Black Hebrew Israelites

I find these to be interesting characters. They claim to be true Hebrews but when Hebrew scholars like James White, they cower and don’t answer the questions correctly. They often invade comment sections by claiming his sources are flawed or that they’re “Paganism.” They basically argue like Flat Earthers and their whole “Lashawan Qadash” dialect which they claim to be “Paleo-Hebrew” is fraudulent. Just about their entire identity is fraudulent and full of shit. I don’t know if the people promoting this are shills, since they also attack Jews, so I’m uncertain what their motives are, but they certainly behave like shills. It’s basically confirmation bias that they use to convince themselves and their followers that what they’re saying is true - almost like a cult. And their beliefs are very cult-like (see Yahweh bin Yahweh). How are there people on Jow Forums unironically defending these guys again?

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if slavs can fradulently claim to be hebrew, why shouldn't niggers be able to as well?

What slavs claim to be hebrew? Never heard of this.

As if Judaism itself isn't a fraudulant cult. Go to bed, Shlomo.

But that’s not the point. These people are promoted by Jow Forums as “redpilled blacks.” I think it’s funny to support it as a joke, but in reality? No. I’m not a Hebrew scholar, I will admit, but I’ve seen them debate and they’re very evasive and behave very culty.

>If Slavs can fraudulently claim to be Hebrew

I’ve never heard of this before. But now that you mention it, Semites (who are the Israelites from the tribe of Shem) are Caucasoid - the same taxonomic status as whites. Although I’m not using that push for a white WEWUZ, but the tribes of Israel weren’t black either. I don’t think black people are “Semitic.”

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention


They would have you lined up against a wall for being white too if they had their way, I hope you know that. They only hate Jews for being “white” in their minds, not for being Jewish. You didn’t even listen to what they actually.




So, are they based (and redpilled)? Nope. Just like any other black. Don’t see what’s so special about them or why Jow Forums likes them, honestly.

I don't know much about 'em, but I've heard their arguments have more holes than the 9/11 commission report. If they think they can convince the world that they're the true Israelites, then more the power to them, but they're going to have to step up their game 100x fold if they expect anyone to believe it even slightly.

It is true, the Biblical Jews were black.
That is why the Ethiopian Jews were genocided in Israel by the Khazar scums.

>Black Hebrews make a Khazar so called Jew kid cry.webm

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The best thing I could see happening is a mass exodus of all the black hebrews in America to Israel so that Israel can finally get a taste of its own medicine in diversity. But one can only hope, since they turned away all the Ethiopian Jews and commit regular hate crimes and human rights violations against African migrants while the international community can only look on.

>I’ve never heard of this before. But now that you mention it, Semites (who are the Israelites from the tribe of Shem) are Caucasoid - the same taxonomic status as whites.
Most "Jews," Ashkenazi jews at least, are refugees from the extinct empire of Khazaria, and they are some kind of hybrid Turkish-Iranian-Italians or something along those lines. They are basically mutts and might as well be slavs. We will probably never know for sure because jews run DNA testing companies and are hell bent on proving they really originate in Israel so they can rewrite (another part of) history to serve their perceived interests.
>Don’t see what’s so special about them or why Jow Forums likes them, honestly.
they are amusing and they have an interesting larp that can redpill people because as full of holes as their theories are, they are probably more realistic than the official narrative of history taught in school that most people blindly believe

I never said anything about the Ethiopian Jews. Their case is pretty solid for citizenship in Israel, yet they get turned away by the racist Zionists. I’m talking about American blacks who are mostly descendants of two tribes from Liberia (supposedly) and come from slaves. Truth is, slaves believed they were Israelites from the Bible the same way white Europeans did, it was nothing special then and it certainly isn’t special now. Just because Ethiopian Jews and black-looking Yemenite Jews may have a connection to the Biblical Israel, that doesn’t mean that American blacks are special in any way or are somehow connected to these people. It’s just their way of trying to feel ‘special’ in their own minds - think Astrology wizards.

The Khazarian theory is an interesting idea, but it’s unlikely. But even if so, it’s being used mostly as an excuse for the Jews anti-Christian behavior. Here’s an article that destroys not only this but the entire “dual covenant” heresy that many BHI sects adhere to.

that url is AIDS and so can you

Phoneposting here. But you get the point. Also listen to Kevin MacDonald’s take on it on Red Ice here if you have the time:

My advice for these would-be NIGGER JEWS is to start reaching out to, and building their ideological base inside Africa and not focus so much on the whole "Israel is the promised land" thing, since that's a waste of time for the foreseeable future. They need to start charity funds and aid campaigns for impoverished African communities and nations, and use the profits to get their hooks into media and finance inside those countries. From there they'll have lots of options open to them. They also need to start working on refining a more ethnic African appearance, since most actual Africans hate American blacks and think they're niggers. It'll be tough, but with some brains (niggers are stupid) I think it can be done (not).

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James White and the Black Hebrew Israelites both have Calvinist eyeglasses. Except Nigger Israelite Wanabes version of Calvinism isn't arbitrary in who God forces to be damned. James white believes random people don't have a choice to be saved, and Niggers believe no one has a choice. James White is heretical as them.

The Gospel is to "every creature". Anyone can choose to believe and have eternal security.

>Niggers believe no whites have a choice

MacDonald is a fraud who fabricates evidence, like fake citations, for his theories.

Evidence? He was a professor of psychology at the CSULB college, earned a masters of science in biology, a PhD in psychology and a doctorate in psychology and has written in over 30 academic journals. He has received criticism from the Jews themselves, including the Southern Poverty Law Center, but he doesn’t use any fake citations as far as I’m aware. He makes solid points and backs them up with evidence.

Niggers who want to be Jews. KEK

Niggers literally claim to be everything. Jews, native Americans, Egyptians, Europeans.

these dudes are like some kind of faction in an assassin's creed game. the costumes are great

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It is literally a made up cult of and for retards. They’re big in my city. I’ve tried to ask them sincere questions about their beliefs when they are out preaching on the streets and they have no clue about anything.

They are also mega racist against white people and huge antisemites. But honestly what do you expect.

Also, another thing. These retards need to STOP USING THE STAR OF DAVID™. Zionists came up with the star, it's got nothing to do with Judaism or Heebs. 0. Nada.

They also gotta stop making the Jew slavery = black slavery comparison, because it just makes 'em look like the biggest fucking victim losers.

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Imo this looks exactly like the kind of thing that woudl eventually become huge among blacks. It makes just enough sense and is flashy enough to lure the identityless nigger in