Aren't we just feeding their AI?

aren't we just feeding their AI?
>everything you post is archived
>countless NGOs and agencies lurk here
>anons who are constantly dropping new theories, hidden facts from different backgrounds, illustrating their perception of things with memes
Isn't this the perfect place for a hostile AI to collect input data for simulations of socioeconomic scenarios? They could create countless different strategies against rural white Americans and Europeans just based on what and how we're posting.

Attached: rylfxiD.png (446x367, 43K)

Other urls found in this thread:

WTF! We should just give up and surrender.

OP a faggot

Google and the Department of Defense have giant server rooms with a super computer which delves into Deep Learning. Wouldn't be surprised one of these were fed Jow Forums archives to predict future events. (mind you these super computers are inaccessible from/to the internet)

Attached: 4352346456.jpg (1024x1024, 69K)

The truth is that it was this from the start.

Attached: 31FA9B30-D3FF-4FBB-8A02-FC26ED5AF6B2.jpg (782x767, 98K)

Yeah, bro I thought we all knew that. Weren't we going for harsh AI overlords?

you would think OP
but they cant control us... they are losing control more and more by the day on this board and irl
hence the massive amounts of shills shitpoasting... the crazy shit politicians are saying
they are going all in because it it their last chance before the goyim start waking up

you're full of bullshit and presenting yourself as a disgrace.

The thing with Trump is that he put all of his chips in with the Jewish people. A jewish banker bailed him out of a debt and all of his kids are jewish now. Though there is currently a gray area for politics in dealing with the jewish people Trump is forced under them instead of a back-and-forth scenario. One jewish user made an excellent point of why didn't Hitler just make the degeneracies in his country illegal and arresting certain higher-up Jews responsible -- instead of going after the entire jewish people? Corruption was no longer an issue since Germany basically had an elected monarchy (a Reich) so the attempted going after every jew was a bit overboard. There needs to be more debate with the jewish people on how to handle matters instead of a 0 or 100 scenario where you're either their bitch or completely against them.