Gets pissed when you call them Arabs

>gets pissed when you call them Arabs
>constantly inject themselves in Arab affairs
What is Iran’s problem?

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Iranians are Persian not Arabs, fucking retard.

>calls themselves Persians but constantly act more Arab than Arab

Iraniniggers are the biggest copers ever.
They think they aren't Arabs but look like Arabs, and act like Arabs.

>act more Arab than Arabs
That would mean losing wars. Iran has defeated us and Israel/Saudi in wars in Lebanon, Iraq and Syria. That's why we're too scared to actually invade them because we'd get shit on.

Lmao all us invasions are pageantry for the morons back home. Were a real war to be enacted we would glass Iran in an hour.

Iranians are Arabs

>Where America belongs
>Where Americans go to die for Israel.

>where Israël is


>Where Israël belongs


>gets pissed when you call them mutts
>constantly inject themselves in everybody's affairs
What is America's problem?

The absolute irony of an American posting this image

American conservatives are fucking obsessed with Iran lmao.
Do you even know about Mohammad Mossadegh and the Shah and the CIA?
You don't even care, you probably just grew up on mountain dew and call of duty and want to live out some military fetishist fantasy.

Americans only hate Iranians because they aren't afraid of America.
If it wasn't for that you guys should be BFF's. (honestly you two need to fuck).

Wrong. We don't hate Iranians at all. We're just looking for a fight and they seem willing to give one so why not? We're just bored. That's all.

No one, not even Iranians themselves gives a flying fuck about some 60yo dead commie Noam.

Attached: Nice3.jpg (1040x984, 224K)

>they seem willing to give one
True, they do sit on top of a lot of oil.....

give persian waifu

says the m*ttoid

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Doesnt matter what you call them, they arent white.

same as the us. they have interests.
the us has 750-1000 bases around the world but 1 is too many for iran?

Iranians were invited by the Syrian people to help prevent the fall of their country to western back al Qaeda. Should the French not have liberated USA from the English? Why should people let their allies collapse?

>invited to kill terrorists

By extension, America, fuck off out of everywhere.

Israel constantly injects itself into Arab affairs, does that make Israel an Arab state? Same goes for the US.

If America really wants peace in the region, Step One will be to butt out and let them live their own lives.

Attached: Billy.jpg (1280x1363, 255K)

>where the USA belongs
>where the USA is

Except the part that the ones beating Israel or Saudis in yemen are simply other Arabs funded by Iran and not actual Iranians you retarded piece of shit.


Attached: US mlitary bases world.jpg (1160x715, 65K)

i mean, technically speaking no.
but still those fuckers are islamiarabfaggots that should be killed one by one

>hurr durr history is stoopid learning is for nerds goy

>Seething Per*ian dispoora shilling for ir*n behind a Dutch flag
If you like your shithole so much, why don't you go back?

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Iranians are arabs who adopted a Indo-European language later in History.

Not national but religious problem?
One of the reasons they got into trouble was the Islam unity being broken down.

>What is Iran’s problem?
You know the answer, aren't you?

Attached: enhanced-17159-1423068265-32.jpg (501x585, 79K)

Emp their swarm of drone boats, now theyre just sitting idle in the waves, nuke their mainland, destroy their satellites they paid forign nations out the ass to get into space, a total war would see iran evaporate like a puddle

>Complain when a country has relations and provides military aid to it's neighbors
>Send military aid literally across the entire world to that country's enemy neighbors. For free.

Zionist, man.

And nothing would tickle me to death more than knowing their three subs are all accounted for and being followed, ready to be popped in a moments notice

Yikes fuck off
May both Saudi Arabia and Iran fight each other until both of the shitholes become nothing but ash, better for everyone instead of tearing countries to half one by one

saudis can't even beat yemen with all the best military equipment in history

>us flag
>literally reposting IDF shit verbatum
like clockwork.

Attached: BASED.png (800x716, 205K)

اظهر علمك يا شلومو

Why are you posting a picture of a salafi jordanian looking wojak in an attempt to piss off Iranians?

Attached: oh no no no no.jpg (555x360, 150K)


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Kill all Jews

سييثنج كريبتو كايك

>constantly inject themselves in Arab affairs
really mutt? Iranians are the best people the middle east has to offer, just leave them alone

I don't know to many of them desu
Do you?

>إيران از جوود جوييم
واتشا دو وين رااباي؟


There's more Arab blood on Iran's hands than there is on the Jews', and that's a good thing. I don't see the contradiction though, Iraq and Syria has historically been Iran's buffer zone against whatever power that was in the West, it's only natural they'd want to take over.
>what is the IRGC
>what is Qods' force
Are you retarded?

now make a map like this where the jews are