>Low IQ due to genetics >Low IQ due to starvation >Little real opportunity so they follow ethereal opportunity >Religious fanatics destroy outside culture so young people have nothing else to identify with >Close to family for their entire life, easier to be influenced
Parker Thomas
Dominic Sullivan
You just described Jehovah's witnesses and the mormons
Ian Cooper
You can change the word "atheism" with "high iq" in that pic
William Butler
And Muslims and Christians and Buddhists and Indus...
Juan Robinson
>Purposefully vote and promote policy's and culture that kills you off and dissuades "high IQ" progeny >High IQ Must be too big brained for me Nigga
that explains why portugal is one of the most religious countries in Europe
Brayden Robinson
The more secular a country, the more likely it is to be KEKED. Whatever's left of a relgious institution in said country, conforms to the ethos of the people to win hearts.... And last I checked Norway IS cucking like most secular European nations.
that's why we need to return to religion by becoming pagan
Justin Hughes
>The more secular a country, the more likely it is to be KEKED No. The most white, rich and civilized a country is, the more likely is to be athaist and to attract 3ยบ world dumb trash (all theists by the way)
Jace Fisher
Most of that crowd looks mixed
Logan Morales
Is that why the 3 biggest meme Cucks and just regular cuck countries in the world make the secular list? It that why all the evidence posted shows Athiests to overwhelmingly support the Globalist Socialist Machine?
>Atheists so smart, relegous ppl so dumb XDXDXXDXDDDD Kill yourself stupid fuck. All and every white civilization was religious. The only civilization known for being gaytheists are among the most degenerate cocksucker faggot subhumans to ever exist. Those "educated" pieces of shits are urbanized liberal rats who hit bottom behavioral sink and believe there's nothing wrong with cutting your dick and taking dicks down their ass and shove children with faggot hormones