as they demand the complete subordination of Christian interests to Jewish supremacy.

fucking based. Can you show your geographical flag?

Says evidence. This pic knocks out two birds with one stone, both Ashkenazi and Mizrahi jews (who themselves are mostly Persian jews) .

Attached: ashkenazidna.png (1700x1800, 1.75M)
>We traced nearly all AJs to major primeval trade routes in northeastern Turkey adjacent to primeval villages, whose names may be derived from “Ashkenaz.”
>We conclude that AJs probably originated during the first millennium when Iranian Jews Judaized Greco-Roman, Turk, Iranian, southern Caucasus, and Slavic populations inhabiting the lands of Ashkenaz in Turkey.
>The results support the hypothesis that the paternal gene pools of Jewish communities from Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East descended from a common Middle Eastern ancestral population, and suggest that most Jewish communities have remained relatively isolated from neighboring non-Jewish communities during and after the Diaspora
>Several lines of evidence support the hypothesis that Diaspora Jews from Europe, Northwest Africa, and the Near East resemble each other more closely than they resemble their non-Jewish neighbors. First, six of the seven Jewish populations analyzed here formed a relatively tight cluster in the MDS analysis (Fig.2) The only exception was the Ethiopian Jews, who were affiliated more closely with non-Jewish Ethiopians and other North Africans

>thinks that Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of Ashkenaz
In the Middle Ages, the Jews believed that the Germans were descendants of Ashkenaz, and so Germany was called the Land of Ashkenaz, and Jews who lived there were called Ashkenazi Jews.