I am a 9/10 Chad. I am ripped, tan, tall, overall very good looking. My major is Comp Sci with a minor in business marketing and business admin. I am blackpilled beyond normie comprehension. I also have a girlfriend, of 5 years who I have fully red and blackpilled, Level 8 based, and understands fully her duty as a woman. She is about a 8.5-8.9 when she goes all out with make up and all that. She is very smart as well, a true blonde with blue eyes, and extremely loyal. However, I know I can do better on the attractive level and I know I can red pill and black pill virtually any woman. My current girlfriend is also older then me by a year. Do I break up with her and find a more attractive much younger women when i'm older and rich to create more attractive offspring in the long term genetic run?I feel a younger women would be much more fertile. Also, I do not wish to have any children until I am financially capable of sending all 6 to any school of their choice. Realistically I think I will be able to do that when I am 30-32. If I marry my current gf she will be 33 or 34 when I will likely begin trying for children, when I know at that age I could marry a 24 year old. Should I stick with my current gf and plan on marrying her? Or should I break up with her and shoot for a 10 I know I can marry. Thanks in advance. Much love.
You're not attractive if you browse Jow Forums quit lying nigger
Kevin Cox
Cooper Hernandez
>Shut the fuck up no one attractive talks like you do nor do they have pics like you have in the OP saved unless they are gay
Low IQs such as this degenerate please dont respond. It is a waste of everyone's time.
Aiden Harris
>You're not attractive if you browse Jow Forums quit lying nigger.
I just want advice. It doesn't matter what you believe I am
Ian Lewis
Everyone laugh at this virgin who can't reply to posts. He's some 20 year old kid acting like a 40 year old career man when he has NONE of his shit sorted aside from having a gf of questionable attractiveness
Josiah Reyes
>suffer severe brain damage and become retarded? >become
Lol I don't care what you think I am. I just want advice
Jaxon Russell
Dude don't be a piece of shit selfish cunt and atleast.knock.her up and pretend you are gonna have the nice big family with her and then dip and find the hot 20yo. Atleast have fun and give her something to keep forever she will be grateful
I think being an actual retard would be nice at this point, completely unaware of all the bullshit going on. Kicking it in special ed with your retarded friends.
Hunter Ramirez
you're right. it is selfish. But I know she would find another great white guy to marry and get knocked up anyway and have a large family. Its not like I lose her to the spics or kangs
Jaxon Reyes
cool story bro.
Oliver Perry
Matthew Parker
Here's my advice. Go to your local gun store, buy one, go home, and kys
Jordan Mitchell
Yup...if by 1/1000 chance you are honest which i doubt..stay with your women and impregnate her immediately pussy
>has a loyal gf >wants to throw it away for what will most likely be a whore Go for a new gf, let some other user have the one you've got.
Charles Murphy
If you have to claim you’re a chad, you’re not a chad.
Thomas Miller
this is the most manlet post ever
David Morgan
Tan? why would you shitskin yourself????? Yahoo's have tattoo's
Joseph Martin
Making this way to complicated just start nutting in white girls # lebensborn
Robert Sullivan
Married man, 2 kids, 1 on the way, former CS + economics major.
Loyalty should be highly valued in a woman. As long as she is still young enough to bear many children, why waste time in the courting process, rather than getting married and starting to raise a family. Also, you don’t need to wait until you’re 100% financially secure to have children. There are no guarantees with finances, but there are biological risks to waiting, even for males.
Good luck user. Hide your power level and make plans to move to the PNW at some point. See you in the ethnostate.
Nathan Price
Marry her and another woman you faggot. Polygamy is based if you can afford it.
>I am a 9/10 Chad. I am ripped, tan, tall, overall very good looking. gay as fuck >My major is Comp Sci with a minor in business marketing and business admin. basic bitch job >I am blackpilled beyond normie comprehension. I also have a girlfriend, of 5 years mutually exclusive >Do I break up with her and find a more attractive much younger women when i'm older and rich to create more attractive offspring in the long term genetic run? you're dumb as a box of rocks so either way it's going to end up bad for you >Also, I do not wish to have any children until I am financially capable of sending all 6 to any school of their choice. sending your kids to college? oh shit, we gotta a real REDPILLED basedboy over here! >Much love. gtfo
If you think your kids need college youre stupid. If you dont understand the only real purpose of a "gf" is to have children youre stupid and not redpilled at all.
Josiah Kelly
Does this look like reddit nigger
Gavin Roberts
break up with her spare her the pain of being married to a limp dick like urself . and then kill urself.
Kevin Jackson
Nobody summed up like that would ask us for advice. Shut the fuck up incel and jerk off to white women taking BBC like you usually do.
First off, this post doesn't reflect well on you at all. You should be with this girl for the rest of your life. She already knows you in a way no one else will, and you know her the same. You should be less concerned with which school your children attend, although that's important, and more concerned with the time you can spend with them and the quality of your relationship with them. Your post reads like an odd wannabe redpilled chad who is still completely bought in to clownworld. Why wait so long to have kids? Why is being witht he most attractive woman possible so important? Why is being rich so important? That's all your programming. You're young and thinking about your future, so it's entirely forgivable that you're thinking these things. But acting on this little fantasy you have would be completely retarded, and if you did that, your current girlfriend would be better off without you. Love your woman, create a family, nurture it, provide for them, and the undoing of the kike world order will come about from that.
Let me give you some real advice, most of the lurkers here are fat Cheetos fingered virgin incels anyway.
If you choose the safe way and stay with your current gf, you’ll regret it later and even resent her for it. Over time you’ll only think about the hot girls you “could’ve had,” if you had just dumped her sooner. Sounds like you’re not that attracted to her anyway to be contemplating this, and she’s not going to get any more attractive over time.
So I’d say dump her, and if you’re a “Chad” like you say you are, it shouldn’t be difficult for you to find another gf.
Grayson Fisher
Dump her now so you dont waste her time
Ian Harris
If she is older you will be on her life schedule, not yours. My guess is that you will eventually want a youger woman and that will cause problems in this relationship.
Dominic Thomas
if you want to leave her for another woman you're basically nigger tier. leave her because you dishonor her by being with her nigger.
Lucas Collins
find a younger one untill it's too late, buddy. best pic is virgin. marry her and make more kids, simple as that.
Julian Wright
>calling a nigger a kang >beta incel nigger detected
Well! That clears that up!
Jordan James
tl;dr You need Jesus. Girlfriend = 5 years = degenerate & 6 kids after enough money... this is the worst bait ever, and I fell for it and am responding. Read the King James Bible, repent.
Jesus, imagine how easy life is being that good looking. I'm 5/10 and everyday is suffering.
Nolan Taylor
>She is about a 8.5-8.9 when she goes all out with make up and all that
Sounds like she's pretty ugly man...I'd dump her and quick.
Jose Cook
Are you even capable of falling in love? Because you will need to model a loving relationship to your children so they grow up understanding choosing a life partner isn’t like flicking through a catalog
Landon Reed
1.You make your own mind up about what to do. Thats what being a man is. However, to properly make a decision you must have the facts. So; 2. There is an escalating, non-linear correlation between birth defects and age of the mother. Simply put, a 35 y.o mother is more than 5 times statistically more likely to have kids with health/development issues than a 25y.o. Correlation is not Causation. I cannot speak to causation, but do with that information as you will.