A friendly reminder that we are witnessing a staggering amount of women in their late thirties and forties trying to...

A friendly reminder that we are witnessing a staggering amount of women in their late thirties and forties trying to reproduce.

They are not only at extremely high risk for vectoring failure and gestational/ genetic problems but this greatly affects the overall genetic vitality of offspring.

These women are delusional and maniacal. This used to be cliche and a rare instance and most people in society would feel bad for them. But unfortunately this has become the new Norm especially in areas like New York City. This kind of behavior needs to stop and most of all social media and the media and general need to stop validating their terrible decisions.

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>I swear I'm 21.

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lol what app is that i feel like trolling these broads

they've already trolled themselves with bad life decisions, leave them be

The chances theyll actually successfully pop out a fresh autist are slim at best, no one can outrun nature.

It looks like bumble. Spoof your location to New York City if you want to shift gear into maximum over roast.

Who cares..why are u bitter pussy..they already fuct up their lives...sage

Yeah I notice the same on tinder.. 40+ year old women "not looking for anything specific, we'll see what happens". Bitch you're fucking 40 not 20. If something doesn't happen now it's not ever going to happen unless you tie yourself down to a beta.

>weak minded jew loving feminist boomers won't reproduce

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A generation that watched Sex and the City and Friends when they were young adults are now spinster whores.

Who would've thought?

Lmao fucking creepy shit eating bitch stay BTFO

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Boomers already hit menopause. These are xers.

Corporations. They wanted them in the workforce. This is what the new world order looks like.
And it's beautiful

Sandy is pretty cute. I would try to impregnate.

The leaf is correct

Yeah, not looking for anything specific is a bullshit way of how the female mind speaks. They are looking for something very specific, trust me.

Stay away

"MANHATTAN BEACH, Calif. - Brigitte Adams caused a sensation four years ago when she appeared on the cover of Bloomberg Businessweek under the headline, "Freeze your eggs, Free your career." She was single and blond, a Vassar graduate who spoke fluent Italian, and was working in tech marketing for a number of prestigious companies. Her story was one of empowerment, how a new fertility procedure was giving women more choices, as the magazine noted provocatively, "in the quest to have it all."

Adams remembers feeling a wonderful sense of freedom after she froze her eggs in her late 30s, despite the $19,000 cost. Her plan was to work a few more years, find a great guy to marry and still have a house full of her own children.

Things didn't turn out the way she hoped.

In early 2017, with her 45th birthday looming and no sign of Mr. Right, she decided to start a family on her own. She excitedly unfroze the 11 eggs she had stored and selected a sperm donor.

Two eggs failed to survive the thawing process. Three more failed to fertilize. That left six embryos, of which five appeared to be abnormal. The last one was implanted in her uterus. On the morning of March 7, she got the devastating news that it, too, had failed."


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That's a hapa. She will have 0 issues finding an Asian beta with a fat wallet who'll pay for her fertility treatments.

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Please share more of your wisdom


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My sis had a boy at 35 and he is full on screeching non-verbal autist. Funny enough though she had a little girl at 39 and from what we can tell so far she is completely normal.

>trying to reproduce
that's my fetish

>20yo boomer newfag doesn't realize being a boomer is no longer about age

>getting eyes examined
>attractive 40 yr old ophthalmologist
>first time visit so she reads my health questionnaire
>asks me if I am married or have a girlfriend
>I say no
>begins to tell me how she is divorced
>ask why
>she changed her mind and wants kids
>divorced husband who didn't want kids
>she begins to ask about my general health, what I do for a living, etc etc
>basically used my eye exam as a baby daddy interview
>yeah, she was a qt. nice and thin.
>did not bang
>did not "date".

Whew lads.

Too bad. Politically moderate on bumble means /ourgirl/

>full on screeching non-verbal autist.
Making future Jow Forumstards, based

Those fucking cunts shouldn't breed anyway.


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$19'000 wasted


Posts like these is why I come here. I salute you sir.

>attractive 40 yr old
That's not going to last long, good job letting her be. Let her eggs rot.

It's only $2'270 per month for seven years.
And then she probably paid twice as much for the thawing and fertilization.

>Manhattan Beach

California is cancer


who cares, let them roasties hit the floor

>be me
>early 30s
>doing well, own a condo, can make my payments and have savings leftover, etc.
>used to be unnoticeable average guy in my 20s
>spent most of that time as an incel
>get Jow Forums and look much better these days
>only interested in casual relationships
>95% of women want to escalate to something serious
>just ghost them if they pester me too much about it
sad thing is i would have been interested in those arrangements when i was younger but now that i’m more established it’s like why risk a woman entering my life when i’ve come this far without one especially when sex is easy to get. i can’t believe how much i used to pedestalize pussy in the past.

the tradpill is real, a sexually prudish society that shames men and women for not settling down before age 25 or so seems to be the ideal for fostering relationships/marriage/families

but it’s going to be difficult to get everyone on board, i’m not even sure i would get on board myself as this life is easy

so i suspect the city liberal white culture is just going to collapse in favour of a more traditional foreign culture regardless if immigration ceases or not

it’s all running on inertia now

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By and large, yes. Though I met a 45 year old woman in the UK who was one of the hottest women I had ever seen. She even had a bunch of children and bigtime career, fucking christ she was a catch for her husband.

Billions of women on earth, some just have that gift.

I was glad to know that Sarah Silverman at 49 years old will never have children, but then i realized she has a sister who is a rabbi in Jerusalem and she has several.

when they lose they still win

>It's only $2'270 per month for seven years

It now has bubonic plague too!

Rural people still get married young. I live in a NYC suburb. The roastie problem is off the charts bad. it's a little better in the suburbs but people are still getting married later in life. NYC though, it's like Sex in the City except those spinster cunts don't end up geting dicked by rich men past the age of 27. There's a fresh supply of young Midwestern pussy living in the city on daddy's money anyway so these cunts become miserable.

Technically they are early millennials.

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Hey man, i'm in my early 20s and have been a kissless virgin. I don't even register on the radar for women. How much better does it get when you start your career? I'll be entering the workforce in a year and a half with a masters in accounting and my cpa exams all done, at a big accounting firm. I'm looking to have some fun with the women who I was invisible to in college. Can you share anything?

Going to be in the same situation, the only solution for guys in our situation is to find some young rural girl

What the fuck lol


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>want children someday


roast status: ROASTED

You forgot the part where she screamed like a "wild beast" or smth like that
Best part imo

muhammed where did you go school??

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These women are the equivalent of gay men, they will not pass on their genes and if they do, the child will likely be mentally/socially challenged due to aging mom eggs/genetics or the social difficulties and shame that come from being raised by a same sex couple. Why don't people that shouldn't have children just stay childless?

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Can get as many treatments as she wants, she definitely ain't having healthy kids at that age.

The ONLY time it's possible (besides a miracle) is if they've already had their first child much earlier. They're still on a limited amount of eggs, but their body has already reconfigured itself for children.

Having the first child that late is ridiculously risky.

I'm 53 (boomer status) already have five grown children. Good job, plenty of $$, 6'2, 225, fit (gym 6 days a week), live alone. Plenty of late 20 and 30 somethings who want to experience sex with an "older" man with no strings. Sugar daddy material I guess. I generally don't. Had enough of women's drama and shit in my life, but it's nice to know that I could. Amazing how younger women hit on me these days. Women I would have loved to fuck as a younger man.

delete this picture. It's offends Muslims.

i've fucked 3 girls on bumble and dated 5

These women are delusional.

Happy? That's a 'rican.

The 21 means 21 minutes before the match expires

just so you know avarge good salary here is 700$.

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Was she still attractive after she fixed your eyes

Good ol' San Fran, killing gays, one virus at a time. Why these men continue to flock there is beyond me.

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Not like she had to save it for her child's college fund


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The old, used up roasties are the most picky.

They're all looking for a millionaire. Think they can land George Clooney and shit. Want some liberal rich guy that will pay for their traveling.

These roasties don't save or buy property. They spend all of their dough on traveling and leisure.

Based and viagra pilled

Why do you save these pictures of shirtless hairy men?

I'd put a babby in her sloppy roast mutt hole, if you know what I mean...

One must stare into the abyss to witness true darkness.

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fake and gay

got anymore, that website made the funniest articles

>ONLY time
I was born whenmy mom was 44
I have 0 problems

Well no shit dumb fuck. Did you want that to be real or something?

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Should be pretty desperate, I bet they'll let you cum inside. What's the problem? Find a white milf and have some kids.

kek it is from an article i was reading when i looked up sex pups in seattle and a gay man who died from injecting saline into his scrotal sack ( see shit on Jow Forums you will see nowhere else on the planet)

many trends in society do not encourage having children
>women in careers
>same sex marriage
>day after pill
>rampant tinder/grindr anonymous dating
>divorce rape

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>getting eyes corrected
>weak genetics

You shouldn't bother passing down your weak genes.

a problem would be if you did the same your mother would never see her grandchildren on the account of her being dead from old age

I feel bad for woman honestly. I’m 28 and was a major fuck up most my life. I ended up going back to school and just got my first real career job today. I now date QT 22 year olds and my 29 year old female friends are having nervous break downs about dying alone.

Not today, this year lol


i forgot fetishism and destruction of culture and ethnic traditions

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You can spin her on your dick.

Why are Maple based ideas so fucking terrible? Leaf, back again with the horrible advice.

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looks >>> status

fucking nuts

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>problem would be if you did the same your mother would never see her grandchildren on the account of her being dead from old age
That is a problem. Its unfortunate but it doesnt mean you cant have kids at that age.
I'm only in my early twenties but I dont think have kids until im in my mid or late twenties

The capitalist experiment of putting women in the workforce and selling them ultra high-priced diplomas has proven to be a catastrophic failure in the evolutionary sense. Natural selection makes no exceptions, women have roughly between the ages of 15-28 to reproduce healthy offspring, no amount of feminism or capitalism or Judaism is going to change the way women function biologically.

What in the fuck

Not him, but I can say if you have your life together, stay/get fit, and have moderate social skills it actually gets better in your late 30s. Even now approaching 40 this year and it's been the worst year ever as far as being harrassed by women. 2 in their 30s tried to practically rape me at a party - one was hot af ex-stripper got drunk, started making out with me out of nowhere, told me she liked being choked and humiliated told me to slap her ass in public literally acting like a 14 year old boy who just hit puberty. Occassionally I go out and chitchat with rando girls in their 20s maybe at the bar or grocery store and they just throw random compliments and do the "once over" from head to toe and all before they move in close enough for it to feel invasive. Where is the wall for men? I need to know how long this lasts.

The whole liberal ideology seems to be about cheating biology. Birth control, abortions, fertility clinics, trangender therapy. All ways to cheat biology.

>western people consume more meaning they should reproduce less

>third worlders consume less- who cares how they reproduce

It was designed.

I'd rather break her womanlet face

This is why the noose was invented

When your start to gray or your skin starts to sag
And even then you can probably still pull women

burn the witch

It depends on how well you take care of yourself and what kind of looks you have. Is it pretty boy (wall hits fast and hard) or is it protector / strong / big (not so fast of a wall) or distinguished classy (not so fast of a wall)

yep. its a huge problem that nobody talks about. the most ambitious/ high iq people are not reproducing. they move to big cities and slave away to make a name for themselves (thereby making their overloards millions/billions). then they dont reproduce.

i wouldnt be surprised if this is a cycle that governa the rise and fall of advanced civilizations. high iq ambitious people build something, then stop reproducing because all of their effort goes into maintenance/ enjoyment of the material pleasures brought about by the civilization. then there are few high iq ambitious people that essentially have enslaved the diluted masses. this system lasts for a while then collapses because you cant rely on the diluted masses to care about the future or look past their immediate gratification.


You're pretty much me. And I feel a similar way, although I would give a 20 year old virgin a marriage/ family since statistically I'd be pretty safe.

But I've never met a female in her 20s who want marriage/kids (other than their "well hypothetically if Channing Tatum wanted fo marry me..."), they all want the carousel. The only ones that want marriage are these 30+ used up sluts who solicit me with "H-Hey user it's been a while! Remember I said a word to you once during your 20s, want to get dinner?".

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she had plenty of intelligence but little wisdom and little power of observation.
