What's next for her?

Will she finally settle down and pop out babies? Will they be white or mud blood abominations?

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I'll be making a similar statement on my twitter in 2023. don't forget to check it out

She's going to start doing porn, time to shut down the right wing stuff.

About time. I want to see that tight boipucci

Well, he fag film crew is going to ruin her. So, she isn’t really leaving politics to “become a better person”

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Oh, so she's running for the hills eh?

What about Jessu?

Attached: jess.webm (852x480, 2.88M)

Jesus fucking christ i would nut so deep in that it would come out of his nose

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God I want to impregnate this sexual nymph. I feel bad for Laura having this succubus as a sister when she has to cover her landmine facial scars.