Nog visiting Swede here. Pic related from the viking mounds I saw earlier today. Waiting for my flight back home and I thought i'd make an observation:
Americans are not white. It' 100% obvious when one is in Europe.
>sitting in hotel lobby >lovely nordic women a the counter >polite, tall, demure and white as snow
Americans come in. >off-white >fat >loud
American culture is nigger culture. The only people that speak that loud are my African family back home.
Murricans are mutts, common knowledge. But as you said, brown people here are among the loudest and obnoxious.
Brayden Parker
This Borkfag is on to something here. Fine. Americans are peach you guys are white. Happy?
Cameron James
Fuck off faggot. You just cropped your hand in the picture from last thread. If you are a nigger I am romanian ice hockey player
Mason Lopez
>please be bait >please be bait >please be bait
Leo Smith
is that you don lemon?
Christopher Hill
Exactly. Hurry up and fuck off.
Tyler Hall
We are a proud anglo peoples.
Brody Cook
He was probably drunk and being obnoxious in his futile attempt to bed a Swede lass.
Jacob Morris
Hope you had a pleasent stay. Have a safe travel home.
Jacob Garcia
>visiting stop lying you're invading
Brayden Parker
It depends on where you are. The Irish/Italian mongrels are not European, they have devolved into muttrace. My parents are from Minnesota which, before the arrival of OP's fellow nogs, was basically a Scandinavian ethnostate, so I am pale with blue eyes and golden brown hair and Jow Forums frame. Montana is very European, Pennsylvania and Wisonsin have a hearty population of pure Germans and the further north you travel in New England, the more classically Anglo-Saxon the people look. Most of the country is mongrelised Euromutts, if not straight up niggers and spics.
Julian Phillips
Americans are turbo cringe outside their home country
Levi Scott
kys, nigger-faggot
Carter Butler
You do know that Americans come in all colors, right?
Gamla Uppsala. Also visited Stockholm. The country is very lovely and I love your cycling culture. Pic related was windmill near viking burial grounds.
agreed most real Americans Canadians included are a mixed race people . not including the fresh off the boat whites from Europe . I am talking people that can trace they ancestors back 400 years
Wait a minute, those arent nigger hands THOSE ARE POO IN LOO HANDS
Eli Reed
He's got the nig-dar.
Have your parents already found out about your Swastica flag and nazi-waifu?
Gavin Green
>niggerpie >cultured
Pick one
Ryder Powell
And nigger culture is just jewish brainwashing culture.
Julian Stewart
Easy to tell a Amerimutt, true
Luke Kelly
>nigger >probably lives in a majority non-white city >"americans aren't white" I guess I shouldn't expect Tyrone to be able to put two and two together, but this should be pretty obvious even to you. We're supposed to have the smart niggers, what the fuck?
This honestly. Imagine the brown future dystopia but of just European phenotypes
Jackson Young
this is what it looks like when you niggers take a picture of something and put it on craigs list. you can't figure out how to take a pic without your dirty monkey fingers in the picture. but thanks because it lets me know to not bother pursuing anything material a nigger has to offer because it is more than likely ruined.
oh yea almost forgot.
Gavin Howard
Jesus christ
Adrian King
Unironically based nigger. We could have been friends if this wasn't clown world.
Owen Howard
>Takes picture capturing both the country and his hand as evidence of his identity >Burger gets mad
I hope you enjoyed Sweden and try not to rape anybody before your flight!
Jackson Stewart
How so? Will I come into wealth and fortune? Just take your file dump to your own thread and let the dindu thread be.
Isaac Powell
>nordic countries are overrun with raping shitskins >Jow Forums is mad at one actually reasonable guy who just visited those countries and doesn't even want to stay there
Cooper Murphy
Enjoy your time here in scandinavia.
Isaiah Gonzalez
U forgot usa is the best country in the world with no close second while sweden is literally who gay shithole where only niggers want to go
Hunter Stewart
did you fuck any beautiful white swedish women while you were there?
>'American' should be it's own race. Thoughts? Amerimutts are not even human, so you're technically correct. Right now Americans are competing against chinks to win who are the worst tourists in the world.
Imagine not wearing your cults symbol proudly. Cant wait to move back to continental Europe and watch your island get overrun before real Europeans recolonize it
fuck you this guy came a s a tourist. Op is not faggot
Aiden Rodriguez
imagine not sageing this obvious b8
Liam Morales
Easton Hernandez
>americans are not white shocking realization
Thomas Hughes
tru. mutt meme is real and not just in usa. real ideal "white" is actually a small portion and most of who are considered white are already mutt as fuck.
Elijah Parker
I made the observation that Brits and Russian are the worst tourists. Well and to be fair germans don't behave very nicely as well.... Canada on the other hand... they might be a nation full of cucks but they are really polite
Aiden Peterson
oh dear lord. The mutt doesn't even understand price differentials between different countries...
Americans are not a monolith anymore than "earthlings" are. SOME Americans are white, some spics, some niggers, some mutts, etc. Don't know why brainlets have such a hard time understanding this. Being American doesn't change your DNA, so don't call us ALL loud, fat, mutts. It's a big country.
My great-grandparents are all from Sweden, but apparently I'm not white? OK, then...
Colton Parker
>five below Have fun replacing it in a month.
Andrew Jackson
Are you a proxy nigger? Just curious.
Ayden Ramirez
Look at the bright side, whoever's mother you're fucking only charged you 25%
Tyler Cruz
I mostly agree OP, but americans genes are far too unsettled to be considered a race yet. That will take a few hundred more years. European white people do look different, although I would say it's generally a matter of facial features over actual skin tone. They're much more ethnic looking I guess you could say.
Colton Lewis
Lurk moar. A couple of months ago we even had a Mongolian qt posting her cute little tiddies.
Camden Mitchell
Nope, Myy лaлapийн тэнэг эpгүү Eвpэй хaйpлaдaг гoмo гичий минь.
Hunter Ross
We know amd they know, hence all the who is white threads started by these murican mutts. Murica is a mistake.