Is this the final proof needed that women do not possess the mental faculties to serve as President of the United...

Is this the final proof needed that women do not possess the mental faculties to serve as President of the United States?

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i'm grateful we have never had a female president. probably the only thing we ever got right.

I can't take it anymore

That stupid Bitch thinks guilty until proven innocent is the law of the land.

Attached: gender wage gap.jpg (193x250, 11K)

More pixels

Attached: gender pay gap is a myth.jpg (502x1129, 227K)

wrong one... more pixels.

Attached: gender pay gap.jpg (640x640, 114K)

>Accuse someone of murder
>Burden is on them to prove they didn't do it
Didn't she used to be a state Attorney General or something?

>guilty until proven innocent
women were a mistake

Never seen a bitch do as well as a man at any job.
Even stripping

Where's the video of the Australian politician having none of this shit from a group of women giving bullshit stats.

Just make all compensation be incentive based. Problem solved bitches!

The burden of proof in civil cases is on the plaintiff to prove damages.


>inb4 you anal?

cumala harris

>prove you are innocent
the Western world doesn't work like that. it is also inefficient and just another level of bureaucracy. it would just be jobs for nigger who push paper

Why is it any of your fucking business to stipulate what anybody can pay anybody else via terms of private agreement?

Women are such a fucking blight. I bet if men could reproduce asexually, we’d have conquered the Milky Way by now

How can a government/out side force determine how much a privet organization should pay its workers?

>presumption of guilt

>How can a government/out side force determine how much a privet organization should pay its workers?
They can't. It's not about equal pay; it's about control. Make everyone equally impoverished, look ma! My version of socialism.

It’s sad that these people are going to control everything soon

why is this stupid bitch still parroting the same wage gap myth, literally everyone including leftist know its a myth. It just makes her look like an idiot.

It’s called the Big lie

She's right you know.
Just not the way she thinks she is.
>work as bartender at very old school race club (built in 1800s).
>bar for owners is on 4th floor.
>no elevator
>national minimum wage for bartenders.
>duties explicitly defined by law.
>law states that additional duties may only be 'enforced' if additional, commensurate pay is offered.
>barbitch gets pissy finding out i get paid more per hour. And more hours.
>complains to equal employment officials.
>they come to inspect.
>supervisor responds to inquiry as follows:
>can you both please run down to cellar and bring up a keg of beer each.
>our system uses 45kg kegs. Thats about 100lbs in burger.
>4 flights of stairs.
>she cant do it.
>boss points out that loading and handling of wholesale stack from storage is not bartender duties, but 'cellarmaster' duties. My extra hours are for restocking bar when we close.
>EEO official gets pissy. Says we need to put in equipment for her.
>boss points out that business is running fine without, and also as a heritage building protected by federal law, it is a condition of our business to maintain building in its original condition - and any modifications may only be carried of by govt.
>mfw i watch in the coming months as heritage trust liberals and pay gap liberals fight for months.
>election happens
>both departments get replaced.
>comfy as fuck.
Let her have her way - let the companies prove that male and female cashiers get paid the same per hour. It will only backfire.

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No one should make more than the lowest paid employee at any company. It is a fiducuiary responsibility to the stockholders, who will then share in what's left over.

It is proof that Kamala Harris does not have the intellectual firepower to be President. There are women out there who are smart and capable. Maybe not as many as men, but still some, and some day one of those women will run

Bro, if this was your final proof where the fuck you been for the last 10-20 years?

someone should have pointed out to her that she's demanding that women be treated the same as disabled people simply because she doesn't want to hit the gym twice a week

Amazing what a roll in the hay and no gag reflex will get you

They already done this at Google and Apple and they found out they were paying women way more.
As for "the same amount of work" men run circles around women in work load and complexity of tasks.


Corporations are already doing this, it’s already illegal to pay men more than women just on the basis of sex and has been since 1963. Also if they were paying women less, why wouldn’t they increase their labor budgets by 20% by just firing all the men and replacing them with women?

It's just ongoing prove that they're biologically/genetically incapable of understanding the concept of responsibility and their thoughts always betray that as she thinks of more ways to not be held accountable for anything or to just instantly be believed than coming up with logical, convincing evidence.

It's the same female tatic with everything they lie about -- they lie for ulterior motives and they're trying to get something. When this is found out, instead of providing the simple truth, they'll make up some reason why doing the simplest bit of work on their part to prove what they're saying is wrong and affront to them.

Imagine this:

>Woman: I'm being paid less than you.

>Man: That's awful, let me see you're check so I can confirm.


Do you think she's telling the truth here? Or she wants you to believe she's underpaid so she can get away with asking for three for four times more than what she's worth?

>you make a claim, but the burden of proof is on someone else
ah yes


Bro I'm so sick of this. In every job I've been expected to be super strong, while the women aren't, but the women never get treated like shit for it. I'm just scrawny and had trouble gaining muscle my whole life, I've been hitting the gym consistently again for 8 months and gain three pounds. A lot of it has to do with being poor going without food for long times.

I've done barbacking before when I was at my poorest and smallest. I couldn't physically handle it. I'll admit that. Females won't admit that. But if I couldn't lift a keg and asked for help I was in the wrong and shamed for it. If the females had to get fucking three of them to do what I could barely do and get shamed for, they weren't shamed for it. They weren't told they need to go lift. They weren't told to look for another job instead...

That's just want irks me. It's like we can have them in the work place but they don't catch equal slack when they can't do the job like we can -- that's a other work place issue here.

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And when they do, and the evidence shows they have been providing equal pay this whole time, she's going to walk back her statements and concede that she was wrong, right?
