Tbh user I have a distaste for christianity now that I've realized how it was forced upon my people. I will research more about it later after I have learned more about my own beliefs.
How many of us are pagan?
Show flag, also the old gods are part of your blood.
I'm the same way user but I do it in private for now.
Pagan because it speaks to me more than that shitty religion those brits brought to my country
So you go Celtic? Irish or Scottish? Is there anything left of it?
And he won't stop making D&C threads.
I wish he'd get a Gf and make White children, but pagan girls tend to be lesbos.
There is no superstition and there are no magic skydadies.
only children believe in skydaddies
Why snownigger shit that wasn't even recorded instead of the grecoroman pantheon?
Looks like we have a brainlet here who's never heard of the sagas.
>muh D&C
I'm trying to find commonality and knowledge user. I already have a white gf , shes not pagan though just an atheist.