Why do so many right-wing fags get upset by shit like this? It's objectively true and then they start crying about muh fake news. Apparently the truth is anti-white now.
>According toData for Progress, a think tank whose goal is to show “how a progressive agenda can win nationwide,” Trump’s base predominantly consists of white evangelicals, white men, white non-college Americans, whiteover 50s and white rural citizens.
Becasue they'll never say Clinton supporters are mostly nonwhites, faggots, communists, and 3rd worlders, and very few descendants of the founding stock.
Brandon Hernandez
Couldnt they just say "Most of Trumps supporters are white males?"
Would they say "Most of Obamas supporters are black felons?"
Angel Diaz
>import a gorillian spics so "the Dems will never lose again" >kikes get exposed for being satanic >Dems get exposed for Treason and child trafficking yfw all the beaners stop voting for Democrats
So yes the question is why are they angry? Maybe because democrats just pander to immigrants and minorities for votes trough gibs? Whilst the middle which keeps the whole country afloat are left behind by them? You fucking fag.
Leo Cruz
Who are mostly CNN viewers?
For years random Youtube channels have been getting more traffic than their entire network, yet they are *still* on TV. What old money is still funding them?
Why do the ANGRY Jews at CNN always have to throw in the word "angry" when making their accusations as to what the make up of the voters might be of the politicians they don't like? And why do they get so mad when someone objectively truthfully describes a political block? Why does the mostly Jewish media have a fit about anyone calling them that or saying the "Hollywood Jews" when referencing political actions by Hollywood? Its the truth. Media and Hollywood are mostly Jews calling the shots.
Bentley Ward
Robert Wright
Cumono always has that look on his face like hes got something in his ass
Brayden Diaz
>Data for Progress
>A new generation of progressives is rising. A generation not afraid to fight for what we believe in.
>Medicare for all.
>A Green Job Guarantee.
>Abolishing ICE.
>Data for Progress is the think tank for the future of progressivism. Our goal is to show how a progressive agenda can win nationwide.
>We provide research, polling on left issues and analysis to support activists and advocacy groups, challenging conventional wisdom about the American public that lack empirical support.
These people have a very kooky intent, but their work contains verifiable intelligence, thank you fo this slide thread OP.
Because of their "angry" tone and their implications of the actions being unjustified and of racism. Maybe go back to elementary school and learn some reading comprehension. Then kys you useless time wasting nigger.
Samuel Campbell
No where in that data does it mention the term angry though are you a nigger user ?
Side question, when did Jewsweek go full absolute retard? I remember as a kid seeing it right next to Time in stores. Now It’s HuffPo and buzzfeed tier. Was it when they went web-only and just aimed for clicks? I’d forgotten they even existed for what feels like a really long time.
William Campbell
>Becasue they'll never say Clinton supporters are mostly nonwhites, faggots, communists, and 3rd worlders, and very few descendants of the founding stock.
Here's the thing user, they aren't. They're white, left leaning people. That's what you faggots don't seem to understand. That your problems come from within. It's always niggers this or muslims that. Did you ever stop to think about WHY/HOW it got that bad? Answer is simple, it was you.
Jeremiah Torres
*Trump got more black and latino voters than Romney and resting in hell globalist John McCain thank you mister tumor