Wew lads--look at the dow futures market

holy shit. dow futures opened for the new week and its already down almost 200 points. down around 2000 points in a month. the recession is starting.

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That’s what they said in December.

that was before the bond yield curve inverted 3 times.

it's never gonna start cuz they keep pumping in printed money or whatever.

prepare your wojacks my comrades

just be smart, diversify, and have some cash ready to buy as it falls.

This right here. It's way overdue for some corrections and reallocations, and hopefully that will manifest merely as ongoing bumpiness rather than any wild swings.

>tfw have to stop and remember how ridiculous it is that the new normal is like fuckin 25k.

a yield inversion is not indicative of a crash. A crash needs a trigger such as conflict with China, or a Chinese economic collapse.

i'll buy back in when it dips to 18k. all in on bitcoin til then.

this guy knows

Wake me up when Dow crosses 20k and stays below it for a month. Until then, not even the premium valuations have been trimmed. The correction will be noted once it crosses 18k. I don't care about markets until this happens because its literally nothing until then

Correct. When it crosses 20k for a month and the fed doesn't float the shit up to the moon 15min before open in pre-market then wake me up. I've been through this song and dance 2008-2013

The Bitcoin is weird to me. I can't get on board with something I can't physically possess

How do you get over that?

You don't typically physically possess the paper when you buy shares in the market either. Unless you intend to transact with buttcoins, it's not much different from any other online exchange.

It indicates uncertainty and weakness. The proximate causes are triggers that expose the deeper weaknesses.

You don't. It's a ponzi scheme and a shit tier one. Only brainlets are involved in it at this point. It's being used to float cash out of china which is why it recently ramped. All the smart money is cashing out daily and selling to late coming idiots.

It's a speculative ponzi scheme with no regulation or recourse when you get but fucked by a hacker, the exchange, or a flying cock. It's nothing like currency or equity markets.

on the long run, it only goes up.
if there is correction, fine, the cheaper it gets more money to make.

Attached: 2019-06-02_203119.png (885x505, 37K)

Oh, because currency and equity aren't ponzi schemes rigged six ways to sunday. I'm not defending buttcoins, but from the perspective of the end user it's yet another exchange with its on peculiar properties. You could as well say WoW gold is another market. Doesn't mean I'd park my money there, but you could play it as yet another market.

wrong. the stock markets tanked from october to december of 2018. coincidentally, bitcoin began to rise. now we see the markets tanking again, and bitcoin mooning.

what this means is that the smart money cashed out in last fall and quietly acquired bitcoin. now that the writing is on the wall and the markets are getting ready to tank, people are pulling out and dumping into bitcoin. expect to see bitcoin continue to rise as the market falls over the course of the next few months.

Good. Burn this motherfucker down

I used to have that same mentality before I researched block chain.

t. net worth of $500

when i look at that picture, all i see is the fed PPT pumping the market to prevent a collapse the same way twice in a row. will it work a third time?

They don't really have any other choice, although it might not be a bad idea to let it blow off some steam here and there, kind of like it wasn't a terrible opportunity to try to sneak the interest rate up a bit.

>less than a 1% drop
it's quite literally nothing

chinks are going to crash the stock market though, count on it, i just pulled completely out

almost 7% in 30 days.


You're a retard. nothing is happening.

i think that even if the sp500 crashes all the way down to 2000 that would be a healthy correction to prevent overheating.But everyone has a different fear/stress threshold so it's a blurry line.
i guess what's making people nervous is the fact that the fed could have raised interest already but didnt, and expectation is worse than the real thing.

the funny thing is that the fed wants to raise rates so that they have leverage for when the recession comes in full force--but raising rates will probably be what triggers the recession to begin with. haha, what a shitshow.

The nose is on our side.

Attached: noseknows.jpg (2048x1365, 338K)

The Dow is completely meaningless.

wew lads who the fuck cares how many shekles the stock niggers make

>a yield inversion is not indicative of a crash.
What did he mean by this?

They've been boxed into that corner for over a decade now. The funny part is they've since kind of turned it into trolling the rest of the world by keeping the game going anyway.

I don't really care. I'm already poor. I doubt I will notice.

More like DOWN!

Don't care. I'm Jewish so will be unaffected.

it's an endless cycle of unwanted outcomes caused by misguided action caused by imperfect understanding.It's such a complicated system that i make better decisions by just looking at the graphs and ignoring the news.When the correction comes i can only hope that i'm prepared.

well, they can keep pumping it and keep the zombie alive until a wildcard appears and forces their hand, or they can rip the bandaid off now. i wonder what they'll choose.

muh economy is our God and the Jews are it's priests
>Import millions of shitskins or the crops won't grow
>Sell your future to the Chinese or the sun won't rise
>Don't say anything about trap houses in Compton selling for a half million, better lock in those prices on a 30 year mortgage now goy because they'll go up forever!

>A crash needs a trigger such as conflict with China, or a Chinese economic collapse.
We're less than two weeks out from Trump applying a 5% tariff on Mexican imports, which is a tax hike of roughly 18 billion dollars, and he promises to soon increase it to 25%, which is about 90 billion dollars a year in taxes, mostly paid by American consumers in the form of higher prices

Shortly after tariffs hit 25%, Brexit might happen, and that'll probably be a shock, too.

A lot of things can go wrong

Let me guess, this is just another pink Wojak meltdown from Jow Forums that will never amount to anything.

Pretty sure the idea is to try to keep the zombie going long enough to reorganize the economy so as to be able to weather the crash better most everybody else.

It'll be interesting to see if we get any hints out of Bilderberg about whether or not there's any convergence in the outlook of the powers that be about the future of the world. At present, it seems to me in too much disarray and contention for there to be anything more than a nasty chaotic collapse if they let it shit the bed now. I expect they'd rather use the crisis to usher in some next step toward a new global system, and I don't get the sense they have that they're really ready to roll something out much faster that it's already being rolled out.

Is it trump's economy again?
I'll hold my money until its Obama's economy again in like 3 days.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门

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>google anti-trust case confirmed by DOJ this past Friday
>google servers go down today
>duestche bank on the verge of insolvency
>Italy on the verge of going full succession from the EU
>PM May of Britain gone in 2 weeks
>Brexit no where near done
>China US Trade war starting to heat up
>more sanctions for Mexico now
>India getting slapped with their special disgnation gone too
>implying hong kong can be slapped with this too
>thereby crushing the hong kong dollar and real estate market
>the linch pin of the Chinese economy
>The end of Sopranos marked the end of an era, and signaled the beginning of the 2008 financial crisis.
>Game of Thrones just ended, and it ended badly with shit writing, just like sopranos, but worse.

can you feel it anons, we're so close

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>Oh, because currency and equity aren't ponzi schemes rigged six ways to sunday.
FDIC insured
Understood the fed will bail it out to protect country
Yeah they're completely different dipshit.
Equity markets even moreso. Call it what you want but there's a much more sensible floor. Not going to argue with some new age faggot about what's a bigger dumb fuck ponzi scheme. Keep playing with buttcoins. When your ass got tickled or probably already has, I'm sure you wont tell a soul.
> I'm not defending buttcoins, but from the perspective of the end user it's yet another exchange with its on peculiar properties.
A perspective of a new age brainlet who knows fuck all about currency, fdic insurance, equity markets, or fed backstops.. but ok yeah, totally the same.. this is how you get fucked and rightfully so.
> You could as well say WoW gold is another market. Doesn't mean I'd park my money there, but you could play it as yet another market.
You have no money on the line and thus are talking out your ass .. congrats

For me, it’s the McChicken. The Best Fast Food Sandwich.,

ching-chong ding-dong?

when plebs don't know that the Market goes up AND down in a neverending cycle.

major tv show endings are prophetic of future economic slides--interesting theory, leaf.

That's false on all counts, but I don't get the sense that you're out for any kind of discussion.

>wrong. the stock markets tanked from october to december of 2018. coincidentally, bitcoin began to rise.
Translation :
One thing went up.. another went down..
So I put my money in what went up .. even though its a ponzi scheme that lost 75% of its value in 6 months. Ok brainlet.
> now we see the markets tanking again, and bitcoin mooning.
Bitcoin is going up due to outflows in china. it's one of the easiest ways to move money abroad. You didn't know that because you're an idiot. The latest round of tarriffs caused this.
> what this means is that the smart money cashed out in last fall and quietly acquired bitcoin.
aka your'e a fucking buttcoin faggot who has no fundamental understanding of anything and its a waste of time talking to you.

Aka, you read some horseshit on a forum and bought the con hook line and sinker.. congrats

false because you made an unfounded statement? Pro-logic.
> I don't get the sense that you're out for any kind of discussion.
An intelligent one based on factual supported statements.. I'm always game but when you make dumb fuck statements like above and false statements like the one I'm replying to, I wont waste my energy any further. Feel free to reply w/ meme tier garbage yet again.

we got a bad ass over here. make sure you go all in on the market, user.

desu desu desu


your opinion of best stocks to short on the American exchanges?

>the end of the HBO series sopranos started a recession
You leafs really are dumber than horse shit


Wrong WROONG, buy a shit ton of SPY puts expiring eow or next week

It's nothing. The kikes fix all this shit with computers.

i am with you on the tech sector as far as the trade wars go, but Boeing may be doing well if potential wars lurk?

nah, they gonna get fucked by regulators and spooked buyers


its about narratives ending and cycles

also forgot to add
>TESLA is finally imploding, following its Freudian namesake
>UBER IPO failed miserably
>FED is keeping rates relatively high from where they were and can't move for fear of consequences in either direction
>Bitcoin has begun to rebound in response to this and above events
>The head of the plunge protection team resigned last week...

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anti trust into google and amazon