Taxation is theft

Taxation is theft.

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By living in a society you agree to pay taxes and you are free to voluntarily leave society any time you want

I didn't consent to this agreement.

Private property is theft.


Well um duh

I trust myself to spend my money better than someone else. you are wrong.

Who am I stealing from?

A society is not a business. The purpose of a nation-state is to serve the best interests of its nation, and protect its culture, history, heritage, values, etc. The world is not supposed to be a free market of countries that compete for customers.

Does your nation have your best interests in mind?

banning slavery is oppression

How can theft exist without private property you fucking ultimate retard

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The people who have nothing and are entitled to stuff because they exist.

>without the state you can't have culture, history, heritage, values
Nice strawman user

low quality strawman,
you can do better user

What if I consent to it?

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Not everyone consents to taxation. Private organisations are better because they run on a purely voluntary basis.

So you consent for absolutely everything the government does ?
(War, Welfare etc ...)

What if I'm not ?

My point was that the possibility for emigration is not an excuse for government tyranny.
>>without the state you can't have culture, history, heritage, values
Maybe you can. But at the very least the state shouldn't allow mass immigration from societies with completely different culture, history, etc.

>My point was that the possibility for emigration is not an excuse for government tyranny.
That's right,
without Welfare and others useless and immoral collectivist shit, and also without our government bombarding the shit out of them, the rate of immigration will be down to nothing

Civilisation is expensive

Then fuck off and stop leeching on other people’s money

>thinks civilisation is build by the government

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Having a state is expensive.

>taxation is the price we pay for a civilized society
Go put your yellow jackets screaming incoherent and leftist shit with the others retard of this country, faggot.

Then stop using roads. You are born into this agreement, however you are free to opt out and fuck off into the woods

Going off grid is illegal in most countries.

It's extortion. The greatest extortion racket on the planet.

YouTube censorship explored.

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>taxation is the only way to have roads.

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You can opt-out, retard

You're obviously being facetious but it's funny how many serious (presenting) leftists resort to either 'nothing really matters' tactical nihilism or 'drawing breath is everything' universal sufferage when faced with any subtle moral premise like private property.

Useful idiots and their 100% contrast thoughts.

AnCaps are the biggest retards in the internet, I swear to god.


Voluntaryist is a better term.
That's not an argument, diego.

become homeless, live in a forest etc.

My road was built by a logging company and since the county took it over it went to shit. Also, I wouldn't send my kids to public school in a million years. I literally have no need for the parasites

I'll have to remember to put 'appeal to mouldy food staples' analogy in my rhetorical toolbox for the next down syndrome I want to berate. Beyond that it's worthless opinion dressed as comparison.

Now tell us all about your opinions on age of consent and existing pornography laws, you bunch of closeted paedos.

Oh but I do, I don't pay taxes, my company is offshore now.
Like all the non-retard that actually want to earn money, free from the Stockolhm Syndrome.
I have an unfair advantage on you, because of my FREEDOM.
See how the system is retarded ?
Only the poor pay taxes.

where the fuck can i go to stop paying taxes if its so easy you fucking cheese? STATES are the leeches. they're parasitic in nature and universal in scope.

>doesn't know how to abstract principles by example

Does your company sell products in your country? If yes then you still pay taxes
If not you still pay property tax for your house/flat

>post pointing out it's just a false analogy comparing superfluous government services to actually being forced at gunpoint to live off mouldy bread

>hurr nooo u jus dont eben get abstract thought

You're a pretentious brainlet. Even niggers are drawn in easily, like you, to false analogies.

You literally managed to mistake your own naïveté for 'abstract principles' TOP KEK.

Ok, to be fair, I am not at 0%, but nearly.
Nope, no property taxes ;)

Explain to me why it's not valid then.

Since you can't even understand the comic, I'll spell it out for you like a preschooler, you brainwashed cuck. Just because a thief does something with the money that is stolen from the victim, doesn't mean they didn't steal the money. I hope you understand, but I know you won't.

nice memeflag, faggot