Riots after Israeli forces, settlers enter Al-Aqsa

Welp my fellow infidels, this is the straw that broke the camel's back, expect large scale islamist insurencies in israel by next week.

A-Allahu Akbar

Attached: damned kikes.jpg (800x450, 67K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry I don't give a fuck.

Have unprotected sex with white women, if you are white.

oh yes you do.

Why should I, give me a Good reason.

I'll pass.

Same. I'm more interested interested reading the replies to be honast.

because you helped create this mess, which we will have to end up cleaning.

Are you non white or gay?

Im just not into beastilaity

>Sweden somehow created a mess in the middle east. Nah you savages did that by yourself

Lol, the stupid arabs are golems for the jews. They will do absolutely nothing against israel. Screencap this post.


Next week ISIS will take over security of Al Aqsa to make sure this doesnt happen again.

Then it will come to serious bloodshed. If jews push it that far.

> it's always some one else but us
Don't really know whether Arabs are worse than niggers these days.

Based and sandniggerpilled.

>expect large scale islamist insurencies in israel by next week.
Great, go for it. Genocide eachother and shut the fuck up, no one cares.

>the black flag will fly above the dome

desu whether you like it or not, you're all interconnected. Once Israel is gone then the middle east can return to it's former glory because you'll disband Mossad, the group of infiltrators who seek only to destabilize the middle east and the western world to further out their goal of replacing Europe with middle easterners while Israel scoops up more Levantine land.
>Hurr durr let's nuke them both
Fine solution, get a hold of some nukes and do it already then, what are you waiting for? Oh that's right, you're fucking retarded
>Hurr durr let's just kick out or exterminate all the Muslims in mour lands
While that step might have to eventually happen, ZOG and Israel must first fall so the middle easterners have more of a reason to move back on their own accord. Also once ZOG is gone, their own't be any negative media and America won't be forced to come "free europe" again and kill more whites in another brother war.

The destruction of ZOG and Israel is in every Goy's interest, or at least it should be.

Attached: Palestines true borders.jpg (900x924, 121K)

>Muslim constantly in war with oneanother
>Been so since the 600s
> As soon as Israel is gone and the kikes resettled in the US the muslims somehow are gonna be peacfull
Ok buddy

>Muslims have always been pieces of shit
This guy gets it

Europe has had twice as much infighting than the middle east ever has and has only known peace since the beginning of the the modern problems int he middle east. Sykes Picot agreement was the beginning of a whole new era, unaffiliated with prior middle eastern drama. From what I've seen first hand, the middle east is the only place where conservative secularism doesn't come off as an oxymoron since they are unaffected by propaganda spread by the Jewish media cartels that your country is infatuated with. modern history begs to differ from your skewed perspective by showing how since the 1950s, the Levantine Arabs have craved their own version of a mix between secularism, nationalism and conservatism that could mesh perfectly if it wasn't for outside forces trying to disable their political and cultural ambitions. I implore you to look up videos of Egypt, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan in the 1960's- 80's, they were on the cusp of being as modern as anyone before the CIA and Mossad decided that it would be in their interests to funded Islamists.

Attached: Palestinian flag bearer.png (484x742, 36K)

This guy kinda gets it tho.

Attached: Palestine Nazi.jpg (1353x1042, 677K)

Don't care


You won't do anything though, the only Mohamedans who do something are the ones paid by both Israel and Saudis

Thanks man you just got me atleast 1000$

Fuck em. Hope Palestinians invade them, I'll cheer the whole time

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Playing Jow Forums BINGO is a pretty good day to spend a Sunday, Shlomo.

Attached: Saddamjo.jpg (432x439, 40K)

God I can't fucking wait.

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You goat fucking faggots sure are triggered easily.

You see, nobody gives two fucks about Israel anymore... Nobody cares...

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Attached: Palestine - sling that shit boi.png (719x615, 546K)

>Samefagging to diminish support for the destruction of Israel

>sling dat sheit boi

Wooohooo!!! Please, please invade them, you'll be doing Gods work

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>attacking Israel
come on you're smarter than this, brother

>expect large scale islamist insurencies in israel
>expect muzzies to muzz like usual
Oh, is it Monday already?
>implying Israel will allow shit to go down in the holy land and not get them to do it in Europe like always

What the fuck are you talking about user??

Attached: image.jpg (910x848, 381K)

Nothing, I'm just a schizo for pointing out Hazbara tactics :^)

>expect large scale islamist insurencies in israel by next week.
Good fuck you.

Attached: PIJ 1000 rockets.png (618x690, 628K)

user I...

According to Ali Abunimah, the Israeli National Union of Israeli Students (NUIS) has launched a program paying Israeli university students $2,000 to spread hasbara online for five hours per week from the “comfort of home.” American tax dollars at work

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Friendly fire user.

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If that's true, judging by their previous efforts, we can look forward to 2 orange trees blown up, a dachshund with a slight limp and another documentary about the "10 day war of 2019" on Netflix in half a year which is just some cunt walking around going "and another rocket landed over here...somewhere" and gesturing vaguely at a place where no rocket has landed for the past 50 years.
Can't wait.

It's your country that has had to deal with the harshest consequences of Zionist wars in the middle east and this will not end any time soon. Europe clearly isn't getting its shit together so everything that happens down there is directly tied to us and not in a good way.
ISIS are Sunni niggers funded by Israel. They won't do a thing ever.