More evidence that autism is linked to gut bacteria

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Vaccines are linked to autism too desu

i heard that them there shit transplants help in this regard

They do.
Let me lay a log in your mouth, user.

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the article headline is a bit misleading, it's a lack of gut bacteria diversity that is associated with autism. god knows if it's caused by any combination of antibiotics, vaccines, food preservatives and additives.

MMM fucking based.
Let Daddy spread his ample cheeks and slide out a foot long stink finger for your sissy ass to eat so you can be healed.
I'll be in the corner abusing myself while you get your medicine.

Commie larpers get gulag
Also, 18 to post here

Zinc deficiency I’m guessing.
>Zinc supports cell function, helping an estimated 100 enzymes — molecules that make chemical reactions happen — perform their duties.
Zinc directly is responsible for
Proper immune function
Skin health and hair growth
Metabolism of food and absorption of other nutrients
Hormone balance
Gut health
Mental clarity
Wound healing
DNA synthesis
For eye health
Proper cell division (one of the reasons it is vital during pregnancy)
Even adequate taste and smell

In infancy and early childhood zinc deficiency causes notable cognitive impairment, growth retardation, and gut issues. Zinc deficiency is pretty widespread in the developed world now with pregnant women being highest risk due to the amount of zinc required to sustain a healthy pregnancy. Your zinc level naturally declines as you age which explains the link between older mothers having autistic children. There is a chance vaccines make a bad situation worse but I think the root of the issue is zinc deficiency during pregnancy

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Worthless cummunist

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Pic related is an embryonic mice study that illustrates what I’m talking about. Poor zinc levels during pregnancy seriously stifle proper development, and fuck with proper cell division. It’s insanely well documented but never really discussed.

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Then I get da bitches

Autism is like cancer: it's linked to everything.

post a link faggot

True. It’s also over-diagnosed because parents would rather say they have an autistic child rather than a mentally retarded child.

as Richard Spencer once said...
Become what you are!

or is it just simply being ashkenazi?

good thread, glad this is catching on

Nah. You know how Wilson’s disease causes symptoms that mimic insanity but isn’t actually mental illness at all? That’s what this discovery is the equivalent of. Fucked up gut bacteria means fucked up absorption of the trace minerals and nutrients necessary for proper cognitive function. One of the reasons I’ve long suspected zinc deficiency or something in that vain is because of the sheer amount of autism parents who noticed improvement upon making dietary changes for their kids. Accidental treatment/management of gut issue symptoms

know how Johnson and Johnson's Baby Powder causes cancer?
know how RoundUp is poison?
ashkenazim have 100's of disorders and nobody would give a shit so they have to make sure humans have all the same shit so they can raise money.
they poison the food and everything else you touch. it's as if the Protocols aren't a hoax, or if a hoax, the most accurate hoax in history.

I keep forgetting that name in between threads

It would take thousands of years of not cousin fucking to reverse the bottleneck and founder effects the ashkenazim are plagued with.
every one of them carries one putrid mutated gene or another. don't take my word for it,
National Institute of Health is full of info about it
It's not their fault, they're born that way. It's not my fault either so fuck if I'm going to pay for it.