Brit/pol - Find Christ edition

>Trump: Prepare for no deal and send in Farage

>Arrests after Cardiff mosque 'disturbance'

No matter who you are, you can improve your life. Take control. Move forward. Dreams keep us alive, fighting for them makes us feel alive.
Self Improvement information here (embed)

>The official British army fitness programme

>Information On Legally Owning Firearms In The UK (embed)

>Oswald Mosley - Europeans
[YouTube] Oswald Mosley - Europeans (embed)

>History With Hilbert - Languages of the British Isles
[YouTube] Languages of the British Isles (embed)

>(((The London Question))): Britain's Second Empire & The Secret City
[YouTube] The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire (Documentary) (embed)
[YouTube] Secret City - A film about the City of London, the Corporation that runs it. (embed)

>Survive The Jive - What does it mean to be English ?
[YouTube] What does it mean to be English? (embed)

>An introduction to off grid living in the UK
[YouTube] An introduction to off grid living in the UK (embed)

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Other urls found in this thread:

1st for pakis

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first for columbo marathon is warping my mind


>Boris elected as new Tory leader and PM

>new cabinet is be formed of mostly Brexiteers and despite the Gove/Johnson feud, Gove will be put in

>Farage is given a symbolic position on the Brexit negotiation team (people act like this is some insane idea, despite how cucked Farage has become and the fact that the Tories will easily be able to absorb BP votes if they do this)

>new negotiations with EU ultimately fail and we leave in October without a deal

>Farage quits politics after this saying he is "happy enough" with the Tory-led exit
>Boris calls an election to take place before the end of the year

>the Left remains divided between Labour/Lib Dems/Greens and CUKs.

>Lib Dems/Greens/CUKs call for a second referendum to return to EU, Labour remains divided on this due to Corbyn

>BP remnants switch party name and elect a new Libertarian-style leader with a "Global Britain" message saying the massive deregulation and reducing restrictions on Commonwealth immigration is what's needed to revitalise UK economy after Brexit

>UKIP pushes harder on immigration, censorship and moves to a more centre-ground economic platform. Sargon is either actively suppressed or kicked from the party entirely
>For Britain moves further away from Zionism and starts campaigning more fervently on white issues

>Election happens

>Lib Dem and Labour seats almost on par, Greens do fairly well too

>UKIP does better than in 2017, still not great

>BP fails miserably

>For Britain gains a small vote share

>Tories win an outright majority of seats again thanks to the absorbed BP votes and the great Tory Reich continues for another 5 years at least

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7 hour fifteen minutes of columbo with 4 more to go

why's columbo so based lads???

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copy and pasted the OP in last thread
i was in a rush, we reached 300 and i didn't want to be brit/pol/less

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i can't explain it but he is

Get a job where the labour market is fucked and your boss has to pander to you

Have you ever tried Class A drugs?

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Blessed thread

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"oh mr jannis... just one more thing, please"

good buy mr jannis


Aspirin for my head immodium for my arse.

Fun fact: you can actually get an immodium habit, cunts taking dozens every day...

Fuck Farage

cant be fucking arsed

accurate desu.




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im on heroin right now???

Someone open me door please

Thats the spirit lad

>you now remember this from back in the day

Vote Farage get globalism, vote tory get globalism, vote Labour get globalism

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Get a proper habit

Why are you in my flat? Why do you install a chain?

isn't a proper flat without a chain fren

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Can you pass me my car keys at least

Wonder if my boss thinks I’m full of shit?
>locked out of flat so can’t come into work until later
>when’s later?
>after the parade has finished... conveniently

Ffs, I don’t even follow the football

Why doesn't it look like this for you

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columbo's done him

>full of shit
If hes met you, i think its a safe assumption. If its just your car keys you need ask him to get you a taxi.

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Nah, it’s my digi card and stuff as well. Can’t legally drive without it.


>anti-bullying software

>white people stop feeding niggers you daft bastards
why is this guy so based?

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he's gonna think you're a retard lol

Probably already does, genuinely concerned about my absent mindedness recently

>>Arrests after Cardiff mosque 'disturbance'

There was a murder not far from there just before the Mosque incident. Both incidents involve an 18 and 19 year old man under arrest, but they are supposedly not connected. Murders are rare for Cardiff. We are not London.


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He can see a pool of votes that’s relatively untouched by the mainstream and is pandering to them???

How many apus you got now?

Forgot links.

not enough

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well done to the lad who posted those two tweets from andrew neil about D-Day, you riled up outer/pol/ pretty good

we've been warning you something wasn't right for a while mate

you're doing better than me though i'd have jammed the wheel across and steered my lorry off a bridge and killed myself by now

i fucking hate motorways


Last week I was fuming about shitty jobs they’d been giving me, planning me for a 14hr shift without so much as asking me (since learned I can refuse such jobs), but I had an almost uncontrollable urge to just drive my truck off into the Scottish highlands.

Fuck, I wanna watch now

he's in one of the safest labour seats in the country i doubt he needs to pander that much

Leadership bid?

Bantering with Amerimutts over here

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>So ah, y'say ya not a nonce cunt are ya Mister user? Well ah, I can yah take a look at these pictures?
>Well uh, just one more thing Sir. Y'see we have the chatlogs between you and one of our agents, which leads us to believe that you may be a nonce cunt.
What do?

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>331 replies
Is there even any sport in it?

walked past him literally hours ago

couldn't think of a smarmy enough line to heckle him with, so left it

Morbidly obese Apu.

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don't take any gob from these fucking swine

remember if you have to ram them, ram them

Go and wind them up lad, it's fun.

imagine living in thotthneam

too much pizza wizza

you know what would have been really good?

patrick stweart as Jean luc picard working cases with columbo... full star fleet uniform

no jokey stuff, real, serious investigation

bring in good writers


Gonna apply for another job soon I think, I’m getting class 2 money for driving class 1 double deckers with this company. Treat you like a mug, but luckily for me the country is short about 50,000 drivers so I can easily find work, hopefully even easier if they ever do the breggsit

Shatner is GOAT

how long were you stuck on the motorway last night, in the end?

at least your battery lasted


not a nonce though luckily and columbo only works homicide cases

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do you reckon that if Columbo teamed up with the Nonce Hunters they could track down ted kaczynski in less time than it took the police?

yeah i like shatner but im a tng guy that was my era

When noncery is given its own category of crime making it twice as serious as rape:murder, he will

no i'm not eddie P/w/8fDb is eddie

I don’t watch Star Trek, I just love Shatner

ted weren't a nonce

Maybe if he got NCIS to help as well

oh mate, don't. family ties. i hope to leave this place far behind soon.

looking at lincolnshire, shropshire and west sussex.

Hour and a half, not too bad considering. The fitter was decent

star trek tng was based as fuck

I prefer having sex

>i'd have steered my lorry off a bridge
didn't realise you were talking about him then, my bad.

do you live near the jewish bit?
i saw a family of orthodox jews irl for for the first time a few weeks ago just casually walking down a street near me

i do that as well sometimes you can do both no problem

ah yeah

I’ve not had sex in months or watched Star Trek

Why can't we have a compromise like EEA? Why do people have to be autistic? The result was borderline 50-50, pulling out without a deal isn't an option an neither is revoking.

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i had sex with four different women this year but one of them i couldn't get it up and it was embarrassing and i had to walk her home afterwards

Because I'll kick you in your fucking head, that's why

I knew a guy who worked security for a posh Jew school in Liverpool, he said the kids would bunk off and he’d tried to stop them and they’d be like
“Lol idgaf about school, my dads a millionaire, I don’t need to stay in school” and just walk out


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EEA isn't a compromise and we don't compromise in votes, we're either in or out

>farange going for insurance based healthcare

see you brits, rip in the hell you created for yourselves

I could have banged quite a few when I was a security guard, but being with snek stopped me, except those times I got black out drunk and drove to fat birds

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I thought May's withdrawal bill sounded all right desu (backstop aside)

i'm really handsome i can get women quite easy but because i'm crazy and autistic they don't stick around

You need more, fren?

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Yeah but “NO DEAL” sounds like an ebin anime line

Only Nadiya is Classically handsome on britpol