My Aryan lads,


God has many beautiful Transcendental qualities.
One of them is He likes to have nice things.
That’s why you can see Him decorated so nicely and opulently by His devotees.
Imagine that. God is so kind He allows His devotees to dress Him although He is self sufficient and the most expert in dressing without anyone’s help.

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“If you can’t hunt you got no business eating meat.”
“If you can’t slaughter a cow in your kitchen you have no business eating beef.”
“Kike Consciousness means Forgetfulness of God in Total.”






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When Solomon is talking about 2 armies he is talking about the splendor of God’s Beauty.

>As confirmed in Brahma-saṁhitā: barhāvataṁsam asitāmbuda-sundarāṅgam. The Lord wears a peacock feather in His hair, and His bodily complexion is just like a blackish cloud. The word sundara, or snigdha, means “very pleasing.” Kandarpa-koṭi-kamanīya. Kṛṣṇa’s beauty is so pleasing that not even millions upon millions of Cupids can compare to it. The Lord’s form as Viṣṇu is decorated in all opulence; therefore Lord Śiva is trying to see that most opulent form of Nārāyaṇa, or Viṣṇu. Generally the worship of the Lord begins with the worship of Nārāyaṇa, or Viṣṇu, whereas the worship of Lord Kṛṣṇa and Rādhā is most confidential.

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how do you know what you are? Or how do you know your self? Or how do you know your dharma?

Summarize for me.

>how do you know your self?

You are eternal soul imprisoned within temporary material body. Presently you can’t see your true identity just like during the night when you go to sleep you forget your true identity as a person such and such.

Material body = night for the conditioned soul or dream like state.

But my duty is tied into my self? So how do I know my nature? or be what i'm supposed to be?

>Or how do you know your dharma?

There are many different secondary dharmas depending on the mentality of a person.


Your primary DHARMA or the essence of your very existence is to serve GOD.

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That makes sense, but how do I serve him? Doesn't that depend on my nature? or what class I belong? How Do I know?

Do you know what you are? how did you know?

>But my duty is tied into my self?

Yes. Eternally. Your first duty is to serve GOD.
Now how do you want to serve GOD that can change. For example...

Hitler wanted to serve GOD as a artist by painting in the glory of GOD . But. Due to the circumstances his duty or dharma to GOD changed to a leader.

So to recap

Your PRIMARY DHARMA as a servant of GOD never changes.

Your SECONDARY DHARMA how do you want to serve GOD that can change.

>but how do I serve him?

In the way that keeps you inspired.

So I do what inspires me while keeping God in mind?

In this particular picture we see Lord Shiva trying to serve KRISHNA as a gopi cowherd girl or as one of KRISHNA’s milkmaids.

It is well established that SHIVA is god of destruction and his occupation is meditation on the Sankarshan in very filthy places. And still he wants to give up His secondary occupation to be completely engaged in direct service to GOD.

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YES. Let it develop naturally. Do not force it. Follow your heart.

>keeping God in mind

It means to keep remembering what we already know eternally. We are waking up from a long slumber. Of course in comparison to eternity it is just a moment. So when we fully wake up to KRISHNA CONSCIOUSNESS or our original consciousness all this dream will seem just like a mere moment.

You fucking ISKON nothing but kikes who want money of dumb wh*toids.
You guys could have stopped hordes of christcuck missionaries who are converting hundreds of thousands hill chimps, tamiloids using simple rice bags.

But which one would be his secondary occupation?

wouldn't it be the milkmaid thing and then his primary would be the meditation on the Sankarshan?

Please learn to discriminate between hijacked ISKCON and Prabhupada’s original unadulterated teachings.

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No. Other way around. Why? Because although God appreciates everyone’s service, He is still a Person (Supreme Person) and wants to enjoy His Absolute Existence in direct relationship with His devotees.

The question then is why meditate if you can directly be in the company of God ?

Serving KRISHNA as a gopi girl is not the only way to serve God. There are other RASAS. For example Arjuna served KRISHNA as a very good friend. While Grandsire Bishma served KRISHNA as a rival Kshatriya King.

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Because it helps you to see that you always are in his company?

True. But “helping you see” and being “directly engaged” are very different.

Who is this Harvey Krishna I keep hearing about?

True. Because when KRISHNA left Vrindavan to go to Mathurā, GOPIS meditation on KRISHNA was so intense that it is stated that the original KRISHNA also known as GOVINDA never steps a foot outside Vrindavan. KRISHNA of Mathurā or Dwaraka are plenary expansions of GOVINDA.

Nevertheless, the Gopis shared their youth directly in a relationship with Krishna.

Krishna is the Absolute Truth. That’s where the rabbit hole stops.

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mmm let me start over...
So Krishna controls the senses
my job is to detach from the senses because they arent in my control, and lov eand except them all

And be in a state of Pure Action

In this way I am in service of krishna

>And be in a state of Pure Action

Be in a state of Pure Devotional Service to KRISHNA. Just like Arjuna who was killing 1.5 million men a day at the battlefield of KURU for KRISHNA’S pleasure.

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In 1192 BC, India was invaded by Aryan subhumans. INDRA, the Aryan God, was an arrogant wh*Toid who was killing black people. Then, arose a BULL, by the name of KRISHNA, his name literally meaning "BLACK" to describe his BLACK BULL nature, he slayed the wh*Te scum in battle and made the Aryan God, Indra to bow down to him and submit. He also married the whitest girl, Radha and made the glorious INDIC UBERMENSCH race.

We all know that the BLACK lands of India and Europe were invaded by Aryans, who raped the native populace and now their mutt children became the Indo-Aryans and Europeans.

However, in India the BLACK race resisted, and became the Afro-Dravidian übermensch.

Krishna, a BLACK man, spayed the Aryan warmongerer Indra and made him submit. This is why in India they still worship him as the supreme lord and they worship the BLACK penis (Shivalingam).

ugh, poo worship

>my job is to detach from the senses because they arent in my control

True. Your senses are fully under the control of appointed universal administrators demigods and KRISHNA as Hrishikesha.

You job (PRIMARY DHARMA) is to engage your senses in the service to KRISHNA.

Notice how jesus is the most influential person in history, and resurrected from the dead after leading a perfect life, fulfilling many prophecies. Then theres people chanting...

>Your job (PRIMARY DHARMA) is to engage your senses in the service to KRISHNA.

It was said that antichrist will come pretending to be Christ and other gods like Buddha, Allah, Krishna and etc

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