Is Adhd overdiagnosed?

Is Adhd overdiagnosed?

Do any of you have adhd or take adhd medication?

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made up bullshit to sell mind control drugs to children


I bet a poll would reveal most here have it

I take adderall because I'm a lazy worthless fat depressed piece of shit who never leaves the house if I don't.
I take adderall and suddenly I have a clean house, do well at work, work out 5 times a week, when I went to college I got straight A's without really even trying. Just paying attention in class was enough for me to get good grades. I have hobbies, I spend more time with friends and family.

your results may vary, and yeah it's probably over prescribed. I don't know if I have ADHD or melancholic depression or whatever.
But my life sure did turn around.
Again, I'm not saying it's for everyone. But that's my story at least.

Soda and candy instead of fruit.

No. Autism is.

Attached: Autistics commit 50 percent of crimes despite being 3 percent of the population.jpg (620x520, 214K)

How do they diagnose a brain problem without taking a spinal fluid biopsy, no neural scans, no xrays or imaging of any kinds?

It's more like a survey in a commercial. you know how to answer the questions to win the prize, the only issue is how poorly can you raise your children so that the doc finally gives you those sweet little fat-melters?

It doesn't even exist lol

If you don't treat ADHD there is a 100% chance of drug or alcohol addiction

And 50% chance of being unemployed at any given time

Thread theme

Nope. It's associated with low iq

I took Ritalin, the serotonin rush looked like cocaïne in better.

Honest answer user. Any negatives during you time with it?

Not iq it's executive function low dose amphetamines brings the patients up to the level of their peers


Your figures was pulled out of the same place that your shit comes from.

I got strung out on it when I was 19. My girlfriend had been on adderall her whole life so she was prescribed 60 mg a day of the IR. I was working two jobs so she started sharing them with me and I instantly loved them. Took them nonstop for years. When we broke up I was 21.

I had good insurance from my job so I went to the “attention specialist” and took their test that’s easy as fuck to cheat. They even drug tested me and I had adderall in my system and told the doctor I didn’t know how. I literally walked out with a script for Vyvanse. I took it for another 6 months while also buying adderall IRs and taking them.

I was pretty much geeked out from them 24/7, skinny as fuck, and had psychosis. Finally quit them cold turkey and it was hell.

Kids should not be taking this shit!

Mental health issues are actually more common in intelligent and creative people

Mine's 128 and they wanted me to take it anyway. Made me super aggressive though so I threw it in the pond behind the house every day. Then the doc was mad cause I tested negative and accused me of selling it. Then he accused my mother of stealing it after that. 20 years later we laugh about it. Doctors suck.

it doesn't exist, so yes

Its all Jew psychological identity politics BS.

i have it. all my life. it ruined my life its horrible is sucks im a retard im a fuck up i cant sit still i cant pay attention. i was put in sped classes now im a sped for life. i tried meds once but it turns you into a zombie but im not gonna lie it was making my brain function normally and i started passing but no i got myself off of them and i think the side effects of quiting fucked me up even more. am now NEET. i woudlnt wish this on my worst enemy

ADHD is most likely a symptom of Mercury poisoning from vaccines so

kys mutt. Did you get your latest injection for down syndrome yet?

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lie invented by the americans to bring more money to the kike overlords

I was diagnosed and took medicine in my high school, i felt like i was losing my personality and after 2 months the focus was hard to keep again so i gave up taking it, i got used to live with that problem, like everything in life you can overcome it with will

ADHD is real. It should be cured with eugenics though ... not "love" or whatever.

Yes better they fail everything they do in life and become homeless

were you diagnosed by a psychologist?

Kys memeflag kike

sleep issues and cigs
When I take adderall I want to smoke cigs
when I go a day without it, cigs are gross, they dry out my mouth, they smell and taste bad, I feel like I want to pass out after smoking half of one. With adderall cigs are like sweet sweet nectar of the Gods. Stimulant making me want more Stimulants, I guess because high cravings for coffee too. I stopped taking adderall for a year, I stopped smoking cigarettes, but my life was falling the fuck apart. I could sleep literally anywhere.

Also, I took them as prescribed. Just one per day. Some people like to abuse them, but I took two in one day once and it just dont like being THAT wired. It's uncomfortable. Sometimes I do give myself a day off just to reset.
Monday - saturday, there is a trace amount still in your system left over from each day, if you don't take a day off every week or every other week, you may get "mad scientist"y.

Also, you might be a little "Too eager" to do things. stuff like buying something, or volunteering to do things that you later say "fuck why did I say I wanted to do that?". It's subtle, but I mean, compared to me with none in my system for a month, versus me on it, yeah you make different decisions. But me without it is soooo fucking lazy and worthless that 99% of the time, me on it makes way better decisions. Also, as you can tell from the length of this post, it makes you real chatty. You got a lot to say and will absolutely dominate real life conversations if you don't watch for it.

I telling you untreated ADHD with any level of severity will result in unemployment constant failure drug addiction!

Born in 84, put on ritalin when I was around 9 untill I was about 17. Early 90s is when that shit came out. I had real problems because of that stuff. Super weird anxiety issues in my teens. I took myself off of it and it took a long time to get back to normal. Speed is not good for young kids no matter how the pharmaceutical companies package it.
Side note: in my late 20s I took mushrooms and it profoundly helped me finally getting my shit together. I'm 100% happier these days.

This is exactly how I am and this is what pain killers do to me. Would adderall be the same? What would I need to say?

so being on meds made you act impulsively?

> being constantly overestimulated by highly interative digital content in video-games, social media, TV and all sorts of bullshit
> Virtually no brain exercise through non-dynamic activity like reading or formula solving.
> Shitty sleeping routine

> muh attention span is lowering... help. I need buy shekelstein pills.

I took Ritalin starting out as a young boy, it was alright and made me focus on my work, later in life when I was a teenager I took both Vyvanse and Adderall, I became more and more depressed when I took those so I started to take Melatonin for sleeping, made me sleep but made me more depressed so I just stopped entirely and here I am today

just went to the doctor
told him I can't remember the last time I ever had a good day.
Not that I was having a terrible "boo-hoo I'm sad" time, but I was just so emotionally dead and didn't want to do anything. Bupropion/Wellbutrin didn't do shit for me, Ritalin made me pissy/irritable, Adderall fit me like a glove.

Meh, again just totally anecdotal, but I was diagnosed with it by multiple doctors in multiple states growing up, but absolutely refused to take the medication because I didn't want to use a crutch to get through daily life. Stumbled through hs and college due to never being able to focus on anything and finally caved after graduation.
I regret not just taking the shit during my school years desu, it's basically allowed me to see far more of the potential I believed I had but could never properly execute on for years.

>this is what pain killers do to me.
whoa, that's crazy.
Just look up the symptoms of what adderall is prescribed for and put the symptoms in your own words. A wikipedia/webmd search or two away from the answer

Uh oh, I think I have ADHD...

At the end of the day ADHD is real and not treating it destroys lives although USA massively over diagnoses

>so being on meds made you act impulsively?
no not really. Not radically. How can I describe it...
....okay, well I've had this tree limb be dangerously close to the powerlines outside my house for awhile. I've been seeing it grow and get worse. if a big storm came it could possibly rip the line from the house.
I took an adderall this morning, and then I went out and cut down the limb off the tree.
But if I didn't take an adderall this morning, that shit wasn't going to happen.
Not so impulsively that it would ever be something that I wouldn't morally or rationally want. Nothing crazy. It just makes you have an industriousness or a "Let's just get this fixed/let's just get this done now" kind of mentality.

Yes, sometimes it will I cannot deny it. But for me, being overeager on occasion is far less of a problem than having decision paralysis for everything, and not having the motivation to follow through on any task, academic or otherwise.

this said it a lot better than I did.

I take addies. I went into the doctor at 34 years of age and said I need something to keep me focused and they prescribed me 40mg per day.

So now I take one, the other one I crush it up and do a couple of fat lines. Really gets the day started off right.

i was given drugs for it just because i was 8 years old and i didnt want to do school work that was designed for braindead niggers who can barely count to 5. i was years ahead of my fucking grade.

i tested in the 99th percentile in math

gas the fucking kikes

thats very interesting to here. adhd meds are supposed to make you less impulsive, but you guys say it made you do things that you wouldn't have done if you weren't on meds.

>from never using it
>60 mg a day of the IR
christ, boy

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You only succeeded because of the drugs

>UN kike shill flag

the kids who took the drugs have higher fucking rates of fucking drug addiction you fucking sack of shit kike

Pain killers and alcohol act as stimulants for me, get me pumped to cook and clean/what ever needs to be done. Coffee makes me sleepy. Thanks, I'll look that up, even though I would probably seem like I was lying anyway. It's hard to lie.

based leaf makes fpbp true

>but you guys say it made you do things that you wouldn't have done if you weren't on meds
yeah, work, academics, volunteering - not going out and fucking hookers with no condom

Good to hear they're helping you for the better. Something seems to have shifted my brain which has affected my way of thinking, which is scary considering it started this this year. Things are fuzzy and bad impulse control. I'll see if I can try to start with aderall and hope it benefits me as well.

>amphetamine made me perform better, i wish i started sooner!

you're all fucking retards

well see I actually had a problem, so everything I said was genuine.

my grades went up a lot when i stopped taking the drugs you disgusting sack of shit

The evidence says the complete opposite

When I was a kid I took Ritalin. I bounced off the walls and when I took that crap I calmed waaay down. But than I decided to stop in high school and I've been pretty chill since. 26 now

its literally fucking normal and documented that painkillers and low to moderate doses of alcohol act as stimulants in regular people

holy fuck you tards all self diagnosing "boy this drug sure feels great i guess theres something wrong with me and i need it!"

kill yourselves unironically

Then you probably never had the disorder USA has a problem with diagnosing every bad kid

youre the retard
amphetamines are the cheat codes to life

>this kike actually expects me to believe if 1 in 10 kids DONT take amphetamines every day they'll grow up to be drug addicts

and an early grave

just don't be like
this guy
start on like, 15mg or something.
I was taking 30mg for a bit but I told them to back it down to 25mg.
You'll never sleep if you go from nothing to 60mg extended release right to the face immediately.

It's just supposed to give you focus and energy.
It's not supposed to make you lose your fucking mind, never eat, never sleep, feel like superman. You'll go bat shit crazy real fast like that.

And some people, to be honest, has the exact opposite effect. Some people it chills them the fuck out and slogs their brain down. Basically if you take one in the morning at 8am and you don't even begin to feel tired until 10am the next day, yea...too much.

oops, I mean, don't be like
this guy


ever heard of organised sports?

Is he going to be ok?

u mad bro?

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yeah then follow my advice in
start slow and dial it in

>low doses
I see that. Sorry, user.

Some peoples brains simply aren't stimulated by modern life why do you think there are constant happening threads people with ADHD are constantly bored by life so seek drugs and alcohol while hoping for happenings

I got diagnosed at 21 and Vyvanse helped me quite a bit through college and my current employment. High school was too easy, so I had no need for it.
I think the problem with children taking ADHD medication is that it's imposed by authority. When authority demands you take drugs to comply, clearly it will result in resistance and resentment. With ADHD you must believe you have some sort of problem that's preventing you from achieving your potential, not have it forced on you by parents because teachers don't like your behavior.

The low dose amphetamines attempt pretty successfully to bring them up to a more normal level so boring shit becomes doable

except for adhd

if you never had to work with kids
shut the fuck up on your thoughts on ADHD

Could you explain this vehement opposition to ADHD medication? Its not for everyone, I really do believe US over prescribes it. However, it's helped me tremendously with overcoming my seemingly endless lethargy and lack of desire to do anything, and also helped me realize that I wasn't academically retarded, rather I could not focus on any subject for longer than 10 minutes.

Yes, in a way it's a bandaid fix, and I depend on medication to focus and get shit done. But you tell me, what should I have done instead of finally just taking the meds? Stay in the sea of endless confusion, lethargy, and reclusiveness with no answers? It's not ideal but we all do what we have to do to live.

have you ever seen american psycho?

taking amphetamine to build a life and do things that you dont really enjoy doesnt seem like a great idea

It's as I wrote They didn't independently decide they have a problem that they need help fixing, instead authority told them to take some medication.

This makes a lot of sense, perhaps even if I had complied with parents and doctors during my formative years, the resentment from feeling like I was forced to take Adderall might have nullified any benefits gained from increased focus. Who knows-- I know that when I decided of my own volition to take my prescription during a desperate period of my life, it helped me focus and get a job and do well in places I never thought I could have thrived in.

It's part of a civilised society we need to learn focus be bored most of time for people with ADHD this is unbearable

>It's part of a civilised society we need to learn focus be bored most of time for people with ADHD this is unbearable

jesus christ how many drugs are you on dude

>Its not for everyone, I really do believe US over prescribes it. However, it's helped me tremendously with overcoming my seemingly endless lethargy and lack of desire to do anything
I know that feel

>Could you explain this vehement opposition to ADHD medication?
I totally understand where people are coming from. I made the choice, to address a problem that I acknowledged, I'm assuming it was the same for you.
But to have parents/authority figures push it on a young developing mind, who doesn't know shit about how medicine works, yeah that is pretty horrible. They give them too much and it causes psychosis, or it has the opposite effect of what you described and it chills them out so much its like it turns them into zombies.

So from a person who never has any experience with it, from the outside looking it, of course it looks like a bunch of pharmaceutical kikes trying to brainwash and drug goyim to accept a hard totalitarian modern hellscape we call a society. The examples of it having negative effects are so tragic and stick to the mind so well that it paints their entire perception of it.
I wouldn't get too worked up over it. They are right to hate it being over prescribed for the sake of shekels and they are right to hate it being pushed on kids. But they just don't know your situation and how it helps you. I wouldn't take it personally.

Quick recap of webm?

define crime

>Quick recap of webm?
the version with sound makes it much better, desu

I was prescribed Ritalin and Wellbutrin when I was 5, nearing 6. The red flag that got them to suspect I had ADHD was, I was frequently clearing my throat in class, and they took that as a sign I was 'acting out' for attention. In reality, my mom was a heavy smoker and I had chronic bronchitis.

The test they used to diagnose me was fucking priceless. The doctor said he was going to throw an imaginary ball to me, and he wanted me to throw it back. Okay. We did this. Then he said he was going to kick the imaginary ball to me, and wanted me to kick it back. So I go to kick, and I move my leg arm to counterweight my right leg, and he said "No, I want you to kick the ball, not throw it." I said "I know that, this is a kicking motion." He said "You're moving your arm, though." I said "Of course I am, that's part of the kick. Have you ever played soccer? Or kickball? Or punted a football?" He took notes that I was incapable of following his instructions or staying to a topic of conversation, so I had ADHD.

Based on that I was put on formiddable psychotropic drugs for about 5 months there, during my formative years.

Stop vaccinating people

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kids shouldn't be put on that shit, but holy shit does adderall work.

17% of americans are on some form of psychiatric medication.


I've taken many different meds for my ADHD and I can attest to this stimulant wanting feeling. I'm the same way with caffeine, it is incredible taking my Foquest and Wellbutrin with a redbull or a strong coffee. It's like I'm not dead inside for a few good hours.

I started realizing during highschool and college that something was wrong with me. My attention span, my motivation and my ability to manage time and plan ahead were all seriously deficient and I could not comprehend why I could just execute stuff I wanted to do, felt the need to do.
I felt like something was holding me back, like a wall of bricks preventing me to move forward.
Later I learned my father had ADHD, which he discovered at 48, and I eventually ended up at the same conclusion.
Started taking medication (Biphentin) and it changed my life. Motivation, attention, I was "there". I could live my life like I wanted to without feeling like something was holding me back. It was incredibly liberating.

> They give them too much and it causes psychosis, or it has the opposite effect of what you described and it chills them out so much its like it turns them into zombies.
Exactly, as an adult it's much easier to tune the dosages to get exactly the effect that you want. Going in as an adult you know what to expect. With children it's different. They're just being themselves and all of sudden they're put on some sort of amphetamine.

Any side-effects you deal with as an adult, you gauge whether it's worth the focus effects or not.
As a child though, are you even able to do such a cost-benefits analysis? Or are you just compelled by authority to keep taking it even you don't like the side-effects?

Honestly, children shouldn't be prescribed it. Only adults should be able to get a prescription.

ADHD is misdiagnosed and most people don't know what it is (Although it's getting better nowadays)
ADHD in 13 minutes

yeah that would make sense to me. I think I was 19 when I went on it.

>As a child though, are you even able to do such a cost-benefits analysis?
No, it's horrific. It's just "mommy makes me take this pill" and then an hour later "I'M SO ANGRY/HYPER/MY THOUGHTS WONT STOP!"
And they don't even think "oh it's from the medication"
Not only can they not do the cost/benefit. They aren't even aware of the cause and effect.
What the fuck does a 6 year old know about fucking amphetamines?
It's just the same to them as their Flintstones vitamins.

Here we have a meth addict (adhd medication is meth in pill form)